Form Shc 110 PDF Details

Form SCH-110 is a notification of employer retaliation filed with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). This form is used to report any adverse action taken by an employer against an employee in retaliation for exercising a workplace right, such as filing a workers' compensation claim, reporting safety concerns, or seeking union representation. Retaliation can take many forms, including demotion, termination, reduction in pay or hours worked, and harassment. If you have been subjected to retaliatory action by your employer, be sure to file a Form SCH-110.

Form NameForm Shc 110
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
Other namesshc 110n uncontested complaint for divorce with children form

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Plaintiff’s Name:

Mailing Address:



Message phone:


Defendant’s Name:

Mailing Address:



Message phone:







City or Town where the Court is located




















































Your Case No.









With Children





, state that the following facts are true



(Print your names here)




and request the following relief:




Plaintiff is a resident of the State of



Defendant is a resident of the State of



2.Facts of the Marriage

Date of Marriage:


Place of Marriage:





Date of separation:

3.Basis for Decree of Divorce: An incompatibility of temperament between the parties makes it impossible to live together any longer as husband and wife.

4.Restoration of former name


Defendant wants their former name restored as:


(Print full former name here.)


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With Children

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(you can use

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5.Property and debt

There is no property or debt for the Court to divide and we will each keep what we have in our possession or control.

There is property and debt for the Court to divide. We request that the marital property and debt be divided according to the attached Property and Debt Description worksheets Property and Debt Worksheet, SHC-1000).

6.Statement Regarding Minor Child(ren) (include child(ren) of this relationship born prior to or during the marriage or adopted during the marriage):

a.Are there minor child(ren) who were born, conceived or adopted during the marriage? YES NO (If NO, go to section 9.)

The minor child(ren) are:

Full name of each child

Date of birth

Additional minor child(ren) of this relationship are listed on an attachment.

b. Has/have the minor child(ren) lived in Alaska continuously for the last six months?

YES (Go to section 7.)

NO. We do not want an order about child custody. (Go to section 9.)

You MUST file a completed Child Custody Jurisdiction Affidavit, DR-150 with this Complaint


7.Custody and Visitation: The court decides custody and visitation issues by figuring out what is in the children’s best interests. The court must decide two kinds of custody: (1) legal custody and (2) physical custody.

7a. Legal Custody Legal custody refers to decision making authority such as matters relating to health, education or religion of the child(ren). There are 2 kinds of legal custody: joint and sole. Joint legal custody means both parents share the decision making because they can communicate about the children, even though they may not get along otherwise. Joint legal is the most common type of legal custody awarded by courts. Sole legal custody means one parent makes decisions about the child(ren) because there is no way that the parents can communicate about the child(ren) or one parent is unfit due to severe mental illness, substance


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abuse or domestic abuse issues. However, with sole legal, both parents usually have access to school and medical records and neither parent can move out of the state with the children without permission from the court or the other parent.

Because it is in the best interests of the children, we request:

Joint Legal Custody (the parents share the decision making about the child(ren)).

Sole Legal Custody

to Mother

to Father (this parent will make decisions about the

child(ren)’s upbringing and does not have to consult with the other parent)

7b. Physical Custody Physical custody describes the child(ren)’s schedule. If the children are with each parent more than 110 over nights within 1 year, you have a shared custody schedule. If one parent has 109 over nights or less, he or she has a visitation schedule and the other parent has primary custody. NOTE: If you are filing in Fairbanks, you are required to use the Proposed Parenting Plan, SHC-1127 Word | PDF.

Tip: Print out the school calendar provided by your school district which includes vacations and in-service days. Circle the days you want overnights and count them up to figure out if you have a shared or primary schedule. For links to many school calendars, visit For a one-page annual calendar without school dates, check-out You may find the Weekly Scheduling Chart, SHC-1132 Word | PDF helpful. If you use one of these calendars, you also need to set out the times for exchanges and visitation during the day. You can attach the annual calendar and weekly chart to this complaint.

The following physical custody plan is in the child(ren)’s best interests (CHECK I, II OR III):

i. Shared Physical Custody The child(ren) will have 110 or more overnights with each of us. (Check one box below for the plan you want.)

the schedule on the attached Agreement & Order for Custody and Visitation, SHC- 1126 Word | PDF

the schedule on the attached Parenting Agreement, DR-475 Word | PDF (Required for Fairbanks)

the following schedule:

Visitation during the week: as described on the attached Weekly Scheduling Chart, SHC-1132 Word | PDF or as follows:

Summer Vacation:

Holidays & Birthdays:



ii. Primary Physical Custody: Child(ren) will have 256 or more overnights with me and be with the other parent for 109 overnights or less. (Check 1 box below for the plan you want.)

the schedule on the attached Agreement & Order for Custody and Visitation, SHC- 1126 Word | PDF

the schedule on the attached Parenting Agreement, DR-475 Word | PDF (Required for Fairbanks)


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the following schedule:

Visitation during the week: as described on the attached Weekly Scheduling Chart, SHC-1132 Word | PDF or as follows:

Summer Vacation:

Holidays & Birthdays:




Other Custody Arrangement as follows:

7c. Travel costs for the child(ren) visiting between parents should be divided as follows:

7d. Safety concerns

restricted as follows:

There are safety concerns, therefore, we request that visitation be

8.Child Support – Both parents must attach the Child Support Guidelines Affidavit, Form DR-305.

