Form 33 PDF Details

Form 33 is a document that is used in the context of estate planning. It is a declaration of trust, and it outlines the terms and conditions of how property will be managed and distributed after the death of the owner. This document can be used to provide clarity for loved ones about the wishes of the deceased, and it can help to avoid disputes or confusion after death. If you are looking to create a will or estate plan, it is important to consult with an attorney to make sure that your documents are legally binding. Form 33 is just one tool that may be part of your overall plan, so make sure you get advice from a professional before moving forward.

Form NameForm 33
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesplumbing certificate template, plumber admission form, certificate of compliance application form, plumber plumbing certificate template

Form Preview Example


Section 113




Pe rmit Autho rity/

Form 33

Ad ministra to r

Ad d re ss

Sub urb /p o stc o d e

Note: This certificate is also approved by the Administrator of Occupational Licensing as being in the approved form for certifying plumbing work carried out under a rectification order issued under Section 57 of the Occupational Licensing Act 2005.

Details of plumbing contractor:

Business name:

Nominated Manager name:

Business address:

Contractor Licence No.:

Phone No.:


Mobile No.:

Email address:

Fax No.:

Details of plumber certifying the work:

Plumber – Certifier’s


Business address:


Email address:

(State ‘as above’ if same for contractor details)

Certifier Licence No.:

Phone No.:

Mobile No.:

Fax No.:

Details of completed plumbing work or stage:


Permit No.:


Order No.:

De sc rip tio n o f the wo rk tha t is b e ing c e rtifie d :

Sc o p e o r lim ita tio n:

NO TES: Inse rt d e ta ile d d e sc rip tio n o f the p lum b ing wo rk, c a rrie d o ut und e r a p lum b ing p e rm it o r sp e c ia l p lum b ing p e rm it o r Re c tific a tio n O rd e r, whic h is b e ing c e rtifie d . Atta c h a d d itio na l she e ts

if insuffic ie nt sp a c e . If the

wo rk o r sta g e o f wo rk is inc o m p le te this c e rtific a te m a y b e

use d to

re c o rd whe n a c o ntra c t

ha s b e e n e nd e d a nd no

furthe r wo rk will b e c a rrie d o ut

b y the

c o ntra c to r.








Director of Building Control – approved 24 May 2013

Building Act 2000 - Approved Form No 33

Certificate details:

The fo llo w ing d o c um e nts a re p ro vid e d w ith this c e rtific a te (se e Sc he d ule

3 Dire c to r’ s Sp e c ifie d



Do c um e nt d e sc rip tio n:

Pre p a re d b y:




PA RT 1 – Build ing A c t 2000 Se c tio n 113(3)(ii) C e rtific a te

I c e rtify tha t:

(a ) the p lum b ing wo rk d e sc rib e d o n this c e rtific a te (a nd a tta c hm e nts if a p p lic a b le ) c o m p lie s with the Build ing A c t 2000; a nd

(b ) the wo rk ha s b e e n insta lle d in a c c o rd a nc e with the a b o ve d o c um e nts, the Plum b ing Pe rm it (a nd the Sp e c ia l Plum b ing Pe rm it if a p p lic a b le ) a nd the Plum b ing Re g ula tio ns 2004; a nd

(c ) I ha ve a tta c he d a s- c o nstruc te d d ra wing (s) o f the wo rk c a rrie d o ut; a nd

(d ) I ha ve p ro vid e d a c o p y o f this c e rtific a te a nd the a s- c o nstruc te d d ra wing s to the o wne r.

PA RT 2 –

O c c up a tio na l Lic e nsing

(Plum b ing Wo rk) Re g ula tio ns,

Re g . 7 Re c tific a tio n o f


d e fe c tive p lum b ing wo rk



I c e rtify tha t:



(a ) the

p lum b ing wo rk sp e c ifie d in

this c e rtific a te c o m p lie s with

Re c tific a tio n O rd e r No .

