Dd Form 2893 PDF Details

If you are in the military, then you have undoubtedly filled out a Dd Form 2893. This form is used for many things, but primarily it is used to document medical and dental records. The form is also important for recording other important health information. If you have ever filled out this form, then you know just how important it is. In this post, we will take a closer look at the Dd Form 2893 and what it is used for. We will also provide some tips on how to fill out the form correctly. So, if you are interested in learning more about the Dd Form 2893, keep reading!

Form NameDd Form 2893
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
Other namesYYYYMMDD, abuser, Advocacy, dd form 2893

Form Preview Example



In accordance w it h t he Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93 -579), t his not ice inf orms you of t he purpose of t his f orm and how it w ill be used. Please read it caref ully.

AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301, " Depart ment al Regulat ions" ; 10 U.S.C. 136, Under Secret ary of Def ense f or Personnel and Readiness; and Sect ion 534 of t he Nat ional Def ense Aut horizat ion Act f or Fiscal Year 1995, Public Law 103 -337.

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): The inf ormat ion on t his f orm w ill be used t o provide vict ims of domest ic violence w it h a plan f or increasing t heir personal saf et y and t o prepare vict ims f or st eps t o t ake if f urt her abuse or violence occurs.


DISCLOSURE: Volunt ary. How ever, f ailure t o provide t he inf ormat ion may make it more dif f icult t o develop a comprehensive saf et y plan.




The f ollow ing represent s my plan f or increasing my saf et y and preparing in advance f or t he possibilit y of f urt her abuse or violence. Alt hough I do not have cont rol over my abuser' s behavior, I do have a choice about how t o respond t o him/her and how t o best get myself t o saf et y.

Some of t he t hings I can do are:

1. INCREASING MY OVERALL SAFETY. I may not alw ays be able t o avoid violent incident s. In order t o increase my saf et y, I may use a variet y of st rat egies.

Ican use some or all of t he f ollow ing st rat egies:

a.If I decide t o leave, I w ill: (I w ill pract ice how t o get out saf ely. What doors, w indow s, st airw ells or f ire escapes w ould I use?)

b.I can keep my personal belongings (purse, car keys, et c.) ready and put t hem

(place) in order t o leave quickly.

c.I can t ell and

about t he violence and request t hey call t he milit ary or civilian police if t hey hear suspicious noises coming f rom my house.

d.I can t each my children how t o use t he t elephone t o cont act t he police and t he f ire depart ment , and how t o report violence or ot her problems.

e. I w ill use


as my code w ord w it h my children or my f riends so t hey can call f or help.




f . If I have t o leave my home, I w ill go:

(I should decide t his even if I don' t t hink t here w ill be a next t ime.) If I cannot go t o t he locat ion above, t hen I can go t o:


g. I can also t each some of t hese st rat egies t o some/all of my children.

h. When I expect w e are going t o have an incident , I w ill t ry t o move t o a space t hat is low est risk, such as:

(I w ill t ry t o avoid incident s in t he bat hroom, garage, and kit chen, near w eapons or in rooms w it hout access t o an out side door.)

i.I w ill use my judgment and int uit ion. If t he sit uat ion is very serious, I can give my abuser w hat he/she w ant s t o calm him/her dow n. I have t o prot ect myself unt il I/w e are out of danger.

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w it hout t elling my abuser f ace-t o-f ace. If I have t o leave quickly (during an incident ), I WILL JUST LEAVE. I w ill not t alk w it h my abuser about it . If I am going t o leave at anot her t ime, I w ill leave w hen my abuser is not home and communicat e w it h him/her lat er by phone or let t er f rom a saf e place.

3. SAFETY WHEN PREPARING TO LEAVE. I may decide t o leave t he residence I share w it h my abuser. I must have a caref ul plan f or leaving in order t o increase my saf et y. My abuser might st rike out and become more violent if he/she believes t hat I am leaving t he relat ionship.

Ican use some or all of t he f ollow ing saf et y st rat egies: a. I w ill leave money and an ext ra set of keys w it h

so I can leave quickly.

b. I w ill keep copies of import ant document s or keys at :

c. I w ill open a savings account by (dat e)

, t o increase my independence.

I w ill use

as t he mailing address so t hat t he mont hly st at ement is not sent t o my home.

d. Ot her t hings I can do t o increase my independence include:

e. The domest ic violence program' s hot line number is:

. I can seek shelt er by calling t his hot line.

f . I can keep change f or phone calls on me at all t imes. I underst and t hat if I use my t elephone credit card, t he f ollow ing mont h t he t elephone bill w ill t ell my abuser t hose numbers t hat I called bef ore or af t er I lef t . To keep my t elephone communicat ion conf ident ial, I must eit her use coins or a pre-paid phone card or I might get a f riend t o permit me t o use his/her t elephone credit card f or a limit ed t ime w hen I f irst leave.

g. I w ill check w it h


t o see w ho w ould be able t o let me st ay w it h t hem or lend me some money.

h. I can leave ext ra clot hes w it h:

i. I w ill not t ell my abuser f ace-t o-f ace t hat I am leaving, or I w ill leave w it hout t alking w it h my abuser.

j. I w ill sit dow n and review my saf et y plan every

in order t o plan t he saf est w ay t o leave t he residence.

