Form Cri 300R PDF Details

In the sphere of charitable operations within New Jersey, the intricate dance of compliance with state regulations is a task that charitable organizations must navigate with precision. Central to this navigational challenge is the Form CRI-300R, a document of critical importance, devised under the auspices of the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, Division of Consumer Affairs, specifically within the Office of Consumer Protection, Charities Registration Section. This form serves as the Long-Form Renewal Registration/Verification Statement, crucial for charities that intend to embark on or continue solicitation activities within the state. It stands as a testament to the state's commitment to transparency and accountability, mandating that every charitable entity, save for those exempt or qualified for a Short-Form Registration Statement (CRI-200), submits a comprehensive dossier of factual and financial information for the fiscal year in question. This requirement is enshrined in the New Jersey Charitable Registration and Investigation Act - known colloquially as the C.R.I. Act - encapsulating a broad spectrum of prerequisites from the submission of organizational by-laws and financial audits to disclosure of solicitation practices and criminal history checks for key personnel. The form further delves into the specifics of the organization's funding sources, utilization of independent fundraisers, affiliations with co-ventures, and a myriad of other facets indicative of the organization's operational blueprint. Akin to a yearly health check for the organization's conformity to the legal and ethical standards set forth by the state, the Form CRI-300R ensures that charitable pursuits within New Jersey remain a bastion of integrity and societal benefit.

Form NameForm Cri 300R
Form Length7 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 45 sec
Other namesform must jersey form, form must jersey pdf, form cri 300r, new jersey form cri 300

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New Jersey Office of the Attorney General


Ofice of Consumer Protection

Charities Registration Section

124 Halsey Street, 7th Floor, P.O. Box 45021

Newark, NJ 07101

(973) 504-6215


Long-Form Renewal Registration/Veriication Statement

(Revised April 2008)

All questions must be answered.

Pursuant to the New Jersey Charitable Registration and Investigation Act (also known as “the C.R.I. Act” (N.J.S.A. 45:17A-18 et seq.),

and prior to operating or commencing solicitation activity in the State, a charitable organization unless exempted from registration requirements (or qualiied to ile a Short-Form Registration Statement, CRI-200) shall ile a Long-Form Initial Registration Statement, CRI-150-I. Charities submitting their annual long-form renewal registration must use Form CRI-300R. Please see the checklist at the end of this form for a discussion of fees, inancial statements, documents to be attached, and other requirements for registration.

1.This statement contains the facts and inancial information for the iscal year ending: _____/ _____/ ________

month day year

2. Federal ID Number (EIN) __________________ 2a. N.J. Charities Registration Number: CH- _________________________

3.Full legal name of the registering organization: ______________________________________________________________

In care of: (if necessary, otherwise leave this line blank) __________________________________________________________

4. Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________ £ Change of Address

Street Address



ZIP Code

NOTE: If “ in care of,” a postal, private or rural delivery mail box number is used, the street address of the charity must be given below.

5.The principal street address of the registering organization________________________________________________________


£ Same as Mailing Address

Street Address



ZIP Code












Does the organization have any ofices in New Jersey in addition to the one listed above?


£ Yes

£ No


If “Yes,” attach a list giving the street address and telephone number of each ofice in New Jersey.




If the street address listed above is not where the organization’s oficial records are kept, or if the organization does not maintain an


ofice in New Jersey, indicate the name, full address, phone and fax number of the person having custody of the of the organization’s

records, and to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Contact person

Street address



ZIP Code





Telephone number (include area code)

Fax number (include area code)




7. Organization’s contact information:




Telephone number (include area code)

Fax number (include area code)



E-mail address

Web site

8.Type of organization (check one):

£ Nonproit corporation





£ Association

£ Society

£ Partnership




Other (Specify) ____________________________________

Form CRI-300R

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Where and when was the organization legally established?

Date: ____________________ State: _____________________


As required by the C.R.I. Act (N.J.S.A. 45:17A-24c(1)), attach to this registration a copy of the organization’s bylaws and


instrument of organization (that is, the organization’s charter, articles of incorporation or organization, agreement of association,


instrument of trust, or constitution) only if the document has been issued or amended during the iscal year being reported.


Does the organization solicit funds under any name or names other than as indicated on line 3 of this form?




If “Yes,” indicate all of the other names used: _________________________________________________________________


Does the organization intend to solicit contributions from the general public?




Is the organization authorized by any other state or jurisdiction to solicit contributions?




If “Yes,” please provide a list of those states or jurisdictions, below or on a separate sheet of paper.








Does the organization have afiliates which share the contributions or other revenue it raised in New Jersey?




