Ds 1504 Form PDF Details

Entering the complex landscape of international diplomacy and customs regulations, the DS-1504 form emerges as a critical document for foreign embassies, legations, and international organizations, including the United Nations, operating within the United States. Conceived by the U.S. Department of State, this form serves as a formal plea for the customs clearance of merchandise intended for either the personal or official use of international representatives. Its purpose, underpinned by principles of reciprocity or specific privileges accorded to international entities, allows the admission of goods free of duty, facilitating smoother operational transitions for those involved in foreign missions or organizations. The form requires detailed information, such as the name of the embassy or organization, port of clearance, consignee details, and a comprehensive description of the merchandise, including, where relevant, vehicle identification numbers. A testament to its utility and the complexities of international protocol, the form also encompasses sections for official authorization, confirming the intricate dance of diplomacy, customs, and international cooperation. Furthermore, it emphasizes the significance of such processes in maintaining the flow of international relations and logistics, embodying both bureaucracy and the bridging of different international legal systems.

Form NameDs 1504 Form
Form Length7 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 45 sec
Other namesnumber customs embassy, request customs clearance, ds 1504 customs clearance, ds 1504

Form Preview Example

U.S. Department of State


OMB Approval No. 1405-0105 Expires: 05-31-2021 Estimated burden: 15 Minutes See Page 7

To the Secretary of State - Attention: Office of Foreign Missions

It is requested that the necessary arrangements be made for the appropriate authorities to admit free of duty the merchandise described below. This merchandise is intended for the personal and/or official use of the person(s) or foreign government noted based on reciprocity or, for representatives of international organizations, or others herein designated, based on privileges under the authority specified on the form.

Name of Embassy, Legation, or International Organization (Includes U.N.)

Port of Clearance


Name (First, Middle, Last)




Enter PID






Official (Explain Below)






Official and Personal If Newly Assigned Check Here




Customs Entry or Manifest Number Air Waybill or Bill of Lading Number


Total Weight lbs. or kg.

Mail Entry Number

Description of Merchandise - Including warehouse or Catalogue Number (if withdrawn from a customs bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone). If vehicle, include Vehicle Identification Number, Make, Model, and Year.

Signature of Authorized Representative of International Organization (Includes U.N.)



Date (mm-dd-yyyy)



























Embassy or Consulate Seal

U.S. Department of State


U.S. Customs Authorization

and Authorization




Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Free Entry Requested





Page 1 of 7

U.S. Department of State


OMB Approval No. 1405-0105 Expires: 03-31-2018 Estimated burden: 15 Minutes See Page 7

To the Secretary of State - Attention: Office of Foreign Missions

It is requested that the necessary arrangements be made for the appropriate authorities to admit free of duty the merchandise described below. This merchandise is intended for the personal and/or official use of the person(s) or foreign government noted based on reciprocity or, for representatives of international organizations, or others herein designated, based on privileges under the authority specified on the form.

Name of Embassy, Legation, or International Organization (Includes U.N.)

Port of Clearance


Name (First, Middle, Last)






Enter PID











Official (Explain Below)
















Official and Personal If Newly Assigned Check Here













Customs Entry or Manifest Number Air Waybill or Bill of Lading Number


Total Weight lbs. or kg.

Mail Entry Number

Description of Merchandise - Including warehouse or Catalogue Number (if withdrawn from a customs bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone). If vehicle, include Vehicle Identification Number, Make, Model, and Year.

Signature of Authorized Representative of International Organization (Includes U.N.)


Date (mm-dd-yyyy)





Embassy or Consulate Seal

U.S. Department of State


U.S. Customs Authorization

and Authorization




Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Free Entry Requested



Page 2 of 7

U.S. Department of State


OMB Approval No. 1405-0105 Expires: 03-31-2018 Estimated burden: 15 Minutes See Page 7

To the Secretary of State - Attention: Office of Foreign Missions

It is requested that the necessary arrangements be made for the appropriate authorities to admit free of duty the merchandise described below. This merchandise is intended for the personal and/or official use of the person(s) or foreign government noted based on reciprocity or, for representatives of international organizations, or others herein designated, based on privileges under the authority specified on the form.

Name of Embassy, Legation, or International Organization (Includes U.N.)

Port of Clearance


Name (First, Middle, Last)




Enter PID






Official (Explain Below)






Official and Personal If Newly Assigned Check Here




Customs Entry or Manifest Number Air Waybill or Bill of Lading Number


Total Weight lbs. or kg.

Mail Entry Number

Description of Merchandise - Including warehouse or Catalogue Number (if withdrawn from a customs bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone). If vehicle, include Vehicle Identification Number, Make, Model, and Year.

