Form RP1 PDF Details

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 stands as a significant piece of legislation in the UK, designed to protect and empower individuals who may not have the capacity to make certain decisions for themselves. Within this framework, the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) play a crucial role in ensuring that those who lack this capacity are not unlawfully deprived of their liberty unless it is in their best interests. A pivotal component of this safeguarding structure is the RP1 form, which facilitates the selection of a relevant person's representative. This representative acts as a critical advocate for the individual under the safeguards, ensuring their rights and preferences are accounted for. The process outlined in the RP1 form includes the identification and approval of a suitable representative by either the relevant person (if they have the capacity to make this decision), the donee, the deputy with authority, or the best interests assessor. The form is meticulously structured to ensure that all necessary information is provided, including the names and addresses of all parties involved and the reasoning behind the selection of the representative. It is divided into three parts: the first for selecting a prospective representative, the second for confirmation by the prospective representative of their willingness to act, and the third for cases where no suitable representative could be identified. Each section requires signatures and dates to validate the information provided, emphasizing the form's importance in upholding the individual's interests under the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.

Form NameForm RP1
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields42
Avg. time to fill out8 min 43 sec
Other namesfilling idownload rp1 form, rp1 form johannesburg, rp1, rp1 form no download needed

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Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Form RP1

Selection of the relevant person’s representative

(name of supervisory body)

(full name of best interests assessor)

(full address)




have considered who, if anybody, should be approved to be appointed as the relevant person’s representative in respect of

(full name of relevant person)

(delete the three indents which do not apply)

(name and address of donee)

(name and address of deputy)

(full name)

(full address)

Part 1

(To be completed where a prospective representative has been selected)

The proposed representative has been selected by:

(i)the relevant person who has capacity to make this decision

(ii)the donee of the relevant person who has the authority to make this decision, who is


(iii)the deputy of the relevant person who has the authority to make this decision, who is


(iv)myself, as the best interests assessor

The prospective representative that has been selected is



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I confirm that I believe this person is eligible to act as the relevant person’s representative and that they are willing to undertake this role if appointed by the supervisory body.

Delete (i) or (ii) as applicable

(i)I approve the person named above to the relevant person’s representative if standard authorisation is given.

(ii)I recommend to the supervisory body that if a standard authorisation is given the person named above should be appointed to the relevant person’s representative.

Signed: .........................................................................................................................

Date: .........................................................................................................................

Part 2

(To be completed by the prospective representative identified in Part 1 above)

I confirm that I am willing to be appointed as the relevant person’s representative under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Signed: .........................................................................................................................

Date: .........................................................................................................................

Part 3

(To be completed where no prospective representative has been identified)

I have not been able to select an eligible person to be a representative, because

(give reasons including details of any persons identified but not selected because they were not eligible. Where no persons have been identified, this should also be stated)

Signed: .........................................................................................................................

Date: .........................................................................................................................


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