If “Yes,” provide a separate listing of those afiliates indicating the name, street address and telephone number for each one.

14.What is the charitable purpose or purposes for which the organization was formed? If necessary, attach a separate statement to this registration.










What are the speciic programs and charitable purposes for which contributions are used? For each program, state whether it


already exists or is planned. Only major program categories need be listed. If necessary, attach a separate statement to this










Does the organization use an independent paid fund-raiser or fund-raising counsel?




If “Yes,” please attach to this registration a list of paid fund-raiser(s) or fund-raising counsel(s), including their full address, telephone


number, fax number, registration number in New Jersey, and a contact person’s name.



15a. Does the independent paid fund-raiser or fund-raising counsel have custody, control or access to the organization’s funds?



If “Yes,” please describe the situation.




16. Has the organization permitted a charitable sales promotion to be conducted on its behalf by a commercial co-venturer during the

iscal year-end being reported?



If “Yes,” please explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________


17. Has the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) determined that the organization is tax exempt under code 501(c)(3)?



a. If “No,” has an application been iled which is still pending? If so, please attach a copy of the



I.R.S. 1023 form iled.



b. Has a tax exemption been granted under another I.R.S. code?



If “Yes,” advise which one: ____________________________



c. Has an I.R.S. tax exemption been refused, changed or revoked?



If an exemption has been refused, changed or revoked, attach to this registration a copy of the I.R.S. determination letter of notiication and provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances on a separate sheet of paper.

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18. Has the organization ever had its authority to conduct charitable activities denied, suspended, or revoked in any jurisdiction or has the

organization ever entered into any voluntary agreement of discontinuance with any governmental entity? Yes No

If “Yes,” attach to this registration a copy of the denial, suspension, revocation or voluntary agreement of discontinuance. If the

document does not explain the reasons for the denial, suspension or revocation, attach to this registration an explanation on a separate sheet of paper.

19.Has the organization voluntarily entered into an assurance of voluntary compliance or similar order or agreement (including, but not limited to, a settlement of an administrative investigation or proceeding, with or without an admission of liability) with any

jurisdiction, state or federal agency or oficer?



If “Yes,” please attach to this registration the relevant document.

20.Has the organization or any of its present oficers, directors, executive personnel or trustees ever been found to have engaged in unlawful practices in the solicitation of contributions or administration of charitable assets or been enjoined from soliciting

contributions, or are such proceedings pending in this or any other jurisdiction?



If “Yes,” attach to this registration photocopies of any and all written documentation (such as a court order, administrative order, judgment, formal notice, written assurance or other document) which show the inal disposition of the matter.

21. Has the organization or any of its present oficers, directors, trustees or principal salaried executive staff employees ever been convicted of any criminal offense committed in connection with the performance of activities regulated under this act or any criminal or civil offense involving untruthfulness or dishonesty or any criminal offense relating adversely to the registrant’s

itness to perform activities regulated by this Act? A plea of

guilty, non vult, nolo contendere or any similar disposition

of alleged criminal activity shall be deemed a conviction.



22.Has the organization or any of its oficers, directors, trustees or principal salaried executive staff employees been adjudged liable in any administrative or civil action involving theft, fraud, or deceptive business practices? For purposes of this question a judgment of liability in an administrative or civil action shall include, but is not limited to, any inding or admission that the individual engaged

in an unlawful practice in relation to the solicitation of contributions or the administration of charitable assets.



If “Yes,” identify the individual(s) below and attach to this registration a copy of any order, judgment or other documents indicating the inal disposition of the matter.



23.Provide the following information for each oficer, director, trustee and the ive most-highly compensated executive staff employees:


Business address

Telephone number





(include area code)














Form CRI-300R

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CRI-300R Long-Form Registration Renewal Financial Statement

Note: If the inancial value of a line item = 0, place a zero in the space provided.

Please report all igures as GROSS, not NET.

Full legal name and street address of the organization

Full legal name:__________________________________________________________________________________________

Fiscal year-end being reported: _____/_____/_____ Federal ID Number (EIN) __________________

month day year

Mailing address:


Mailing AddressP.O. Box Number or SuiteCityStateZIP code

Street address of the registering organization: __________________________________________________________________

Street AddressCityStateZIP Code

New Jersey Charities Registration number: CH _______________ -00

Telephone number: _________________________


(include area code)

Attach to this registration the most recent Internal Revenue Service Form 990 and ScheduleA(990), if the organization has iled those forms. Attach a copy if the organization’s annual inancial report included an audited inancial statement, or if the organization

received gross revenue in excess of $500,000. Note: If the organization received gross revenue of less than $500,000, the inancial reports must be certiied by the organization’s president or other authorized oficer of the organization’s board.

