Colorado Form Dr 2667 PDF Details

If you are a Colorado taxpayer, you may be familiar with Form Dr 2667. This form is used to claim the state's Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC. The EITC is a refundable tax credit that helps low- and moderate-income workers offset the costs of working. If you are eligible for the credit, it can be a great way to reduce your tax burden. In this article, we will provide an overview of the EITC and discuss how to claim it on your taxes. We will also provide some tips for maximizing your credit amount. So if you are interested in learning more about the Colorado EITC, keep reading!

Form NameColorado Form Dr 2667
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namescolorado military exemption tax, colorado military exemption form, dr 2667 pdf, colorado dr 2667

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DR 2667 (06/29/11)





Incomplete application will not be processed.

C.R.S. 42-3-104(9)

APPLICANT - This form is to be completed when the vehicle owner(s) meet the exemption requirements as listed in C.R.S. 42-3-104(9) and /or the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and the Military Spouse Residency Relief Act contained in sections 1, 2, and 3, Title 50App. U.S.C. Only the military individual, servicemember’s spouse, or a lawful agent with power of attorney

(POA) may execute this afidavit. Registration must be completed within 60 days of afidavit execution.

Servicemember’s Name or Servicemember’s Spouse’s Name

Social Security Number






Colorado Address (Street Address, City and ZIP)








Colorado Military Installation Servicemember is Assigned to Under Orders

Duty Telephone Number










Vehicle Identiication Number (VIN)








State Where Vehicle Purchased

Date of Purchase

State of Legal Residence

I, being irst duly sworn, claim exemption from the Colorado Speciic Ownership Tax on the vehicle listed above

under C.R.S. 42-3-104(9), the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, and the Military Spouse Residency Relief Act. I am

registering this vehicle in Colorado and claiming exemption from the Speciic Ownership Tax because the vehicle is located in Colorado as a result of military service. To support my claim, I further acknowledge that:

I am not a legal resident of the State of Colorado.

I am a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, serving under orders in Colorado or I am the spouse of a Servicemember serving under order in Colorado.

I am a named owner on the vehicle for which the exemption is being claimed.

This vehicle will not be used in any trade or business in the State of Colorado. Should this vehicle be used as part of a business, the vehicle will be subject to full payment of all taxes due.

Execution of this claim for exemption of speciic ownership tax may be completed by:

Servicemember - Military ID is required to be presented with this form, copy of orders (issued in the servicemembers name), and a current leave and earnings statement are required to be attached to this form.

Servicemember’s Spouse or Agent - Copy of orders, leave and earnings statement, and Power of Attorney is required to be attached to this form. Servicemember’s spouse’s military ID must list the servicemember as the sponsor.

I certify, under penalty of perjury, that the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The

Department reserves the right to validate the above statements with the military installation and/or servicemembers commanding oficer.

Printed name as it appears on identiication of applicant.








Secure and Veriiable ID of Owner/Agent:




Colorado DL

Colorado ID

Other _____________________________________

ID #



The undersigned witness afirms that the Identiication described above was presented to me.

Witness Printed Name

Witness Signature

NOTE: Certiication must be completed on reverse side.



I certify that I am the ______________________________________________ of ____________________________


and that ____________________________________________________ is known to me to be a United

Servicemember and/or Servicemember’s Spouse Name

States Armed Forces member assigned to this military installation. This information has been veriied from oficial military records to which I have access in my oficial capacity.

Printed Name of Oficer

Signature of Oficer

Military Installation


Duty Telephone Number




(May be used in lieu of Certiication I. above)

Subscribed and sworn to/before me by _____________________________________________________________

Name of person signing statement or lawful agent with POA

who personally appeared before me and stated under oath that he/she is the servicemember owner, servicemember’s spouse or lawfully appointed agent, for the person named in this afidavit and that the contents are true to the best of his/

her knowledge, this ______ day of ____________________________, _____.

Notary Public Assigned to Legal Ofice, Legal Assistance Oficer or Notary Public

Notary Commission Expires


Military Installation or Legal Ofice

Units Administration Telephone Number




(Certiication is at the County’s discretion, if County chooses to not provide certiication

servicemember must obtain certiication from I. or II. above)

I certify that I am the ______________________________________________ of ____________________________



and that the servicemember or servicemember’s spouse/agent has presented his/her military identiication card, military

orders, current leave and eamings statement, proof of the vehicle ownership, and Power of Attomey if applicable, to me

for veriication of exemption of speciic ownership tax.

*Authorized county employee (supervisor, clerk, county legal department, etc) permitted to provide certiication as determined by the county.

Printed Name of Person Providing Veriication



How to Edit Colorado Form Dr 2667 Online for Free

colorado dr 2667 can be filled in online in no time. Just use FormsPal PDF editing tool to get it done right away. FormsPal team is continuously working to expand the editor and help it become even better for people with its handy features. Unlock an constantly innovative experience now - take a look at and find out new opportunities as you go! This is what you'll want to do to start:

Step 1: Click the "Get Form" button above on this page to get into our PDF editor.

Step 2: After you launch the online editor, you will notice the document ready to be completed. Besides filling out different blank fields, you may as well do some other actions with the form, that is putting on custom words, changing the original textual content, inserting illustrations or photos, putting your signature on the document, and much more.

When it comes to fields of this precise document, here is what you need to do:

1. Whenever filling in the colorado dr 2667, ensure to include all of the needed blank fields within the associated area. It will help to expedite the work, which allows your information to be handled swiftly and appropriately.

nonresidence completion process explained (part 1)

2. The third part is usually to fill in all of the following blank fields: I certify under penalty of perjury, Printed name as it appears on, Signature, Date, Secure and Veriiable ID of, Colorado DL, Colorado ID, Expires, Other, DOB, The undersigned witness afirms, Witness Printed Name, Witness Signature, and NOTE Certiication must be.

How to prepare nonresidence stage 2

3. This next section is focused on I CERTIFICATION OF OFFICER OF, I certify that I am the of, Title, Unit, and that is known to me to be a, Servicemember andor Servicemembers, States Armed Forces member, Printed Name of Oficer, Signature of Oficer, Military Installation, Rank, Duty Telephone Number, II CERTIFICATION BY LEGAL, OR NOTARY PUBLIC, and May be used in lieu of - complete these blank fields.

Stage number 3 for submitting nonresidence

It is possible to get it wrong when filling out your I certify that I am the of, and so be sure you take another look prior to deciding to send it in.

4. To go forward, the following form section involves filling out several blank fields. Included in these are who personally appeared before me, Notary Public Assigned to Legal, Notary Commission Expires, SEAL, Military Installation or Legal, Units Administration Telephone, III CERTIFICATION BY COUNTY CLERK, Certiication is at the Countys, servicemember must obtain, VEHICLE OFFICE, I certify that I am the of, Title, County, and that the servicemember or, and Printed Name of Person Providing, which are crucial to moving forward with this particular document.

nonresidence conclusion process described (step 4)

5. This document must be finished by going through this section. Below you will find a full set of fields that need to be completed with specific information for your form submission to be faultless: Signature, and Date.

Guidelines on how to fill out nonresidence stage 5

Step 3: When you've glanced through the details in the blanks, click "Done" to conclude your form. Go for a 7-day free trial account at FormsPal and obtain direct access to colorado dr 2667 - with all transformations preserved and available in your FormsPal account page. FormsPal guarantees your information confidentiality by having a protected method that in no way records or distributes any kind of personal information involved. Be assured knowing your paperwork are kept safe any time you use our service!