Signature of Authorized Representative of International Organization (Includes U.N.)


Date (mm-dd-yyyy)





Embassy or Consulate Seal

U.S. Department of State


U.S. Customs Authorization

and Authorization




Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Free Entry Requested



Page 3 of 7

U.S. Department of State


OMB Approval No. 1405-0105 Expires: 03-31-2018 Estimated burden: 15 Minutes See Page 7

To the Secretary of State - Attention: Office of Foreign Missions

It is requested that the necessary arrangements be made for the appropriate authorities to admit free of duty the merchandise described below. This merchandise is intended for the personal and/or official use of the person(s) or foreign government noted based on reciprocity or, for representatives of international organizations, or others herein designated, based on privileges under the authority specified on the form.

Name of Embassy, Legation, or International Organization (Includes U.N.)

Port of Clearance


Name (First, Middle, Last)




Enter PID






Official (Explain Below)






Official and Personal If Newly Assigned Check Here




Customs Entry or Manifest Number Air Waybill or Bill of Lading Number


Total Weight lbs. or kg.

Mail Entry Number

Description of Merchandise - Including warehouse or Catalogue Number (if withdrawn from a customs bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone). If vehicle, include Vehicle Identification Number, Make, Model, and Year.

Signature of Authorized Representative of International Organization (Includes U.N.)


Date (mm-dd-yyyy)





Embassy or Consulate Seal

U.S. Department of State


U.S. Customs Authorization

and Authorization




Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Free Entry Requested



Page 4 of 7

U.S. Department of State


OMB Approval No. 1405-0105 Expires: 03-31-2018 Estimated burden: 15 Minutes See Page 7

To the Secretary of State - Attention: Office of Foreign Missions

It is requested that the necessary arrangements be made for the appropriate authorities to admit free of duty the merchandise described below. This merchandise is intended for the personal and/or official use of the person(s) or foreign government noted based on reciprocity or, for representatives of international organizations, or others herein designated, based on privileges under the authority specified on the form.

Name of Embassy, Legation, or International Organization (Includes U.N.)

Port of Clearance


Name (First, Middle, Last)




Enter PID






Official (Explain Below)






Official and Personal If Newly Assigned Check Here




Customs Entry or Manifest Number Air Waybill or Bill of Lading Number


Total Weight lbs. or kg.

Mail Entry Number

Description of Merchandise - Including warehouse or Catalogue Number (if withdrawn from a customs bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone). If vehicle, include Vehicle Identification Number, Make, Model, and Year.

Signature of Authorized Representative of International Organization (Includes U.N.)


Date (mm-dd-yyyy)





Embassy or Consulate Seal

U.S. Department of State


U.S. Customs Authorization

and Authorization




Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Free Entry Requested



Page 5 of 7

U.S. Department of State


OMB Approval No. 1405-0105 Expires: 03-31-2018 Estimated burden: 15 Minutes See Page 7

To the Secretary of State - Attention: Office of Foreign Missions

It is requested that the necessary arrangements be made for the appropriate authorities to admit free of duty the merchandise described below. This merchandise is intended for the personal and/or official use of the person(s) or foreign government noted based on reciprocity or, for representatives of international organizations, or others herein designated, based on privileges under the authority specified on the form.

Name of Embassy, Legation, or International Organization (Includes U.N.)

Port of Clearance


Name (First, Middle, Last)




Enter PID






Official (Explain Below)






Official and Personal If Newly Assigned Check Here




Customs Entry or Manifest Number Air Waybill or Bill of Lading Number


Total Weight lbs. or kg.

Mail Entry Number

Description of Merchandise - Including warehouse or Catalogue Number (if withdrawn from a customs bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone). If vehicle, include Vehicle Identification Number, Make, Model, and Year.

Signature of Authorized Representative of International Organization (Includes U.N.)


Date (mm-dd-yyyy)





Embassy or Consulate Seal

U.S. Department of State


U.S. Customs Authorization

and Authorization




Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Free Entry Requested



Page 6 of 7


U.S. Department of State


OMB Approval No. 1405-0105 Expires: 03-31-2018

Estimated burden: 15 Minutes

AUTHORITIES: The information isREQUESTsought pursuantFORto ViennaCUSTOMSConventionCLEARANCEon Diplomatic RelationsOF MERCHANDISEof 1961; Vienna Convention on Consular Relations See Page 7

of 1963; Diplomatic Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 254a-e); International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288e (a)); Foreign Missions Act of 1982

To(22 theU.S.CSecretary. 4301-4316)ofasStateamended- Attention:. Office of Foreign Missions

It is requested that the necessary arrangements be made for the appropriate authorities to admit free of duty the merchandise described below. This PURPOSE: The information solicited on this form will be used to adjudicate requests for customs clearance of merchandise.

merchandise is intended for the personal and/or official use of the person(s) or foreign government noted based on reciprocity or, for representatives of

international organizations, or others herein designated, based on privileges under the authority specified on the form.