£In lieu of completing the CRI-300R Financial Statement pages, attached please ind a copy of the I.R.S. 990 iling for the iscal year-end indicated above.

A. Receipts

Line A1a. Direct Public Support received from the following sources:


Direct mail ………………………………………....



Telephone solicitation……………………………....



Commercial co-venture…………………………



Gross receipts from fund-raising events……………



Canisters, counter cards, door to door etc………….



Corporations and other businesses………………….



Foundations and trusts……………………………...



Donated land, buildings, property, equipment and






Legacies and bequests………………………………



Membership dues solely resulting from






Other support (specify)…………………………


Line A1b. Total Direct Public Support (add lines A1a(1) through A1a(11) ...…


Line A1c. Indirect Public Support received from the following sources:



Federated fund-raising organization………………..



From an afiliated organization……………………..



From another fund-raising organization…………....


Line A1d. Total Indirect Public Support (add lines Alc(1) thru A1c(3))…


Line A1e. Total Gross Contributions (add lines A1b and A1d) ………...……


Form CRI-300R

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Line A2.

Government grants including purchase of service contracts (specify agency)

















Line A2e. Total Government Grants (add lines 2a thru 2d)..…………………


Line A3.

Other Support



a. Bona ide membership ………………………




Program service revenue……………………



c. Professional services rendered by volunteers………




Miscellaneous income (specify)………………


Line A3e. Total Other Support (add the total of lines A3a thru A3d)…..…


Line A4.

Total Gross Revenue (add lines A1e, A2e and A3e) …………


B. Expenses

Line B1.

Program expenses…………………………………


Line B2.

Management and general expenses………………


Line B3.

Fund-raising expenses……………………………


Line B4.

Payments to state/national afiliates (if applicable)


Line B5.

Total Expenses (add the totals of line B1 thru B4)…..……


C. Excess or Deicit

For the iscal year-end (subtract line B5 from line A4)……………


D. Fund Balance


Line D1.

Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year……………....


Line D2.

Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation)…..


Line D3.

Net assets or fund balances at end of year (Combine line C, D1 and D2) ...


Please Note: The amount of Gross Contributions ( line A1e on this form) determines the registration fee which must be paid and the form which should be used. July 2006 revisions to the Charities Registration Act now require all charities to pay a registration fee, including charities whose Gross Contributions are less than $10,000. Further information for charity registrants may be found on our Web site:

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Long-Form Renewal Registration Statement


Conidential Information

Organization’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________

N.J. Charities Registration Number:

CH -__________ -00

Federal ID Number (EIN) ______________

Fiscal Year-End being reported:

____ / _____ / ____







24.Are any of the organization’s oficers, directors, trustees or the ive most-highly compensated employees related by blood, marriage or adoption to:


each other?

£ Yes £ No

b.any oficers, agents or employees of any fund-raising counsel or independent paid fund-raiser under contract to the


£ Yes £ No

c.any chief executive, employee, any other employee of the organization with a direct inancial interest in the transaction, or any partner, proprietor, director, oficer, trustee, or to any shareholder of the organization with more than two (2)

percent interest in any supplier or vendor providing goods or services to the organization?

£ Yes £ No

d.If you answered “Yes,” to questions 24a, b, or c, please provide a statement explaining these relationships.

25.Do any of the organization’s oficers, directors, trustees or the ive most-highly compensated employees have a inancial interest in any activities engaged in by a fund-raising counsel or independent paid fund-raiser under contract to the organization,

or any supplier or vendor providing goods or services to the organization? £ Yes £ No

If “Yes,” please detail these relationships below or on a separate sheet of paper, and provide the name, business address and

telephone number of all interested parties.

We understand that this registration is being issued at the discretion of the Division of Consumer Affairs and agree that employees of the Division may inspect the records in the possession of this organization in order to ascertain compliance with the statute and all pertinent regulations. We also understand that we may be required to provide additional information if requested.

We hereby certify that the above information and the attached inancial schedule(s) and statement(s) are true. We are aware that if any of the above statements are willfully false, we are subject to punishment.

Signature____________________________ Name______________________________ Title ______________ Date ____________

Signature____________________________ Name______________________________ Title ______________ Date ____________

This form must be signed by two (2) authorized oficers of the organization, including the chief inancial oficer.

Note: Form CRI-300RC must be iled with Form CRI-300R.

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Renewal registrants who are required to ile the

Long-Form Renewal Registration/Veriication Statement CRI-300R/RC

must submit the following:

(1)A fully completed Long-Form Renewal Statement CRI-300R along withtheCRI-300RFinancial Statement, theCRI-300RC Conidential Information Statement (with signatures), and all lists, statements and attachments as may be required by answers to the form’s questions.

