Fl 347 Form PDF Details

When navigating the dissolution of a marriage or domestic partnership, parties often encounter various forms that are critical to the legal process, among which the FL-347 form plays a significant role. This form, designed for use within the California judicial system, serves to address the bifurcation of marital status, allowing for the dissolution of marriage or domestic partnership status separately from other related issues such as property division, spousal support, or child custody. This distinct legal action enables one or both parties to return to single status while other matters remain unresolved in court. The FL-347 form encapsulates various stipulations, starting with the requirement of a preliminary declaration of disclosure and extending to detailed orders concerning retirement benefits, health insurance, and other financial responsibilities, ensuring that both parties are adequately protected throughout the separation process. Additionally, it covers a range of contingent considerations from probate homestead rights to the maintenance of life insurance policies. The intent behind this multifaceted approach is not only to simplify a potentially complex legal journey but also to uphold the rights and interests of all individuals involved, marking a critical step towards finalizing the dissolution of a union. Understanding the scope and implications of the FL-347 form is essential for those embarking on this legal pathway, as it profoundly impacts the financial and personal reorganization post-separation.

Form NameFl 347 Form
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namesfl 374, 374 notice, california fl 347, motion for bifurcation california

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The court grants the request of





to bifurcate and grant a separate trial on the issue of the

dissolution of the status of the marriage or domestic partnership apart from other issues.

Date marital or domestic partnership status ends (specify):


1.A preliminary declaration of disclosure with a completed schedule of assets and debts and income and expense declaration has been served on the nonmoving party, or the parties have stipulated in writing to defer service of the preliminary declaration of disclosure until a later time.

2.Each retirement or pension plan of the parties has been joined as a party to the proceeding for dissolution unless joinder is precluded or made unnecessary by applicable law.


3.a. To preserve the claims of each party in all retirement plan benefits on entry of judgment granting a dissolution of the status of the marriage or domestic partnership, the court makes one of the following orders for each retirement plan in which either party is a participant:

(1)A final domestic relations order or qualified domestic relations order under Family Code section 2610 disposing of each party's interest in retirement plan benefits, including survivor and death benefits.

(2)An interim order preserving the nonemployee party's right to retirement plan benefits, including survivor and death benefits, pending entry of judgment on all remaining issues.

(3)A provisional order on Pension Benefits—Attachment to Judgment (form FL-348) incorporated as an attachment to the judgment of dissolution of the status of marriage or domestic partnership (Judgment (Family Law) (form FL-180)). This order provisionally awards to each party a one-half interest in all retirement benefits attributable to employment during the marriage or domestic partnership.



Type of order attached


Name of plan:








































































See attachment 3b for additional plans.

c.The moving party must promptly serve on the retirement or pension plan administrator a copy of any order entered under items a and b above and a copy of the judgment granting dissolution of the status of the marriage or domestic partnership (form FL-180).

4.Jurisdiction is reserved for later determination of all other pending issues in this case.

5.The court makes the following additional orders as conditions for granting the severance on the issue of dissolution of the status of marriage or domestic partnership. In the case of the moving party's death, the order continues to be binding on that moving party's estate and will be enforceable against any asset, including the proceeds thereof, to the same extent that these obligations would have been enforceable before the person's death.




Division of property














must indemnity and hold the other party harmless from any














interest, and


penalties payable by the other party in connection with the division of the

community estate that would not have been payable if the parties were still married or domestic partners at the time the division was made.

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Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California FL-347 [January 1, 2018]


Family Code, §§ 2337, 2610; Probate Code, §§ 160 et seq., 5000 et seq. www.courts.ca.gov





5. b.


Health insurance












Until judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and has become final, the









must maintain all existing health and medical insurance coverage for the other party, and that party must also maintain any


minor children as named dependents, as long as that party is eligible to do so. If at any time during this period the







is not eligible to maintain that coverage, that party must, at his or her sole expense,






provide and maintain health and medical insurance coverage that is comparable to the existing health and medical insurance


coverage to the extent it is available.











If that coverage is not available, the





is responsible for paying the health and medical




care for the other party and the minor children to the extent that care would have been covered by the existing insurance coverage but for the dissolution of marital status or domestic partnership, and will otherwise indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any adverse consequences resulting from the loss or reduction of the existing coverage. "Health and medical insurance coverage" includes any coverage under any group or individual health or other medical plan, fund, policy, or program.


Probate homestead



Until judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and has become final, the



must indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any adverse consequences to the other party if the bifurcation results in a termination of the other party's right to a probate homestead in the residence in which the other party resides at the time the severance is granted.



Probate family allowance






Until judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and has become final, the









must indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any adverse consequences to the other party if the bifurcation results in


the loss of the rights of the other party to a probate family allowance as the surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner.



