Dol 2798 Form PDF Details

Finding a job can be a challenging journey, especially when you need to prove your efforts to receive unemployment benefits. The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) understands this challenge and has designed the DOL-2798 form to help individuals track and submit their job search efforts. This form is a crucial tool for anyone receiving unemployment benefits, as it is required to be filled out weekly. It asks for detailed information about job contacts made each week, including the name of the employer, contact information, the person you've spoken with if applicable, the method of contact, the type of work you're seeking, and the outcome of each contact. Plus, you must sign a certification statement, affirming that all the information provided is true and accurate under penalty of law. Submitting this form is part of your weekly certification process, and there are specific ways to submit it, mainly via the internet or fax, with the internet being the preferred method. The importance of keeping accurate records cannot be overstressed, as your work search efforts might be audited by the GDOL. Failure to submit a completed form, or submitting one with unverifiable contacts, could lead to the denial or repayment of benefits. Hence, the DOL-2798 form serves as not just a record-keeping tool but as a vital compliance document in the unemployment benefits process. It underscores the need for accountability and diligence in the job search process, elements that are essential for both benefiting from and eventually moving out of the unemployment benefits system.

Form NameDol 2798 Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesgeorgia work search, dol 2798, ga form dol 2798, gdol work weekly search

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Name (please print):__________________________________________ Social Security Number: _______________________________

You must make at least three new job contacts each week. You are required to keep a detailed record of your work search activities and submit evidence of three verifiable contacts as a part of your weekly certification. A claim week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday at midnight. Your work search efforts are subject to audit by GDOL. Failure to submit a completed weekly

work search record for any week claimed, or listing any unverifiable contacts, may result in a denial and/or repayment of benefits.

Weekly work search records must be submitted by one of the following methods: Internet or fax. The faster, more preferred method is to submit by Internet. If you choose to fax your records, you

must submit this form completed with your signature to one of the following numbers: 404-525-3605, 404-525-3606 or 1-877-302-1573 (toll-free). Other work search forms will not be accepted. We recommend you submit your work search immediately upon completing your weekly certification by Internet or Interactive Voice Response (IVR).

For each week claimed, record your work search activity on this form, completing all of the required information. The contact information provided must correspond with the week claimed. Retain a copy of this form for your records.

(Please fill in the information below)

Report for the week of (Sunday):

through (Saturday):

Contact Date

Employer Name

Employer Contact Information (address, phone, e-mail)

Person Contacted (if applicable)

Method of Contact

Type of Work Sought


CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I certify all information I have provided on this form is true and correct. I understand the law provides severe penalties for any person making false statements or representation as to a material fact knowing the same to be false in order to receive benefits. A signature is required to be considered a completed




Claimant’s Signature


DOL-2798 (R-01/13)

How to Edit Dol 2798 Form Online for Free

Our PDF editor makes it simple to complete the how to file. You will be able to obtain the document quickly by using these basic steps.

Step 1: Select the orange "Get Form Now" button on the website page.

Step 2: After you enter our how to editing page, you will see lots of the options you can undertake regarding your form within the top menu.

The following parts are inside the PDF template you'll be filling in.

stage 1 to writing record georgia work

You should enter the demanded data in the CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certify, Claimants Signature Date, and DOL R space.

Completing record georgia work step 2

Step 3: When you click the Done button, your ready document can be transferred to any of your devices or to email specified by you.

Step 4: Generate copies of your template. This is going to save you from future misunderstandings. We do not view or display your details, as a consequence be assured it is secure.

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