(Domest ic violence advocat e or f riend)

has agreed t o help me review t his plan.

k. I w ill rehearse my escape plan and, as appropriat e, pract ice it w it h my children.

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4. ITEMS TO TAKE WHEN LEAVING. If I decide t o leave my abuser, it is import ant t o t ake cert ain it ems w it h me. I may also w ant t o give an ext ra copy of papers and an ext ra set of clot hing t o a f riend just in case I have t o leave quickly.

It ems on t he f ollow ing list are t he most import ant t o t ake. If t here is t ime, I might t ake ot her it ems or st ore t hem somew here out side my home so I can get t o t hem easily.

These it ems might best be placed in one locat ion, so t hat if w e have t o leave in a hurry, I can grab t hem quickly. When I leave, I should t ake:

Ident if icat ion f or myself

Work permit s


Milit ary ident if icat ion Card

Green card


Children' s birt h cert if icat es

Divorce papers/cust ody papers


My birt h cert if icat e

Medical records


Passport s

Lease/rent al agreement s, mort gage payment book


Social Securit y number f or myself , t he DoD sponsor,

Bank books


and my children

School and vaccinat ion records


Insurance papers

Checkbook, ATM (Aut omat ic Teller Machine) card

Address book

Credit cards

Pict ures

Keys - house/car/of f ice

Jew elry

Driver' s license and regist rat ion

Children' s f avorit e t oys and/or blanket s

Medicat ions

Small saleable it ems (not abuser' s propert y)

5. SAFETY IN MY OWN RESIDENCE. If I no longer reside w it h my abuser or if I have my ow n residence, t here are many t hings t hat I can do t o increase my saf et y in my ow n residence. Depending on my residence, it may not be possible t o do all t he measures t hat are list ed here or t o do t hem all at once, but I w ill t ake all of t hem int o considerat ion t o prot ect my saf et y.

Saf et y measures I can use include:

a.I can change t he locks on my doors and w indow s as soon as possible.

b.I can replace w ooden doors w it h st eel/met al doors.

c. I can inst all securit y syst ems including addit ional locks, w indow bars, poles t o w edge against doors, an elect ronic syst em, et c.

d.I can purchase rope ladders t o be used f or escape f rom second f loor w indow s.

e.I can inst all smoke det ect ors and purchase f ire ext inguishers f or each f loor in my house/apart ment .

f . I can inst all an out side light ing syst em t hat light s up w hen a person is coming close t o my house.

g. I w ill t each my children how t o use t he t elephone t o make a t elephone call t o me and t o:

(f riend/clergyperson/ot her) in t he event t hat my abuser t akes t he children.

h.I w ill t ell people w ho t ake care of my children w hich people have permission t o pick up my children. The people I w ill inf orm about pick-up permission include:


Day care st af f : Babysit t er:

Sunday School/religious school t eacher: Teacher:

Ot hers:

i.I can inf orm t he f ollow ing people t hat my abuser no longer resides w it h me and t hey should call t he milit ary or civilian police if he/she is observed near my residence:


Past or/religious leader: Friend:

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6. SAFETY WITH A PROTECTION ORDER. My abuser should obey prot ect ion orders, but I can never be sure. I recognize t hat I may need t o ask t he milit ary or civilian police, t he court s, and t he milit ary commanding of f icer t o enf orce my

prot ect ion order.

The f ollow ing are some st eps t hat I can t ake t o help t he enf orcement of my prot ect ion order:

a. I w ill keep my prot ect ion order at (locat ion):

b. I w ill alw ays keep a copy of my prot ect ion order w it h me. If I change purses/w allet s, t hat ' s t he f irst t hing t hat should go in.

c. I w ill give a copy of my prot ect ion order t o milit ary and civilian police depart ment s in t he communit y w here I w ork, in t hose communit ies w here I usually visit f amily or f riends, and in t he communit y w here I live.

d.There may be a count y regist ry of prot ect ion orders t hat all police depart ment s can call t o conf irm a prot ect ion order. I w ill check t o make sure t hat my order is in t he regist ry. The t elephone number f or t he count y regist ry of prot ect ion orders is:

e.For f urt her saf et y, if I of t en visit ot her count ies, I might f ile my prot ect ion order w it h t he court in t hose count ies. I w ill

regist er my prot ect ion order in t he f ollow ing count ies:

f . I can call t he domest ic violence program if I am not sure about b., c., or d. above or if I have some problem w it h my prot ect ion order.

g. I w ill inf orm my employer, my clergy person, my closest f riends, and

t hat I have a prot ect ion order in ef f ect .

h.If my abuser dest roys my prot ect ion order I can get anot her copy by going t o locat ed at :

i.If my abuser violat es my prot ect ion order, I can call t he police and report a violat ion, cont act my at t orney, call my advocat e, and/or advise t he court of t he violat ion.


