Cricket Registration Form PDF Details

Are you a cricket enthusiast who would like to participate in local or regional tournaments? If so, you will need to complete and submit a cricket registration form. This document will provide tournament officials with important information about you and your team. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and fill out all of the required fields. Submission of the cricket registration form does not guarantee participation in the desired tournament, but it is an essential step in the process. Good luck!

Form NameCricket Registration Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesdhanmondi cricket academy admission, dhaka abahani cricket academy, abahani cricket, cricket registration form online 2021

Form Preview Example

Nat ional Crick et Academ y



NCA/ MKT- FR- 01 I ssue 1

Pe r son a l I nf or m a t ion :

First Nam e: ______________________

Last Nam e: __________________________












Dat e of Birt h ( DD/ MM/ YY) :









Sex : £ Male

£ Fem ale

Fat her’s Nam e: ________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________

Cit y : ________________

St at e: _____________

Post al Code: ________________

Count ry : _____________________

Nat ionalit y : ____________________

Ph: _______________

Fax : _______________

Em ail: ____________________

Passport # : ______________________

Blood Group: _____________

Pr of e ssion a l I nf or m a t ion :

Qualificat ion ( m ost recent ) : ____________________

Language Proficiency ( Speak , Read, Writ e) : £ English ___ _____ ______ _____ _____ _

£Ot her ____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _

Sk ills:


Bat t ing




All- rounder

Bowling Skill:






Medium - Fast

No. of Regional/ First Class m at ches on Credit : ______________

Please describe y ourself as a play er:

_______ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ ___ _______ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _

_______ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ ___ _______ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _

_______ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ ___ _______ ______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _

Fa cilit ie s & Fin a n cia l Cost



Accom m odat ion

Phy sical Training

Educat ion


Medical & Healt h

Food/ Diet

I n - door Pract ice

Out - door Pract ice

Gy m nasium

Swim m ing Pool

Transport at ion

Ent ert ainm ent & Ex cursions




Aca de m y Fe e :

£ USD $ 2000 OR £ BPS £1500





D u r a t ion : 2

- Week s

Any planned dat es: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Any Special I nt erest s/ Requirem ent s during t raining: _____________________________



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Nat ional Crick et Academ y



NCA/ MKT- FR- 01 I ssue 1

Obj e ct ive s & Ex pect a t ions

Please prov ide any com m ent s t hat m ight be helpful t o underst and y our obj ect iv es and ex pect at ions wit h t his v isit :




Pa ck a ge D e t a ils

1 .

Officials will be provided accom m odat ion facilit y in t he Guest Room s whereas players


will be prov ided accom m odat ion in Play ers Room s.


2 .

The Academ y Fee m ust be paid in adv ance at t he t im e of confirm at ion .

3 . The pack age fee does not include t he Visa and Air t ick et charges.

4 .

Transport at ion facilit y includes t he Pick - n - Drop facilit y

from t he airport and t raveling


for ent ert ainm ent and local sit e seeing ex cursions.


5 .

Food/ Diet includes Diet Plan/ Menu for t he players t hat

include Break fast , Lunch and


Dinner .


6 .

Visit ors will pay for facilit ies not included in t he pack age. These include facilit ies lik e


Telephone, Mini- Bar and Food & Beverages ( ot her t han Diet / Menu) .

7 .

Ent ert ainm ent facilit ies include Gam es Room & TV Lounge.

8 .

NCA will be responsible for safet y and securit y of t he players during coaching.

9 .

Trainees will be ex pect ed t o follow t he policies, rules & regulat ions of NCA.

Fu r t h e r I n for m a t ion :

Please m ent ion areas on which y ou need furt her inform at ion:






Play er’s Signat ure

Dat e: ____________

For N CA Use :

Receiv ing Dat e: ______________

Requirem ent Analy sis & Review



Abilit y t o m eet Requirem ent s:

£ Yes

£ No

Reply Dat e: ______________









Adm inist rat or NCA


Dat e: ___________

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