DTS 17 (01/28/05)
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Driver training schools (DTS) providing classroom instruction to students under age 19 are required to conduct 36 periods of instruction prior to the issuance of a Virginia Commercial Driver Education Certificate (CDT-B).
To complete this form, the DTS should print or type:
School Name: Enter the full name of the driver training school as it appears on the DMV-issued license.
Date: Enter the exact date that the classroom instruction was conducted.
Period: Enter the period number, one number per line, that will be counted toward the completion of the 36 periods of classroom instruction. A period is defined as a session at least 50 minutes in duration where instruction is being administered.
On regular school days, instruction should not exceed a total of two periods of classroom instruction within any 24-hour period.
During weekends/holidays, instruction should not exceed a total of four periods of classroom instruction within any 24-hour period.
Topic: Enter the title of each topic that will be discussed during the period(s) of instruction. If covering more than one topic, enter the title of each topic covered.
1Driver Preparation Procedures and Identifying Vehicle Control Devices
2 Operating Vehicle Control Devices
3 Vehicle Balance Consideration
4 Standard Vehicle Reference Points
Beginning Time: Enter the exact time when the period of classroom instruction began. In addition, when covering more than one subject, enter the beginning time for each subject discussed.
Period |
Topic |
Beginning |
Ending |
Time |
Time |
1 |
Driver Preparation Procedures and Identifying Vehicle Control |
9:00 am |
9:50 a.m. |
Devices |
2 |
Operating Vehicle Control Devices |
10:00 a.m. |
10:50 a.m. |
3 |
Vehicle Balance Consideration |
11:00 a.m. |
11:50 a.m. |
4 |
Standard Vehicle Reference Points |
12:00 p.m. |
12:50 p.m. |
Ending Time: Enter the exact time when the period of classroom instruction ended. In addition, when covering more than one subject, enter the ending time for each subject matter discussed. Refer to the example above
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Instructor’s Name: Have the instructor who conducted the classroom instruction print his/her full legal name.
Instructor’s Signature: Have the instructor who conducted the classroom instruction sign his/her full legal name.
DTS students must complete this portion of the attendance roster:
The instructor is responsible for verifying that students in attendance are the students who signed the attendance roster.
Student’s Name: Have the student print his/her full name; no nicknames or abbreviations.
Student’s Customer Number: Have the student enter the learner’s permit number.
Time In: Have the student record the time that he/she arrived for class. Students are not allowed to sign in for another student.
If a student arrives late, the time must be recorded reflecting the actual time of arrival. This will assist you in determining how much missed time the student must make-up prior to issuance of a certificate of completion.
Time Out: Have the student record the actual time that he/she completed the training for that date, prior to leaving. Students are not allowed to sign out for another student.
If a student leaves early, the actual time that the student left for the day must be recorded. This will assist you in determining how much missed time the student must make-up prior to issuance of a certificate of completion.
Student’s Signature: Have the student sign his/her full name at the completion of the instruction for the day. Students are not allowed to sign the roster prior to completing the classroom instruction for that specific day.
After completion of the course, the Driver Training School providing classroom instruction must:
For Classroom Course Only:
Complete only the Classroom Course section of the DTS-B (formerly CDT-B).
Write VOID IN CAR across the section for In-Car Course information and draw a diagonal line (/) across the in-car course section.
File the School Copy of the DTS-B (formerly CDT-B) in the student’s file.
Give the Student Copy and the DMV Copy of the DTS-B (formerly CDT-B) to the student to present to the school that will provide the in-car instruction.
For Classroom and In-Car:
Complete both the classroom course and in-car course sections of the DTS-B (formerly CDT-B).
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Purpose: Use this form to document classroom instruction sessions, instructors and student attendance.
Instructions: Type or complete this form in ink. Maintain a copy in the school’s files.
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