If law enf orcement does not help, I can cont act my advocat e or at t orney and w ill f ile a complaint w it h t he chief of t he law


enf orcement depart ment .




I can also f ile a privat e civil complaint in t he jurisdict ion in t he U.S. w here t he violat ion occurred. I can charge my abuser


w it h a violat ion of t he prot ect ion order. (I can also ask if t he jurisdict ion w here t he violat ion occurred permit s t he f iling of


privat e criminal complaint s.) I can call t he domest ic violence advocat e t o help me w it h t his.

7. SAFETY ON THE JOB AND IN PUBLIC. I must decide if and w hen I w ill t ell ot hers t hat my abuser is abusive and t hat I may be at cont inued risk. Friends, f amily and co-w orkers can all of f er prot ect ion. I should caref ully consider w hich people

t o invit e t o help secure my saf et y.

I might do any or all of t he f ollow ing:

a. I can inf orm my boss, t he securit y supervisor, milit ary commanding of f icer, senior enlist ed advisor, and





at w ork of my sit uat ion.






b. I can ask


t o help screen my t elephone calls at w ork.






c.When leaving w ork, I can:

d.When driving home, if problems occur, I can:

e.If I use public t ransit , I can:

f . I can use dif f erent grocery st ores and shopping malls t o conduct my business and shop at hours t hat are dif f erent t han t hose w hen I w as residing w it h my abuser.

g. I can use a dif f erent bank and t ake care of my banking at hours dif f erent f rom t hose I used w hen residing w it h my abuser.

h. I can also:

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8. SAFETY AND DRUG OR ALCOHOL USE. Many people use alcohol. Many use mood-alt ering drugs. Some drugs are legal, ot hers are not . The Depart ment of Def ense has a zero-t olerance policy f or act ive dut y members w it h regard t o t he use of illegal drugs, and t here are Federal and St at e criminal law s addressing t he use of illegal subst ances. Theref ore, I should caref ully consider t he pot ent ial cost s t o my f amily and me if someone in my f amily is using illegal drugs. But beyond t his,

t he use of any alcohol or ot her drugs can reduce my aw areness and abilit y t o act quickly t o prot ect myself f rom my abuser. Alcohol or drug use may also af f ect t he w ay my abuser responds t o dif f erent sit uat ions. Theref ore, in t he

cont ext of drug or alcohol use, I need t o make specif ic saf et y plans.

If drug or alcohol use has occurred in my relat ionship w it h my abuser, I can enhance my saf et y by some or all of t he f ollow ing:

a.If I am going t o use alcohol, I can do so in a saf e place and w it h people w ho underst and t he risk of violence and are commit t ed t o my saf et y.

b.I can also:

c.If my abuser is using, I can:

d.I might also:

e.To saf eguard my children, I might :

9. SAFETY AND MY EMOTIONAL HEALTH. The experience of being bat t ered and verbally degraded by abusers is usually

exhaust ing and emot ionally draining. The process of building a new lif e f or myself t akes much courage and incredible energy.

To conserve my emot ional energy and resources and t o avoid hard emot ional t imes, I can do some of t he f ollow ing:

a. If I f eel dow n and ready t o ret urn t o a pot ent ially abusive sit uat ion, I can:

b.When I have t o communicat e w it h my abuser in person or by t elephone, I can:

c.I can t ry t o use " I can ..." st at ement s w it h myself and t o be assert ive w it h ot hers.


I can t ell myself : "















w henever I f eel ot hers are t rying t o cont rol or abuse me.















I can read



t o help me f eel st ronger.



















f .

I can call















as ot her resources t o be of support t o me.












g.Ot her t hings I can do t o help me f eel st ronger are:

h.I can at t end w orkshops and support groups at t he domest ic violence program or: or

t o gain support and st rengt hen my relat ionships w it h ot her people.



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Nat ional Domest ic Violence Hot line: 1-800-799-SAFE

Police Depart ment - home:

Police Depart ment - school:

Police Depart ment - w ork:

Milit ary Police:

Commanding Of f icer/Senior Enlist ed Advisor:

Family Advocacy Program Of f ice:


Domest ic Violence Hot line:

Domest ic Violence Program/Advocat e:

Count y Regist ry of Prot ect ive Orders:

Work Number:

Supervisor' s home number:

Clergy Person:

At t orney:


Doct or:


Family Member:

Milit ary One Source - f rom t he U.S.: 1-800-342-9647; overseas: 484-530-5747

Ot her:

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