ROUTINE USES: The information provided on this form may be provided to other federal agencies for law enforcement, administrative or other

statutorily authorized purposes as covered under STATE 36, Security RecordsPort. Thisof Clearanceinformation also may be provided to the employing foreign Name of Embassy, Legation, or International Organization (Includes U.N.)

government or international organization.

DISCLOSURE: Providing this information is voluntary; Failure to provide the information requested on this form may result in denial of customs Consignee

clearance of merchandise. Name (First, Middle, Last)







*Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to averageEnter15PIDminutes per response, including time required for searching






existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection.

Official (Explain Below)


Official and Personal

If Newly Assigned Check Here


You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the




Customs Entry or Manifest Number

Air Waybill or Bill of Lading Number

accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: M/OFM, 3507 International Place NW, Washington,

DC 20008.













Total Weight lbs. or kg.

Mail Entry Number

Description of Merchandise - Including warehouse or Catalogue Number (if withdrawn from a customs bonded warehouse or foreign trade zone). If vehicle, include Vehicle Identification Number, Make, Model, and Year.

Signature of Authorized Representative of International Organization (Includes U.N.)


Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Embassy or Consulate Seal

U.S. Department of State


U.S. Customs Authorization

and Authorization




Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Free Entry Requested


Page 7 of 7

How to Edit Ds 1504 Form Online for Free

Working with PDF forms online is certainly surprisingly easy with our PDF editor. Anyone can fill out ds 1504 customs clearance here painlessly. In order to make our editor better and less complicated to use, we constantly work on new features, considering feedback from our users. All it requires is several simple steps:

Step 1: First of all, open the editor by clicking the "Get Form Button" at the top of this webpage.

Step 2: Using our handy PDF editing tool, it is possible to accomplish more than just fill in blank fields. Edit away and make your forms appear perfect with customized textual content put in, or optimize the file's original input to excellence - all that comes with an ability to insert your personal pictures and sign the file off.

As for the blanks of this particular form, this is what you want to do:

1. Fill out your ds 1504 customs clearance with a number of necessary blank fields. Gather all the important information and be sure absolutely nothing is omitted!

How you can fill in request customs clearance portion 1

2. Now that the last part is done, you should insert the essential details in Signature of Authorized, Date mmddyyyy, Embassy or Consulate Seal, US Department of State, USUN, US Customs Authorization, and Authorization, Approval, Date mmddyyyy, Free Entry Requested, US CUSTOMS COPY, and Page of so you're able to progress further.

Approval, Page  of, and Embassy or Consulate Seal in request customs clearance

Concerning Approval and Page of, be certain you review things in this current part. Those two are the most important fields in the file.

3. Completing Name of Embassy Legation or, Port of Clearance, Consignee, Name First Middle Last, Title, Purpose, Official Explain Below, Personal, Official and Personal, Enter PID or If Newly Assigned, CarrierSupplier, Customs Entry or Manifest Number, Total Weight lbs or kg, Mail Entry Number, and Description of Merchandise is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

Find out how to prepare request customs clearance part 3

4. The next subsection will require your details in the following places: Signature of Authorized, Date mmddyyyy, Embassy or Consulate Seal, US Department of State, USUN, US Customs Authorization, and Authorization, Approval, Date mmddyyyy, Free Entry Requested, APPROVED COPY, and Page of. Ensure that you fill out all of the needed info to go forward.

The right way to complete request customs clearance step 4

5. To finish your document, this last section features several extra blank fields. Entering Name of Embassy Legation or, Port of Clearance, Consignee, Name First Middle Last, Title, Purpose, Official Explain Below, Personal, Official and Personal, Enter PID or If Newly Assigned, CarrierSupplier, Customs Entry or Manifest Number, Total Weight lbs or kg, Mail Entry Number, and Description of Merchandise is going to conclude the process and you're going to be done very quickly!

Filling in segment 5 of request customs clearance

Step 3: Revise what you have entered into the blanks and then hit the "Done" button. Right after starting afree trial account with us, you will be able to download ds 1504 customs clearance or email it at once. The file will also be available in your personal cabinet with all your changes. We do not share any details that you use while completing forms at our site.