Form Aa 71 PDF Details

In the complex and regulated arena of motor vehicle commerce, the AA-71 form stands as a crucial document for franchised motor vehicle dealers in New York State who find themselves at odds with their franchisors. Issued by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, specifically by its Division of Safety and Business Hearings, this form serves as a formal request for an adjudicatory proceeding. Essentially, it is a first step for dealers to challenge actions or decisions by their franchisors that they believe violate the Franchised Motor Vehicle Dealer Act. Detailed instructions accompany the AA-71, guiding dealers through the process of lodging their complaints. This includes providing comprehensive documentation supporting their claims, such as correspondence and the franchise agreement, and serving a copy of the request along with all pertinent documents to the franchisor in a manner outlined within the franchise agreement itself or, failing that, through certified mail. Importantly, the form highlights the requirement of a non-refundable filing fee of $2,000, signaling the seriousness of the process. Dealers are asked to succinctly present the facts of their case and specify their desired remedy, excluding monetary damages, thus emphasizing the form's role in seeking resolution to specific disputes regarding franchise agreements rather than financial compensation. Additionally, the form touches upon the protections afforded to dealers under specific sections of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, notably the provision for an automatic stay, adding a layer of immediate, albeit temporary, relief in certain cases.

Form NameForm Aa 71
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesnys department of motor vehicles safety hearing bureau, refundable, Franchised, division of safety and business hearing

Form Preview Example


Franchised Motor Vehicle Dealer


DivisionofSafetyandBusinessHearings,Room424A Telephone:(518)474-1509 Fax: (518)473-8505


Name:___________________________________________ AKA/DBA_________________________________________

Address(includenumber&Street) ____________________________________________________________________________

City_____________________________ State_____ ZipCode_____________Telephone# ( )


Requests a New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Adjudicatory proceeding with:

Franchisor ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Address(includenumber&Street) ___________________________________________________________________________

City_____________________________ State_____ ZipCode_____________Telephone# ( )


Address(includenumber&Street) ____________________________________________________________________________

City_____________________________ State_____ ZipCode_____________Telephone# (



1)Alldocumentsrelevanttotheclaim(s)madeinthisrequest,includingallcorrespondencebetweenthedealerandfranchisor, mustaccompanythisrequestwhenitisfiledwiththeCommissioner.Includeacopyofthecurrentfranchiseagreementthat existsbetweenthedealerandthefranchisor,andacopyofthecertificateofservice(seeInstruction#2).Submitto:


Div.SafetyandBusinessHearings,Room424A 6EmpireStatePlaza

Albany,NY 12228

2)AtthetimethisrequestisfiledwiththeCommissioner,atruecopyofthisrequest,withcopiesofalldocumentsfiledwithit, mustbeserveduponthefranchisorinanymannerspecificallypermittedunderthetermsofthefranchiseagreementor,ifno suchmannerisspecified,thenviacertifiedmail,returnreceiptrequested, addressedtotheofficeroremployeeofthe franchisorfromwhomthedealerhasreceivedcorrespondencerelevanttotheclaimsmadeinthisrequest.

3)This request must be accompanied by a non-refundable filing fee of two thousand dollars ($2,000). Attach a certified checkor moneyorderpayabletotheCommissionerofMotorVehicles.




Your attention is directed to the automatic stay provisions, without bond, under Vehicle and Traffic Law Sections 463(2)(e)(1) and






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