Change Adult Name Form PDF Details

In order to change an adult's name in California, you will need to complete a name change form. The form can be found on the California Courts website. The process for completing the form and getting it approved can be lengthy, so make sure you plan ahead. There are also some restrictions on what names can be used, so make sure you familiarize yourself with those before submitting your application. Completing the name change form correctly is essential, as any mistakes could delay or even prevent your application from being approved. By following these steps, you can ensure a successful name change for an adult in California.

Form NameChange Adult Name Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other nameslegibly, cashiers, osbar, Oregon

Form Preview Example


Clackamas County Circuit Court

Fifth Judicial District

You may use these forms only if you are a resident of Clackamas County (i.e. you live in the county) and you are an adult (i.e. 18 years old or older). Forms must be filed at the Clackamas County Courthouse, Civil Case Unit, Room 104.

Please complete all forms completely and legibly. Once filed these are legal documents, and errors may affect your rights or delay the name change process.

Form numbers refer to the number at the bottom of each form following the letters “CP-PR”.

1.Filing the Petition

Begin by completing form 01 “PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF AN ADULT.” Fill in all the blanks on the form, except the case number. You must sign the Petition.

Next, complete form 02 “NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF AN ADULT.” In the blank provided for the deadline to file objections, enter a judicial day at least 15 days after the date you will post the notice. You will need to put this same date in the area that says: ADO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE BEFORE _____.@

Bring these two forms to Room 104 Civil Case Unit. The staff there will review the forms and assign a case number for use on all forms. You must then pay the filing fee, currently $105.00, at the cashier=s window: Room 104 - Cashier. (You may review the entire fee schedule for this court at

2.Posting the First Notice

After you have filed the PETITION and obtained a case number, you must post the NOTICE OF

PETITION on the bulletin board in the courthouse. Attach the NOTICE on the bulletin board located in the courthouse on the bottom floor outside of Room 12, in the spot marked “Public Notices - Name Change – First Posting.” (You may have another person post the notice for you, but s/he must then

be the person who also removes the notice and completes the proof of posting.)


A hearing will be held ONLY if an objection is filed. You will be notified by mail of the hearing date. It is your responsibility to keep the court informed of your current address. At the hearing, the judge will decide whether to grant the name change.

4.Submitting the Judgment

At least fifteen days after you posted the notice, return to the courthouse.

First, remove the form 02 NOTICE OF PETITION from the bulletin board.

Second, complete form 03 “PROOF OF POSTING OF PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE OF AN ADULT, but do not sign it.

Third, complete form 04 “GENERAL JUDGMENT OF NAME CHANGE OF AN ADULTexcept for the three blanks in the middle of the form where a judge will sign, date and print his/her name. Print very clearly; this is the legal document which you will use to prove the name change, so errors in spelling or illegible letters may result in a name change that was not what


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you intended.

Fourth, take forms 02, 03 and 04 back to the Civil Case Unit window of Room 104. You may sign form 03 at the window. The documents will then need to be entered in the court records, then forwarded to the judge for review and signature. The process generally takes at least 7 business days, sometimes longer depending upon case volume, staffing and the judge’s schedule. You may phone (503) 655-8447 after seven (7) business days to have a clerk determine if the judge has signed the judgment.

5.Posting the Last Notice

After the judgment has been signed, you must post an additional notice. Even though a judgment

has been signed, your name change is not legally effective until you comply with this

requirement. Fill out form 05 “NOTICE OF GENERAL JUDGMENT OF NAME CHANGE OF AN ADULTand post it on the same bulletin board as before, except in the area entitled “Second Posting”. As before, another person may do this for you.

At least fifteen days after you posted form 05, return to the courthouse and remove it from the bulletin board. Complete form 06 “PROOF OF POSTING NOTICE OF GENERAL JUDGMENT OF NAME CHANGE OF AN ADULT, but do not sign it. Take both forms 05 and 06 to the Civil Case Unit window of Room 104, and the clerk will review. You may sign form 06 at the window. (Remember that this form must be completed by the person who posted and removed the notice.)

NOTE: If the proof of posting (Form 06) is not filed, the Court may set aside the judgment without further notice or hearing.

6.Certified Copy of Judgment

This completes the process, and your name change is valid. The clerk will mail a certified copy of the Judgment signed by a judge (form 04) to you at the address you provide. This is the legal document showing that your name has been changed. You may obtain additional copies for $5.25 per copy.

7.Changing Your Name in Other Official Records

In order to change your name on other official records (such as your driver license, passport and social security card), you will need the certified copy of form 04 GENERAL JUDGMENT OF NAME CHANGE OF AN ADULT. Changing a name at the court does not change your name with other state or federal agencies; you must do this yourself.

To change your birth certificate to show your new name, contact the Center for Health Statistics, P.O. Box 14050, Portland, OR 97214, (503) 731-4108.

8.Important Reminders!

Please note that these forms are designed to work for most people, but we cannot address all possible situations. Court staff cannot provide legal advice. These forms have not been approved by, and may not be accepted by, any county other than Clackamas County. If these forms do not cover your situation, if you cannot understand these instructions, or if you have questions that are not covered by these instructions, please consult an attorney. The Oregon State Bar can provide assistance locating an attorney, including lawyers willing to provide a low cost initial consultation. For more information, call (503) 684-3763, or (800) 452-7636 within Oregon, or visit


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