Retirement benefits










Except for any retirement plan, fund, or arrangement identified in any order issued and attached as set out in paragraph 3, until

judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and has become final, the petitioner respondent must indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any adverse consequences to the other party if the bifurcation results in the loss of the other party's rights with respect to any retirement, survivor, or deferred compensation benefits under any plan, fund, or arrangement, or to any elections or options associated with them, to the extent that the other party would have been entitled to those benefits or elections as the spouse or surviving spouse or the domestic partner or surviving domestic partner of the moving party.


Social security benefits

The moving party must indemnify and hold the other party harmless from any adverse consequences if the bifurcation results in the loss of rights to social security benefits or elections to the extent the other party would have been entitled to those benefits or elections as the surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner of the moving party.


Beneficiary designation—nonprobate transfer

Attachment 5(g), Order Re: Beneficiary Designation for Nonprobate Transfer Assets, will remain in effect for each covered asset until the division of any community interest therein has been completed.



Individual Retirement Accounts

Attachment 5(h), Order Re: Division of IRA Under Internal Revenue Code Section 408(d)(6), has been issued to preserve

the ability of petitioner respondent to defer distribution of his or her community interest on the death of the IRA owner.

FL-347 [Rev. January 1, 2018]


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5. i.


Enforcement of community property rights

Good cause exists to make additional orders as set out in Family Code section 2337(c)(9). See Attachment 5(i).



Other conditions that are just and equitable


6. Number of pages attachments:

WARNING: Judgment (Family Law) (form FL-180) (status only) must be completed in addition to this form for the status of the marriage or domestic partnership to be ended.

FL-347 [Rev. January 1, 2018]






(Family Law)

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Making use of the online editor for PDFs by FormsPal, you may fill out or modify fl 374 right here. The tool is continually maintained by our staff, receiving cool functions and growing to be greater. To begin your journey, take these simple steps:

Step 1: Simply click on the "Get Form Button" at the top of this webpage to get into our form editing tool. Here you will find everything that is needed to fill out your file.

Step 2: After you open the PDF editor, you will notice the document all set to be filled in. In addition to filling in different blank fields, it's also possible to perform some other actions with the PDF, including adding custom words, modifying the original text, adding illustrations or photos, putting your signature on the PDF, and much more.

When it comes to fields of this precise document, this is what you want to do:

1. When filling out the fl 374, ensure to complete all important blank fields within its relevant area. It will help to expedite the process, making it possible for your information to be handled without delay and correctly.

Tips on how to prepare court form fl 374 stage 1

2. Once the first section is done, go on to enter the applicable information in all these: Name of plan, Type of order attached a a a, See attachment b for additional, The moving party must promptly, Jurisdiction is reserved for later, The court makes the following, Division of property, petitioner reassessments, The must indemnity and hold the, respondent interest, penalties, taxes, Form Adopted for Mandatory Use, BIFURCATION OF STATUS OF MARRIAGE, and Family Code Probate Code et.

Division of property, Name of plan, and See attachment b for additional in court form fl 374

3. This part is generally hassle-free - fill out all of the blanks in PETITIONER, RESPONDENT, Health insurance, CASE NUMBER, Until judgment has been entered on, respondent, respondent, petitioner, petitioner, If that coverage is not available, respondent, petitioner, Probate homestead, Until judgment has been entered on, and respondent in order to complete the current step.

The best ways to prepare court form fl 374 part 3

Always be really mindful while completing petitioner and respondent, as this is the section in which a lot of people make errors.

4. To move forward, the next section will require filling out a couple of form blanks. Examples include Retirement benefits, Except for any retirement plan, respondent, petitioner, Social security benefits, The moving party must indemnify, Beneficiary designationnonprobate, Attachment g Order Re Beneficiary, Individual Retirement Accounts, Attachment h Order Re Division of, respondent, and petitioner, which you'll find vital to moving forward with this particular document.

Filling out section 4 of court form fl 374

5. Because you reach the finalization of this form, you'll find a few extra things to complete. Specifically, PETITIONER, RESPONDENT, CASE NUMBER, Enforcement of community property, Good cause exists to make, Other conditions that are just and, Other, and Number of pages attachments should be filled in.

How you can complete court form fl 374 portion 5

Step 3: Just after double-checking the fields you have filled in, press "Done" and you're done and dusted! Create a 7-day free trial option with us and obtain immediate access to fl 374 - downloadable, emailable, and editable inside your FormsPal account. When you use FormsPal, you'll be able to complete documents without having to be concerned about database breaches or data entries getting distributed. Our protected system helps to ensure that your private information is kept safe.