Form Dr 36 PDF Details

In the realm of legal and administrative procedures within Texas, the DR-36 form stands as a crucial document for requesting a certified abstract of a driver record, as outlined under Section 521.0475 of the Texas Transportation Code. This request necessitates a meticulous process involving the submission of the form alongside a $20 fee to the Texas Department of Public Safety. It is imperative that requestors provide accurate and comprehensive information, including their name, address, and the driver's license number of the individual whose record is being requested, ensuring the form is neither mailed with cash nor lacks any crucial detail that would facilitate its processing. The DR-36 form functions under strict adherence to privacy laws, including the federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act and the Texas Transportation Code Chapter 730, laying out specific conditions under which personal information from driver records can be disclosed. Significantly, the form stipulates that unless requesting one's own record or possessing the written consent of the individual in question, requestors must verify their eligibility under outlined exceptions to access the requested information. Moreover, it underscores the legal implications and potential penalties for misuse or unauthorized disclosure of the information obtained, reinforcing the gravity and sensitivity of handling personal data within legal and regulatory frameworks.

Form NameForm Dr 36
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namescertified abstract, tx abstract driver record, tx abstract, certified abstract driver

Form Preview Example

DR-36 (Rev. 5/12)

reQUeSt for a certified aBStract


of a driVer record

aS proVided in Section 521.0475 of tHe teXaS tranSportation code

D R 3 6 0 7 2 0 0 7

Mail coMpleted forM and $20 fee to:

texas department of public Safety, po Box 149008, austin, texas 78714-9008

DO NOT MAIL CASH. Mail check or money order payable to: Texas Department of Public Safety

Mail driver record to: (please print or type)

Any questions regarding the information on this form should

be directed to the Contact Center at 512-424-2600.













































Requestor’s Last Name






















Requestor’s First Name



























































Street Address































Texas Driver License Number









































| - |



| - |




































































Zip Code








Daytime Telephone Number (include area code)


if requesting on behalf of a business, organization, or other entity, please include the following:

































Name of business, organization, entity, etc.

























































Your Title or Affiliation with above


























































































Type of business, organization, etc. (i.e., insurance provider, towing company, private investigation, firm, etc.)

information requested on:


















| M | M | / | D |D | / | Y | Y | Y |Y |


















































Texas Driver License Number












Date of Birth

















Suffix (SR., JR., etc.)













































Last Name























































































First Name























































































Middle Name/Maiden Name









































individual’s Written consent for ONE TIME release to above requestor

Requestor, if you do not meet one of the exceptions listed on the back of this form, please be advised that without the written consent of the Driver License/ID card holder, your request will be returned.



, hereby certify that I granted access on this one occasion to my Driver License/ID

card record, inclusive of the personal information (name, address, driver identification number, etc.) to







Signature of Driver License/ID card holder or Parent/Legal Guardian


State and federal law requires requestors to agree to the following:

In requesting and using this information, I acknowledge that this disclosure is subject to the federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (18 U.S.C. Section 2721 et seq.) and Texas Transportation Code Chapter 730. False statements or representations to obtain personal information pertain- ing to any individual from the DPS could result in the denial to release any driver record information to myself and the entity for which I made the request. Further, I understand that if I receive personal information as a result of this request, it may only be used for the stated purpose and I may only resell or redisclose the information pursuant to Texas Transportation Code §730.013. Violations of that section may result in a criminal charge with the possibility of a $25,000 fine.

I certify that I have read and agree with the above conditions and that the information provided by me in this request is true and correct. If I am requesting this driver record on behalf of an entity, I also certify that I am authorized by that entity to make this request on their behalf. I also acknowledge that failure to abide by the provisions of this agreement and any state and federal privacy law can subject me to both criminal and civil penalties.

Signature of Requestor


if you are not requesting a copy of your own record or do not have the written consent of

dl/id holder, you must provide the information requested on the reverse.

important instructions - read carefully

The Texas Department of Public Safety may disclose personal information to a requestor without written consent of the DL/ID card holder, on proof of their identity and a certification by the requestor that the use of the personal information is authorized under state and federal law and that the information will be used only for the purpose stated and in complete compliance with state and federal law.

You must meet one or more of the following exceptions if you do not have written consent of the dl/id card holder to be entitled to receive personal information on the above named individual. please initial each category that applies to the requested driver record.

1.For use by a government agency in carrying out its functions or a private entity acting on behalf of a government agency in carrying out its functions.

2.For use in conjunction with a civil, criminal, administrative, or arbitral proceeding in any court or government agency or be- fore any self regulatory body, including service of process, investigation in anticipation of litigation, execution or enforcement of a judgement or order, or under an order of any court.

3.For use by an employer or an authorized agent or insurer of the employer to obtain or verify information relating to a holder of a commercial driver license that is required under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 313.

Below is an example of how numbers and letters should be written on front of this form:

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 |

|A |B | C |D | E | F |G |H | I | J | K | L |M|N |O | P |Q| R | S | T | U | V |W| X| Y | Z |

D R 3 6 0 7 2 0 0 7