Arkansas Form 1818 PDF Details

In the state of Arkansas, individuals and agencies dedicated to the service and maintenance of commercial weighing and measuring devices are required to navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance, as embodied by the Arkansas 1818 form. This form, a critical document issued by the Arkansas Bureau of Standards, serves as an application for registration under Arkansas Code 4-18-308, delineating the necessary steps for validating the expertise of servicepersons and agencies. With an emphasis on safeguarding public trust and ensuring accuracy in commercial transactions, the form comprises sections for personal and agency information, service categories including scale and meter services, renewal details, and an explicit requirement for current calibration certificates. Applicants must also attest to their familiarity with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44 guidelines, a cornerstone for maintaining standardization. Beyond administrative details, the form extends into the realms of personnel qualification, listing required evidence of training or experience, and underscores the principle that maintaining an up-to-date roster of servicepersons is not just procedural but essential for operational integrity. The Arkansas 1818 form, thus, stands as a testament to the state's commitment to precision and reliability in commercial measurements, a foundational aspect of fair commerce and consumer protection.

Form NameArkansas Form 1818
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namestolerances, E-Mail, Applicant, certification

Form Preview Example

FORM 1818 (REV. 8/11/05)


4608 West 61st Street

Little Rock, Arkansas 72209

Phone 501-570-1159 Fax 501-562-7605


Application is hereby made under the provisions of Arkansas Code 4-18-308. Requirements for the registration of servicepersons and service agencies for commercial weighing and measuring devices. To perform certain weights and measures services in respect to the competence presented for consideration by the Director.

Please check all that apply:

Scale Service

Meter Service

LPG Meter Service

New Applicant


Important Note:

Please attach current Certificate(s) of Calibration for all testing equipment.

Service Agency:













E-Mail Address:












Has the applicant ever been registered as a service agency or serviceperson in Arkansas?

NO YES Reg. No._______

Does applicant have a working knowledge of the specifications and tolerances in NIST Handbook 44? NO


List all testing equipment applicant has in possession or available for use:






NOTICE: Field certification of test measures may not be recognized by other states.

Under agency registration, identification of individual servicepersons is required. Each registered company will maintain a current list of servicepersons employed by them on file with the Arkansas Bureau of Standards. We/I understand the Arkansas Bureau of Standards may revoke the registration for just cause. By signing this application below, applicant agrees to provide the General Code and applicable codes of the most current edition of NIST Handbook 44 to each registered servicepersons listed on the back of this form.

(Signature of Responsible Person)


(Printed Name of Responsible Person)








(Signature of Witness)


(Printed Name of Witness)



NOTE: Provide appropriate evidence or references as to applicant’s qualifications by training and/or experience on reverse.

SERVICE: Category A Scales

Category B Scales

Category C Scales

Category D Scales

Do not complete this section



Retail Meters

Reg. Number______

Expiration Date_______

Wholesale Meters

Reg. Number______

Expiration Date_______

LPG Meters

Reg. Number______

Expiration Date_______

Scale Expiration Date______________ Reg. Number_________

Date of Calibration of Standards: _____________



Date Certificate Issued: ______________________

Recommendations of Arkansas W & M Official:





W & M Official Signature

List Applicant’s experience including dates:


Applicant’s Training:

Other qualifications of Applicant:

Servicepersons employed by applicant (NAMES ONLY):