Bank Customer Updation Form PDF Details

Keeping bank details current is essential for ensuring smooth financial transactions and maintaining compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations. The Bank Customer Updation Form plays a crucial role in this process by collecting comprehensive information from account holders. This form requires individuals to provide personal details such as their full name, customer ID, and account number, along with crucial identification numbers including PAN (Permanent Account Number) and Aadhaar. It delves into employment details, categorizing individuals based on their occupation—whether they are salaried employees, self-employed professionals, students, retirees, or fall into other specified categories. Moreover, the form gathers data on the source of funds, gross annual income, and residential status, ensuring thorough scrutiny for both financial integrity and accuracy of personal records. It addresses the need for updating contact details and mandates the submission of self-attested copies of identity and address proof, reinforcing the bank's commitment to upholding stringent KYC norms. Additionally, the stipulation to attach a recent photograph with a signature across it personalizes the verification process. By systematically breaking down information into various segments, the Bank Customer Updation Form stands as a critical tool in maintaining up-to-date, accurate customer records, pivotal for both the bank's operational integrity and the customer's financial security.

Form NameBank Customer Updation Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other nameshdfc bank kyc form, hdfc kyc application form, hdfc kyc form download, hdfc bank kyc form download pdf

Form Preview Example





























































































































































































































































































































































Form 60 .




Form 61 .










































































































































































































































































































































































































































Occu pat ion









































































Self em ployed




Ret ired


Self- em ployed prof.



Housew ife



Polit ician




St udent




Ot hers ( pls specify)

































































































I f salaried em ployed w it h




Privat e Lt d




Part nership


Propriet orship


Public Lim it ed



Public sect or



Governm ent




Mult inat ional




Ot hers ( pls specify)







Self em ployed since








Mont h























































































































Nat ure of Business




Manufact uring




Service Provider


Agricult ure



St ock Broker





Real Est at e







Ot hers. ( Pls








Dat e of I ncorporat ion







































































































































































































Type of Com pany / Firm




Sole propriet orhip




Pat nership


Public Lim it ed Co.




Privat e Lim it ed Co.




Ot hers. ( Pls
























Self em ployed professional






































































Doct or








Law yer


Archit ect





I . T. Consult ant




Ot hers. ( Pls


































































































































Source of Funds







Business I ncom e


Agricult ure



I nvest m ent I ncom e



Ot hers. ( Pls
































































































Gross Annual I ncom e



< 50,000


50,000 - 1,00,000


1,00,000 - 3,00,000





3,00,000 - 5,00,000



5,00,000 - 7,50,000



7,50,000 - 10,00,000










































































10,00,000 - 15,00,000


> 15,00,000



















































Residence Type




Ow ned




Rent al/ Leased



Ancest ral/ Fam ily



Com pany Proived









































































































































Th e r e is n o ch a n g e in m y m a ilin g a d d r e ss.







































































































I w ish t o ch a n g e m y m a ilin g a d d r e ss/ con t a ct d e t a ils a s b e low .






























































































Flat No/ Bldg Nam e



































































































































Road Nam e


































































Landm ark


































































Cit y




























PI N Code



































St at e




























Count ry


































Tel. ( O)















Ext . No.







STD Code










Tel ®



























Mobile No


































































Em ail id
































































do hereby solem nly declare t hat t he inform at ion provided above w it h respect t o m y account is up t o dat e and correct .


here by subm it a self at t est ed phot ocopy of t he follow ing as:

Address proof

I dent it y proof

Ihave also at t ached m y recent phot ograph above.

Signat ure of Account Holder

Please Affix phot o w it h

signat ure across

N ot e :

1)Please provide self at t est ed address proof even w hen t here is no change of address


I f you w ish t o m ake a change in any of your cont act det ails please fill t he appropriat e boxes given above.


I n absence of valid address proof, t he address pr oof of a close relat ive w it h w hom account holder is residing m ay be provided along w it h a declarat ion from


t he close relat ive, and t he close relat ive's id and address proof. The declarat ion should st at e t hat account holder is a close relat ive and resides at t he address


m ent ioned above.

4)Please cont act t he nearest branch t o know m ore det ails

5) * Self at t est ed copy of Aadhaar card has t o be at t ached for Aadhaar num ber updat ion. The account num ber m ent ioned in t he form above w ill be linked w it h t he Aadhaar num ber .


Sourcing Branch Nam e

Branch Code

Signat ure/ Cust om er I D Verified/ Address Change Verified

Signat ure of PB:




























Com p r e h e n siv e list of a cce p t a b le D ocu m e n t s f or p r oof of I d e n t it y & p r oof of a d d r e ss Re sid e n t I n d iv id u a ls

A. D ocu m e n t s f or e st a b lish in g p r oof of id e n t it y

1 Passport [ not expired]

2MAPI N card [ issued by NSDL]

3 PAN card

4 Elect ion/ Vot er’s card


Phot o I D card - Cent ral Governm ent or any of it s Minist ries


Phot o I D card - St at ut ory / Regulat ory aut horit ies


Phot o I D card - St at e Govt . or any of it s Minist ries


Phot o I D card - Public Sect or Undert aking ( est ablished under GOI or St at e Govt )

