Card Cancellation Form PDF Details

Navigating through the process of discontinuing a service involves understanding the nuances of the necessary paperwork, such as the Card Cancellation Form used by SendOutCards. This form serves a dual purpose, allowing customers to either cancel their monthly subscription or to request the complete closure of their SendOutCards account. It's important for account holders to directly indicate their choice, alongside providing essential details like their name, ID number, the associated email address, and importantly, a signature to authenticate the request. Notably, while opting out of a subscription leaves the door open for users to exploit any remaining points, choosing to terminate the account entirely renders it inaccessible. The form stipulates a processing period of 5-7 business days, with a clear warning that forms which are incomplete or unreadable will not be processed. Additionally, it underscores the terms of purchase related to the refund policy and the initial cancellation period, which varies slightly for Alaska residents. Users are guided on how to submit this form, with options to fax or email their request, ensuring the procedure is as streamlined as possible. This form reflects SendOutCards' commitment to providing clear instructions and conditions for discontinuing their service, embodying the legal and procedural aspects associated with such requests.

Form NameCard Cancellation Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namessomeone cares cards cancellation service, car form subscription, UT, cancel pdffiller

Form Preview Example

Subscription and Account Cancellation Form

Please cancel my monthly subscription

*Note: Your account will remain open so you can continue to use your remaining points Subscription is not required to continue using your SendOutCards account

I would like to cancel my entire SendOutCards account

*Note: Your account will be closed and will no longer be accessible

Please check one

Distributor or Customer

My name is:


My ID # is: ___________________


The email address on my account is:

Reason for cancellation:


Signature (Your signature is required in order to cancel your entire account) If this form is not filled out by the Account Holder this form will not be processed.

All cancellations take 5-7 business days to complete the cancellation process

Any incomplete or illegible forms will not be processed


Under the SendOutCards Terms of Purchase

4.All Monthly Subscription purchases are non-refundable beginning with the first subscription following the initial subscription to run

8. All sales are FINAL. The initial sale is subject to the buyer's right to cancel

You may CANCEL, without any penalty or obligation, within THREE BUSINESS DAYS (Five days for Alaska residents).

To see the full details of the terms of purchase please check the site index

Fax (801) 463-3900 or email

1825 W. Research Way Salt Lake City, UT 84119

Revised 5/23/11