(2)All charity registrants in New Jersey must pay a registration fee based on gross contributions. Please visit our Web site at for a complete schedule of registration fees due. A check or money order for the registration fee due, made payable to the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, must accompany the registration form. Cash or credit card payments cannot be accepted. Initial registrations must be submitted prior to soliciting in the State of New Jersey. Registrations must be renewed annually, and are due within six months of the iscal year-end. Extensions of time to ile cannot be granted on initial (irst-time) registrations.

(3)Charity registrants with total gross revenue in excess of $500,000 annually are required to submit a certiied audit (including any management letters) which has been prepared by a certiied public accountant.

(4)Please write the organization’s charities registration number on all checks, forms, and copies of documents submitted.

(5)If the charity was required by the Internal Revenue Service to ile an IRS-990 form for the organization’s iscal year-end being reported, a copy, including Schedule A, must be submitted with the registration form.

(6)Photocopies of any orders, judgments, agreements or other documents which show the inal disposition of any civil or criminal actions brought against the organization or its board members, must be marked with the related question number and the charities registration number.

(7)Only initial registrants must submit photocopies of the organization’s bylaws, the certiicate of incorporation and the I.R.S. determination letter. However, copies of these documents must be resubmitted each time they are amended.

(8)Mail the completed registration, enclosures and any attachments to the:

New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs

Charities Registration & Investigation Section

P.O. Box 45021

Newark, NJ 07101

Should you have questions regarding charities registration in New Jersey, please visit our Web site at where registration information, instructions, forms and a fee schedule may be viewed and/or downloaded. After reading through all of the information on our Web site, if you have further questions, please contact the Charities Registration Section at our hotline number (973)-504-6215 during regular business hours.

Form CRI-300R

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How to Edit Form Cri 300R Online for Free

Our PDF editor works to make creating documents really easy. It is really effortless edit the [FORMNAME] file. Follow the next actions to be able to do it:

Step 1: Click the orange "Get Form Now" button on this page.

Step 2: After you have entered the editing page form must jersey form, you should be able to discover each of the functions readily available for your file at the top menu.

To be able to fill in the document, enter the information the system will require you to for each of the following parts:

step 1 to filling in form cri 300r fillable

Put down the details in the Contact person, Street address, City, State ZIP Code, Telephone number include area code, Fax number include area code, Organizations contact information, Telephone number include area code, Fax number include area code, Email address, Web site, Type of organization check one, Nonproit corporation Partnership, Foundation Trust, and Association Individual Other field.

form cri 300r fillable Contact person, Street address, City, State ZIP Code, Telephone number include area code, Fax number include area code, Organizations contact information, Telephone number include area code, Fax number include area code, Email address, Web site, Type of organization check one, Nonproit corporation  Partnership, Foundation  Trust, and Association  Individual  Other fields to fill out

It's important to note specific details within the section Where and when was the, Society, Society, Other Specify, Other Specify, Does the organization solicit, Yes, Does the organization intend to, Is the organization authorized by, Yes, Yes, If Yes please provide a list of, Does the organization have, What is the charitable purpose or, and registration.

form cri 300r fillable Where and when was the, Society, Society, Other Specify, Other Specify, Does the organization solicit, Yes, Does the organization intend to, Is the organization authorized by, Yes, Yes, If Yes please provide a list of, Does the organization have, What is the charitable purpose or, and registration blanks to complete

The a What are the speciic programs, Does the organization use an, No If Yes please attach to this, Yes, a Does the independent paid, Yes, If Yes please describe the, Has the organization permitted a, Yes, Has the Internal Revenue Service, IRS form iled, b Has a tax exemption been granted, Yes Yes, and No No area is the place where each party can put their rights and responsibilities.

form cri 300r fillable a What are the speciic programs, Does the organization use an, No If Yes please attach to this, Yes, a Does the independent paid, Yes, If Yes please describe the, Has the organization permitted a, Yes, Has the Internal Revenue Service, IRS  form iled, b Has a tax exemption been granted, Yes Yes, and No No blanks to insert

Finalize by analyzing the following areas and preparing them as needed: b Has a tax exemption been granted, Yes Yes, No No, Yes, If an exemption has been refused, notiication and provide a detailed, and Form CRIR Page of.

form cri 300r fillable b Has a tax exemption been granted, Yes Yes, No No, Yes, If an exemption has been refused, notiication and provide a detailed, and Form CRIR Page  of fields to insert

Step 3: Choose the Done button to save your file. Then it is ready for upload to your device.

Step 4: Attempt to make as many copies of your file as possible to avoid future complications.

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