Fl 375 Form PDF Details

Navigating the intricacies of legal procedures can often feel like unraveling a complex tapestry, especially when dealing with matters of court and litigation. Within this framework, the FL-375 form plays a crucial role, specifically in the context of family law and matrimonial proceedings in California. This document, officially titled "Summons (Joinder)," serves as a formal notification to an added party, be it an individual or entity, that they are being called upon to participate in an ongoing legal matter. Central to the form's purpose is the directive that informs respondents of their obligation to file an appropriate pleading within a stipulated timeframe, generally within 30 days, to avoid default judgment which may include the garnishment of wages, taking of property, or other judicially mandated actions. Moreover, the FL-375 form encompasses a variety of sections that detail the information about the attorney or party without attorney, the court and case details, and specific instructions for different respondent types, including corporations, minors, and incompetent persons, among others. Additionally, the document outlines the manner in which service can be effected—personal delivery, substituted service, or mail with acknowledgment—and sets forth the requirements for proof of service, ensuring that all involved parties are duly notified. Embedded within these procedural mandates are implicit protections for the rights of all parties, emphasizing the importance of timely and informed responses in the administration of justice.

Form NameFl 375 Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesfl 375 form, fl375, request for joinder, summons joinder

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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address):

TELEPHONE NO. (Optional):

FAX NO. (Optional):

E–MAIL ADDRESS (Optional):
















NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below.

If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your response or pleading, if any, may be filed on time.

¡AVISO! Usted ha sido demandado. El tribunal puede decidir contra Ud. sin audiencia a menos que Ud. responda dentro de 30 dias. Lea la información que sigue.

Si Usted desea solicitar el consejo de un abogado en este asunto, debería hacerlo inmediatamente, de esta manera, su respuesta o alegación, si hay alguna, puede ser registrada a tiempo.










A pleading has been filed under an order joining (name of claimant):

as a party in this proceeding. If you fail to file an appropriate pleading within 30 days of the date this summons is served on you, your default may be entered and the court may enter a judgment containing the relief requested in the pleading, court costs, and such other relief as may be granted by the court, which could result in the garnishment of wages, taking of money or property, or other relief.


A pleading on joinder has been filed under the clerk's order joining (name of employee benefit plan):

as a party claimant in this proceeding. If the employee benefit plan fails to file an appropriate pleading within 30 days of the date this summons is served on it, a default may be entered and the court may enter a judgment containing the relief requested.







Clerk, By




, Deputy

























As an individual.











As (or on behalf of) the person sued under the fictitious name of:








On behalf of:














CCP 416.10 (Corporation)


CCP 416.60 (Minor)













CCP 416.70 (Incompetent)







CCP 416.20 (Defunct Corporation)










CCP 416.90 (Individual)







CCP 416.40 (Association or Partnership)

















FC 2062 (Employee










Benefit Plan)





By personal delivery on (date):



Page 1 of 2
































Form Adopted for Mandatory Use









Judicial Council of California



















FL-375 [Rev. January 1, 2003]

(1) Date of:

PROOF OF SERVICE—SUMMONS (JOINDER) (Use separate proof of service for each person served)

1. I served the












a. Summons and (1)



Request for Joinder of Employee Benefit Plan and Order, Pleading on Joinder-



Employee Benefit Plan, blank Notice of Appearance and Response of Employee Benefit Plan



Notice of Motion and Declaration for Joinder



Order re Joinder





Pleading on Joinder (specify title):




































b. On (name of party or claimant):







c. By serving (1)



Party or claimant.




Other (name and title or relationship to person served):







By delivery at Time of:





(3) Address:





By mailing (1) Date of:

(2) Place of:

2. Manner of service: (check proper box)






Personal service. By personally delivering copies. (CCP 415.10)





Substituted service on corporation, unincorporated association (including partnership), or public entity. By









leaving, during usual office hours, copies in the office of the person served with the person who apparently was in charge






and thereafter mailing (by first-class mail, postage prepaid) copies to the person served at the place where the copies






were left. (CCP 41 5.20(a))






Substituted service on natural person, minor, incompetent, or candidate. By leaving copies at the dwelling house,






usual place of abode, or usual place of business of the person served in the presence of a competent member of the






household or a person apparently in charge of the office or place of business, at least 18 years of age, who was informed






of the general nature of the papers, and thereafter mailing (by first-class mail, postage prepaid) copies to the person






served at the place where the copies were left. (CCP 415.20(b)) (Attach separate declaration or affidavit stating acts






relied on to establish reasonable diligence in first attempting personal service.)