8a. Child support should be entered:

in accordance with Civil Rule 90.3. vary from Civil Rule 90.3 because:


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8b. Child support should be ordered from Decree other:

the date of separation

the date of the Final


Is wife currently pregnant? NO YES If YES, is her husband the father of the


YES NO Not Sure

9a. If the husband is NOT the father, is there a Three-Way Affidavit to Disestablish and Establish Paternity, SHC-151 Word | PDF attached stating who is the biological father?


10.Does paternity need to be disestablished on any child(ren) born or conceived during the marriage? YES NO

If YES, please list the child(ren), birthday(s) or expected birthday(s) and how you will disestablish. Please attach to this Complaint either a completed Three-Way Affidavit to Disestablish and Establish Paternity, SHC-151 Word | PDF, or a DNA test.

Child’s Name

Date of


Filing an

Affidavit of









Birth Certificate w/ Biological Father’s Name

11.Permanent Fund Dividend:












will apply for the child(ren)’s PFD every year.



will alternate annually with


Mother applying for the next PFD.


The child(ren)’s PFD monies will be:







used for the child(ren)’s living expenses.






saved in a bank account. Both parents will have access to all account statements.













Federal taxes:


Mother will claim the child(ren) as a dependent on his/her


income taxes


each year

alternating years, starting






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1. That the marriage be dissolved and that we be awarded a decree of divorce;

2. That a Final Order and Judgment be entered regarding property and debt as requested in section 5;

3.That the be restored;


Defendant’s former name of

(Print full former name here)

4.That a Final Order be entered granting the custody and visitation plan set forth in section 7 of this Complaint;

5. That child support be ordered

according to Civil Rule 90.3

reason(s) indicated in section 8 of this Uncontested Complaint;

6. That child support be ordered from

the date of separation




varied for the

the date of the Final


7. That paternity be disestablished for the child(ren) born during the marriage as set forth in section 10 of this Uncontested Complaint;

8. That the arrangement for the child(ren)’s Permanent Fund Dividend application be ordered as set forth in section 11 of this Uncontested Complaint;

9. That the arrangement for claiming the child(ren) as a dependent on the parent’s income taxes be ordered as set forth in section 12 of this Uncontested Complaint;

10. Other:

11.For such other and further relief as the Court deems fit and proper.


Plaintiff’s Signature (In blue ink if possible)


Defendant’s Signature (In blue ink if possible)


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With Children

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This PDF form requires specific data to be typed in, hence make sure you take whatever time to type in precisely what is required:

1. First of all, once filling out the Form Shc 110, beging with the page that contains the subsequent fields:

Step no. 1 of filling in Form Shc 110

2. The subsequent stage is usually to submit the following fields: You MUST file a completed Child, wwwcourtsalaskagovformsdrpdf, Custody and Visitation The court, what is in the childrens best, a Legal Custody Legal custody, UNCONTESTED COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE, and SHC Page of.

a Legal Custody Legal custody, You MUST file a completed Child, and wwwcourtsalaskagovformsdrpdf of Form Shc 110

3. This stage is going to be simple - fill in every one of the blanks in b Physical Custody Physical, Tip Print out the school calendar, The following physical custody, Shared Physical Custody The, the schedule on the attached, Word PDF, the schedule on the attached, for Fairbanks, and the following schedule in order to complete this segment.

Simple tips to complete Form Shc 110 portion 3

In terms of the schedule on the attached and Tip Print out the school calendar, make sure you double-check them in this section. Both these could be the most important fields in the form.

4. Filling in the following schedule, Visitation during the week SHC, as described on the attached, ii with the other parent for, Primary Physical Custody Children, the schedule on the attached, Word PDF, the schedule on the attached, for Fairbanks, UNCONTESTED COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE, and SHC Page of is crucial in the fourth stage - you should definitely don't hurry and fill out every single field!

The best ways to prepare Form Shc 110 step 4

5. The very last stage to complete this form is crucial. You'll want to fill in the required form fields, such as Visitation during the week SHC, as described on the attached, Other Custody Arrangement as, iii c Travel costs for the, There are safety concerns, and restricted as follows, before submitting. In any other case, it might produce an incomplete and possibly unacceptable document!

The best ways to fill in Form Shc 110 step 5

Step 3: Check everything you have entered into the form fields and click the "Done" button. Make a 7-day free trial plan with us and get immediate access to Form Shc 110 - download, email, or change in your FormsPal cabinet. At FormsPal, we aim to ensure that all your information is maintained secure.