9Phot o I D card - St at e Govt . of J&K

10 Phot o I D card - Bar council

11 Phot o I D card - Senior Cit izen card issued by St at e/ Cent ral Govt .

12 Phot o I D card - Govt . of I ndia t o Persons of I ndian Origin [ PI O card]

13 Phot o I D card - Defence Dept / Minist ry of defence for Defence personnel & t heir dependant s

14Phot o I D card - Public Financial inst it ut ions / Public sect or banks

15Driving license - Perm anent

16Arm s License issued by t he St at e/ Cent ral Govt . of I ndia w it h phot ograph

17Pension paym ent card issued by St at e/ Cent ral Govt . of I ndia w it h phot ograph of t he applicant .

18Rat ion Card cont aining I RI S scan along w it h phot ograph .

19Phot o Credit Card

20Banker's Verificat ion as per bank’s exist ing form at

21Cast e cert ificat e issued by dist rict collect or of Meghalaya

22FRRO issued t o Tibet ian nat ionals cont aining signat ure, phot o and address of t he applicant .

23Aadhaar card / let t er issued by Governm ent of I ndia.

24NREGA card.

25Pension I D card issued by Governm ent Of I ndia pensioner .

26Com pany I D card issued by Govt Organisat ions

27Ot hers

B. D ocu m e n t s f or e st a b lish in g p r oof of a d d r e ss: Re sid e n t I n d iv id u a ls


Passport [ not expired]


Driving license - Perm anent ( except issued by t he Govt of Maharasht ra) .


Landline t elephone bill/ Elect ricit y bill prior t o t he dat e of account opening] .


Telephone Bill not older t han 3 m ont hs up t o 6 m ont hs


Bank account st at em ent of a PSU / Privat e Sect or / Foreign bank


Rat ion card

7TAN Allot m ent let t er

8 PAN Correct ion Let t er

9 Elect ion card / Vot ers I D [ if it has address] .

10Let t er/ Mont hly out goings bill ( only from Regist ered societ ies) .

11Copy of t it le deeds

12Aadhaar card / let t er issued by Governm ent of I ndia.

13NREGA card.

14Lease/ Leave & license agreem ent / Rent agreem ent copy

15 Rent agreem ent indicat ing address of t he cust om er duly regist ered w it h St at e Governm ent or sim ilar regist rat ion aut horit y .

16Lat est Propert y t ax or w at er t ax bill / Propert y t ax paid Receipt .

17Senior cit izens card issued by t he St at e / Cent ral Govt . of I ndia ( if it has address) .

18Mobile post paid bill

19Consum er gas connect ion card / book OR lat est pipe gas bill.

20Dom icile cert ificat e w it h com m unicat ion address issued by Municipal Corporat ion .

21 Arm s License issued by t he St at e/ Cent ral Govt . of I ndia aut horit y w hich cont ains phot ograph of applicant

22Phot o I D card w it h phot ograph ( issued by J&K & Goa St at e Govt . )

23Phot o Social Securit y Card issued by t he Cent ral/ St at e govt . / Union t errit ories.

24Pension paym ent card issued by St at e/ Cent ral Govt . of I ndia w it h phot ograph of t he applicant .

25I RI S scanned household Card w it h phot ograph ( issued by Andhra Pradesh govt . )

26Phot o I D card - Cent ral Governm ent or any of it s Minist ries

27 Phot o I D card - St at ut ory / Regulat ory aut horit ies

28Phot o I D card - St at e Govt . or any of it s Minist r ies

29Phot o I D card - Public Sect or Undert aking ( est ablished under GOI or St at e Govt )

30Phot o I D card - St at e Govt . of J&K

31Phot o I D card - Bar council

32Phot o I D card - Senior Cit izen card issued by St at e/ Cent ral Govt .

33Phot o I D card - Govt . of I ndia t o Persons of I ndian Origin [ PI O card]


Phot o I D card - Defence Dept / Minist ry of defence for Defence personnel & t heir dependant s


Phot o I D card - Public Financial inst it ut ions / Public sect or banks


Cast e cert ificat e issued by dist rict collect or of Meghalaya cont aining nam e, phot o and address of t he applicant

37PAN ( Perm anent Account Num ber) int im at ion let t er addressed t o t he cust om er int im at ing t he PAN.

38Lat est cert ificat e from post office / Post office savings bank passbook - Applicable only for RURAL Areas.

39Defence Account s ( I ndian Arm y, Navy & Air Force)


Transfer / Movem ent order issued by t he defence m inist ry / unit of defence m inist ry m ent ioning t he nam e and address of t he applicant


House Allot m ent let t er issued by t he defence m inist ry / unit of defence m inist ry m ent ioning t he nam e and address of t he applicant


Cert ificat e on t he defence let t erhead issued by t he defence m inist ry / unit of defence m inist ry m ent ioning t he nam e and address of t he applicant

43Lat est Salary Slip

44I nt roduct ion let t er from t he corporat e

45Com pany I D card issued by Govt Organisat ions bearing address

46Ot hers