Mail and acknowledgment service. By mailing (by first-class mail or airmail) copies to the person served, together with






two copies of the form of notice and acknowledgment and a return envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to the sender.






(CCP 415.30) (Attach completed acknowledgment of receipt.)






Certified or registered mail service. By mailing to address outside California (by registered or certified airmail with return










receipt requested) copies to the person served. (CCP 415.40) (Attach signed return receipt or other evidence of






actual delivery to the person served.)







Other (specify code section):













Additional page is attached.









3.The notice to the person served (item 3 on the copy of the summons served) was completed as follows (CCP 412.30, 415.10, and 474):



As an individual.













As the person sued under the fictitious name of:












On behalf of:



















CCP 416.10 (Corporation)


CCP 416.60

























CCP 416.20

(Defunct Corporation)


CCP 416.70








CCP 416.40

(Association or


CCP 416.90











FC 2062 (Employee Benefit Plan)

d.By personal delivery on (date):

4.At the time of service I was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action.

5.Fee for service: $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.Person serving



Not a registered California process server.

e. Name, address, telephone number, and, if



Registered California process server.

applicable, county of registration and number:





Exempt from registration under Bus. & Prof.







Code 22350(b).








California sheriff, marshal, or constable.


I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is

(For California sheriff, marshal, or constable use only)

true and correct and that this declaration is executed

I certify that the foregoing is true and correct and that

on (date):

at (place):

this certificate is executed on (date):



, California.

at (place):

, California.


FL-375 [Rev. January 1, 2003]



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How to Edit Fl 375 Form Online for Free

Should you intend to fill out fl 375 form, you won't need to download any kind of applications - just give a try to our online PDF editor. To have our tool on the forefront of convenience, we aim to put into practice user-driven features and improvements on a regular basis. We are at all times grateful for any suggestions - assist us with remolding how you work with PDF files. To get the ball rolling, consider these basic steps:

Step 1: Click the "Get Form" button above. It'll open up our pdf tool so that you could start filling out your form.

Step 2: When you launch the PDF editor, you will see the form all set to be completed. Other than filling out various fields, you can also perform other actions with the Document, such as writing any text, changing the original textual content, adding images, placing your signature to the form, and much more.

As a way to complete this PDF document, make sure you provide the necessary information in each and every blank field:

1. The fl 375 form necessitates particular details to be inserted. Ensure that the following fields are finalized:

How one can fill in summons joinder step 1

2. Your next part is to fill in these blank fields: Dated, SEAL, TO THE A pleading has been filed, PETITIONER, RESPONDENT, CLAIMANT, as a party in this proceeding If, TO THE CLAIMANT EMPLOYEE BENEFIT, as a party claimant in this, NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED You, Clerk By, Deputy, As an individual, As or on behalf of the person sued, and a b.

How to fill out summons joinder part 2

3. This stage is going to be hassle-free - complete all the blanks in Form Adopted for Mandatory Use, Judicial Council of California FL, By personal delivery on date, SUMMONS JOINDER, CCP Minor CCP Incompetent CCP, Page of, and wwwcourtinfocagov to complete this process.

Simple tips to prepare summons joinder step 3

4. This next section requires some additional information. Ensure you complete all the necessary fields - I served the, PROOF OF SERVICESUMMONS JOINDER, a Summons and, Request for Joinder of Employee, Employee Benefit Plan blank Notice, Notice of Motion and Declaration, Order re Joinder, b On name of party or claimant c, Other name and title or, By delivery at home, business Date of, Time of, Address, e By mailing Date of, and Manner of service check proper box - to proceed further in your process!

Filling in segment 4 in summons joinder

5. The pdf needs to be concluded with this particular segment. Further you will notice a comprehensive listing of blanks that require specific information for your form usage to be accomplished: Personal service By personally, Other specify code section, Additional page is attached, The notice to the person served, As an individual As the person, CCP Corporation CCP Defunct, CCP Minor CCP Incompetent CCP, By personal delivery on date, partnership, At the time of service I was at, a b c, Not a registered California, and Name address telephone number and.

Filling in segment 5 of summons joinder

In terms of CCP Corporation CCP Defunct and By personal delivery on date, make sure that you do everything correctly in this section. These are the most significant ones in this document.

Step 3: Reread all the details you've entered into the form fields and then press the "Done" button. Join us today and instantly get fl 375 form, ready for downloading. Every last edit made is handily saved , meaning you can modify the file at a later point when necessary. Here at FormsPal, we aim to make sure that your details are maintained secure.