Application Junior Society Form PDF Details

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) Application Packet presents a unique opportunity for students to showcase their academic excellence, leadership, service, and character traits, paving the way for potential induction into this prestigious society. With a deadline of Wednesday, November 30th, applicants are required to submit a comprehensive packet, which promises a thorough review by the counseling services, specifically by Mrs. Reed. The application mandates a structured assembly starting with the Application Packet Cover Page, followed by a personal essay, the Student Activity Information Sheet, and concludes with the essential Teacher Recommendation Form. This careful compilation seeks to demonstrate the candidate’s noteworthy achievements and personal growth over the past two years in areas such as scholarship, co-curricular activities, leadership, and service, underscoring the importance of self-reflection and genuine self-presentation. Furthermore, the essay portion invites students to delve into personal character traits and their impacts on the school and community, thereby emphasizing the role of an NJHS member in promoting positive change. The recommendation form, requiring signatures from both core and elective teachers, serves as a testament to the student's overall suitability for this honor, assessed beyond mere academic performance to include citizenship, character, and service, thereby holding applicants to the society’s high standards of excellence.

Form NameApplication Junior Society Form
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesapplication honor njhs form, cover page njhs download, junior honor society form, njhs application example

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National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

Application Packet Cover Page

***This Application Packet is due no later than Wednesday, November 30th***

(Hand in to Mrs. Reed in Counseling Services. She will check that you have included all parts of your application)

Please assemble your packet in the following order. Make sure your name is on every

page! Staple in the upper left hand corner.

Application Packet Cover Page


Student Activity Information Sheet

Teacher Recommendation Form

I understand that completion of this packet does not guarantee selection into the National Junior Honor Society and I verify that all information presented is both accurate and complete.



Student Name (first & last; please print)




Student Signature


Name of Candidate:___________________________


National Junior Honor Society

Student Activity Information Sheet


Please complete all sections of this sheet

Please print clearly or type (you can download this form off the RHMS website if you would like to type your answers)

Brag about yourself, don’t be modest!

If you have more items than space provided, please list only the most important. You can use your essay portion for details and other accomplishments that you would also like to share.


Neatly list all honors and awards earned for academic excellence in the last two years. (You may include honor roll, straight A’s, and your GPA.)

Honor or Award




Ex. Earned all’s A’s

1st quarter of 6th grade













2.Co-Curricular Activities Neatly list all in-school and community activities in which you have participated in the past two years. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, major accomplishments, etc.




Ex. Recycling Club

Made posters & collected recycling

6th Grade






















Name of Candidate:___________________________



Neatly list all leadership experience you have had at school or in the community in the last two years. Include positions in which you were responsible for directing or motivating others. (Ex: elected position of the SGA, club officer, scouting, youth group, team captain, etc.)

Leadership Role



Ex. SGA Class Representative

Raised $200 for Pennies for Patients

5th Grade




















Neatly list all service activities in which you have participated in the last two years. These can be service projects with a group in or out of school or done as an individual. Generally, these are done for or on the behalf of others (not including immediate family) for no compensation (payment). Please include the name and contact information of an adult who can verify your service activities.

Service Activity, Organization,

Dates/# of


Contact Phone Number

and Location



or Email

Ex. Collected and distributed

November, 5

Joe Smith

coats at Agape Homeless Shelter,




Silver Spring

December 5































National Junior Honor Society

Essay Question: Character and Citizenship

Think of three character traits you possess. Examples could include: bravery, joyfulness, punctuality, kindness, loyalty, cheerfulness, honesty, thankfulness, patience, humor, sharing, understanding, tolerance, cooperation, perseverance, fairness, generosity, etc.. Briefly explain how you have exhibited these three characteristics and how they have benefited your school and community. Please provide a few descriptive examples to support each trait (you can use your Student Activity Information Sheet to help you!) Next, explain how these character traits could serve your school and community if you are inducted into the National Junior Honor Society.

Don’t be bashful when explaining your accomplishments; be proud of what you have done!


