Enrollment Oglala Sioux Tribe PDF Details

The process of becoming an enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe represents a significant endeavor, as outlined by the comprehensive requirements and documentation specified in the Enrollment Oglala Sioux Tribe form. This application, addressed to the Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Enrollment, mandates the submission of various legal and personal documents — a reflection of the tribe's constitutional requirement that at least one parent of the applicant be an enrolled member. Essential documents include a state-certified birth certificate, marriage certificates or paternity affidavits, and DNA results where applicable, all aimed at verifying the applicant's lineage and eligibility. Additionally, the form stipulates that applicants over the age of eighteen or their legal guardians must notarize their applications, emphasizing the formality and solemnity of the enrollment process. The theme of meticulous documentation continues with the necessity for a detailed family tree for each applicant and, in cases involving other tribal affiliations or adoptions, specific relinquishment forms or adoption orders. The acknowledgment section at the end of the form serves as a pledge by the applicant or their guardian that all provided information is accurate and complete, underscoring the tribe's commitment to preserving the integrity of its enrollment process. As such, this form is not just a bureaucratic necessity but a bridge to heritage and identity for members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe.

Form NameEnrollment Oglala Sioux Tribe
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesoglala sioux tribe enrollment benefits, pine ridge enrollment office, tribal enrollment forms, tribe sioux enrolled

Form Preview Example

Application for Oglala Sioux Tribal Enrollment

Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Enrollment

POB 2070 Pine Ridge, SD 57770

Phone(605) 867-1321

Fax(605) 867-2901

The Constitution of the Oglala Sioux Tribe requires that at least one of the two parents of a child be an enrolled member of the

Oglala Sioux Tribe

Document’s Required for Enrollment with Oglala Sioux Tribe:

(Must be completed and notarized by applicant over 18 or Parent/legal Guardian)

Faxed applications will not be accepted

Burden of Proof: The burden of proving eligibility for Enrollment with the Oglala Sioux Tribe shall be upon the applicant.

Please send only required documents as listed below:

Applicant’s state certified birth certificate with state seal and parent’s full names.

Marriage Certificate (if married before date of birth of applicant)

Paternity Affidavit (if not married or married after date of birth of applicant) DNA Results and Court Order (where applicable)

(Marriage, Paternity and/or DNA are used as a supporting document to show paternity for children, as well as to update the Parent’s records.)

Attached Family Tree filled out (attached form must be filled out, separate family tree is required for each applicant )

Guardianship or Custody order if enrolling a child who is not your own

If one parent is enrolled with a Tribe other than Oglala Sioux Tribe:

Parent’s certificate of Indian Blood from their Tribe

Relinquishment of Rights form stating you want your child enrolled with Oglala Sioux Tribe, not with the other parent’s Tribe. (This form is provided by the Enrollment office

and must be signed and notarized by each parent.)

If applicant was adopted:

Original state certified birth certificate with biological parent(s) information (at least one biological parent must be an enrolled member of the Tribe, cannot use adopted parent’s information for enrollment. Birth certificate must have state seal).

Adoption Order

Amended state certified birth certificate with adopted parent(s) information and state seal


I certify that all required documents and information is complete and enclosed.

___________________________________________________Date: ___________________

Applicant/Parent or Legal Guardian


Print Name


Important: All applications must be complete with required documents attached. If incomplete or missing documentation your

application will be returned until completed.

Oglala Sioux Tribe

Membership Application

POB 2070 Pine Ridge, SD 57770

Phone (605) 867-1321 Fax (605) 867-2901

Pursuant to Ordinance 10-26 of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, adopted by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Council on August 17, 2010 An application is Hereby submitted for Enrollment with the Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, for the following Person:

Applicant Information

Name: ___________________________________________ DOB: _____________________

Address of Applicant: _______________________________ Phone # : ___________________

Is applicant now or has applicant ever been enrolled with another Tribe? Yes____ or No _____

If yes, with which Tribe? ________________________________________________________

Voting District: ___________________________ Degree of Indian Blood: _________________

Parental History

Natural Father:

Natural Mother:

Name: ______________________________

Name: ______________________________

Date of Birth: _________________________

Date of Birth: ________________________

Place of Birth: ________________________

Place of Birth: ________________________

Tribe: _______________________________

Tribe: ______________________________

Enrollment Number: ___________________

Enrollment Number: __________________

Current Address and Phone Number:

Current Address and Phone Number:





The undersigned each hereby certify on behalf of the applicant and themselves that the foregoing information is true and correct and that if any material statement is false, any enrollment granted pursuant to the application shall be void and will be of no force or effect.

Subscribed and sworn before me this ____________


Day of ____________________, _________________

Applicant or Parent/ Guardian of Minor

My commission expires: _______________________





Notary Public



(For Enrollment Office Use Only)

Date of Approval: _____________________________ Enrollment Number: ____________________________________

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________

How to Edit Enrollment Oglala Sioux Tribe Online for Free

The enrollment oglala sioux tribe completing course of action is easy. Our PDF editor enables you to work with any PDF file.

Step 1: Choose the orange button "Get Form Here" on the webpage.

Step 2: Now you are capable of edit enrollment oglala sioux tribe. You've got plenty of options thanks to our multifunctional toolbar - you can include, erase, or customize the text, highlight its certain areas, and carry out various other commands.

Fill out the enrollment oglala sioux tribe PDF and type in the details for each area:

part 1 to filling in oglala sioux tribe enrollment office phone number

Remember to fill out the Applicant Information, Name DOB Address of Applicant, Parental History, Natural Father Name Date of Birth, and Natural Mother Name Date of Birth field with the expected data.

stage 2 to filling out oglala sioux tribe enrollment office phone number

It is vital to note particular information within the section Natural Father Name Date of Birth, Natural Mother Name Date of Birth, The undersigned each hereby, Subscribed and sworn before me, SEAL, Applicant or Parent Guardian of, Notary Public, For Enrollment Office Use Only, and Date of Approval Enrollment.

Entering details in oglala sioux tribe enrollment office phone number part 3

Step 3: Press "Done". Now you may transfer your PDF form.

Step 4: Produce copies of your form. This can save you from possible troubles. We don't look at or display your information, as a consequence be certain it will be secure.

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