… … … … … … issue d und e r Se c tio n 57 o f the O c c up a tio na l Lic e nsing A c t 2005 ; a nd (b ) I ha ve a tta c he d a n a s- c o nstruc te d d ra wing (s) o f the wo rk c a rrie d o ut; a nd

(c ) I ha ve p ro vid e d a c o p y o f this c e rtific a te a nd a s- c o nstruc te d d ra wing s to the re le va nt p e rm it a utho rity a nd the o wne r.

(De le te ‘ Pa rt’ no t a p p lic a b le )

I und e rsta nd tha t this p lum b ing wo rk m a y b e the sub je c t o f a n a ud it b y a n Autho rise d Pe rso n.

An Autho rise d Pe rso n m a y e nte r the a b o ve la nd to p e rfo rm the ir func tio ns, a nd e xe rc ise the ir

p o w e rs, und e r: Se c tio n 258 o f the Build ing

Ac t 2000 a nd the Plum b ing

Re g ula tio ns 2004; o r

und e r Se c tio n 19 o f the O c c up a tio na l Lic e nsing Ac t 2005.











Certificate No.








































Certificate No.


























(Sta te ‘ a s a b o ve ’ if sa me

fo r c e rtifie r)




Director of Building Control – approved 24 May 2013

Building Act 2000 - Approved Form No 33

How to Edit Form 33 Online for Free

plumbing certificate pdf can be filled out online without any problem. Just open FormsPal PDF editor to perform the job promptly. To retain our tool on the cutting edge of practicality, we aim to implement user-driven capabilities and enhancements regularly. We are always glad to receive feedback - play a vital part in remolding how we work with PDF docs. This is what you'll need to do to start:

Step 1: Open the PDF inside our tool by clicking on the "Get Form Button" at the top of this page.

Step 2: With the help of this handy PDF editor, you are able to accomplish more than just fill in forms. Express yourself and make your docs appear great with custom textual content put in, or adjust the original input to excellence - all supported by the capability to incorporate any photos and sign the PDF off.

Completing this PDF calls for thoroughness. Ensure that each field is done accurately.

1. Before anything else, when completing the plumbing certificate pdf, start with the section that includes the subsequent blanks:

plumber plumbing certificate template completion process detailed (step 1)

2. Once the previous array of fields is finished, you'll want to add the essential details in Email address, State as above if same for, Details of completed plumbing work, Fax No, Permit No, Order No, De sc rip tio n o f the wo rk tha, Sc o p e o r lim ita tio n, Address, Suburbpostcode, and NO TES Inse rt d e ta ile d d e sc in order to move on further.

Part # 2 in submitting plumber plumbing certificate template

Always be really attentive while filling in Suburbpostcode and Details of completed plumbing work, because this is where many people make mistakes.

3. Completing Do c um e nt d e sc rip tio n, Pre p a re d b y, PA RT, Building A c t Se c tio n ii C e, I c e rtify tha t, a the p lum b ing wo rk d e sc, with the Building Ac t a nd, b the wo rk ha s b e e n insta, a nd, c I ha ve a tta c he d a s c o, and d I ha ve p ro vid e d a c o p y is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

Best ways to fill out plumber plumbing certificate template portion 3

4. It's time to complete the next portion! Here you'll have all these Plumber Certifier, Nominated Manager, Signed, Date, Certificate No, Date, Certificate No, Signed, Sta te a s a b o ve if sa me fo, Director of Building Control, and Building Act Approved Form No form blanks to fill in.

plumber plumbing certificate template conclusion process explained (portion 4)

Step 3: Make sure the details are right and click "Done" to conclude the task. Join FormsPal right now and instantly access plumbing certificate pdf, available for downloading. Each and every modification made is handily saved , which enables you to change the document at a later point if required. FormsPal offers secure form editor devoid of data record-keeping or sharing. Be assured that your information is safe with us!