Essay format (4 paragraphs): -Introductory sentence/s

-Paragraph 1-Your three character traits and supporting examples

-Paragraph 2-Connection to how these traits will benefit others as a NJHS member

-Concluding sentence/s

Please type your essay, double-spaced, in 12 point font.

Please keep your essay to approximately 150-250 words (this is about 1 to 1 ½

pages double spaced) To check your word count In Microsoft Word, highlight the text, go to “Tools,” and choose “Word Count

Be creative!!!

Proofread!!!!! Use proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling!

Make sure your first and last name and grade level are in the top right corner of your essay.

Character is who you are when no one is looking.

Citizenship is your commitment to your school, neighborhood, city, state, nation, and world.

Name of Candidate: _______________________________

Grade: ________

National Junior Honor Society

Teacher Recommendation Form

This student is eligible for membership in the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Students must obtain four teacher signatures, two of which must be from current or last year’s core (English,

Reading, Math, World Studies, or Science) teachers, one from a past core teacher, and one from a current or past elective teacher. Students, please be considerate by requesting recommendations at a convenient time.

Selection for membership is determined by the Faculty Council and is based on outstanding scholarship (3.85 cumulative GPA), citizenship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities.

If you would recommend the candidate, according to the above stated qualifications- without reservation, please sign in the space below.

1. I recommend this candidate, without reservation, for membership in the NJHS.


Teacher SignaturePrint Name


Current or last year’s Core Subject Taught

2. I recommend this candidate, without reservation, for membership in the NJHS.


Teacher SignaturePrint Name


Current or last year’s Core Subject Taught

3. I recommend this candidate, without reservation, for membership in the NJHS.


Teacher SignaturePrint Name


Past Core Subject Taught

4. I recommend this candidate, without reservation, for membership in the NJHS.


Teacher SignaturePrint Name


Current or past Elective Subject Taught

How to Edit Application Junior Society Form Online for Free

national honor society application can be filled out online in no time. Simply make use of FormsPal PDF editor to finish the job without delay. The editor is continually updated by our team, acquiring useful features and turning out to be greater. By taking a few simple steps, you are able to start your PDF editing:

Step 1: Click on the orange "Get Form" button above. It'll open up our pdf editor so that you could begin filling out your form.

Step 2: With the help of this advanced PDF tool, you are able to do more than merely fill in blanks. Try all the functions and make your documents seem professional with custom text incorporated, or adjust the original input to perfection - all that supported by the capability to incorporate your personal pictures and sign the document off.

This document will need you to enter some specific details; to ensure accuracy, remember to bear in mind the tips further down:

1. The national honor society application usually requires certain information to be typed in. Be sure the next fields are completed:

Writing segment 1 in application junior honor society

2. Just after this selection of blank fields is completed, go on to type in the relevant information in all these: Student Signature, and Date.

application junior honor society writing process outlined (part 2)

As to Date and Student Signature, be sure you don't make any mistakes here. These are surely the key ones in this PDF.

3. This next section will be focused on Name of Candidate Grade, National Junior Honor Society, Student Activity Information Sheet, Directions Please complete all, Honor or Award, Ex Earned alls As, Date, and st quarter of th grade - fill out these fields.

The best way to fill in application junior honor society portion 3

4. It's time to fill in the next segment! In this case you have all of these Ex Earned alls As, st quarter of th grade, CoCurricular Activities Neatly, Ex Recycling Club, Activity, Accomplishments, Made posters collected recycling, and Year th Grade form blanks to do.

Filling in segment 4 in application junior honor society

5. Now, the following last part is what you have to complete before finalizing the PDF. The blanks at issue include the following: .

this field, next field, and other fields in application junior honor society

Step 3: Revise what you've inserted in the blanks and then press the "Done" button. After starting a7-day free trial account with us, you will be able to download national honor society application or send it via email directly. The form will also be easily accessible through your personal account page with all your changes. We don't sell or share any information you enter when working with documents at FormsPal.