Form Tcfp 004 R2 PDF Details

For those looking to understand the intricacies involved in the certification process for arson investigators in Texas, the TCFP 004 R2 form plays a crucial role. This document is essential whenever an arson investigator seeks certification (TCFP-002) or when there is a change in the entity authorizing their peace officer commission. Managed by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection’s Fire Service Standards & Certification Division, located in Austin, it requires detailed information from both the official authorized by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards & Education (TCLEOSE) to commission law enforcement officers, and the arson investigator applying for certification. The form includes sections for the affidavit of TCLEOSE commission, where the authorized official confirms the commissioning of the peace officer, and the investigator affidavit, in which the investigator attests to their licensing and commissioning as a peace officer. It also outlines specific details such as the assigned FDID No., department name, and personal information of the applicant, all aimed at ensuring that the certification reflects the current status of the investigator's commission. The process for submitting and the importance of this form is a testament to the state’s commitment to maintaining high standards in the fire service and law enforcement professions.

Form NameForm Tcfp 004 R2
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesTCFP 004 tcfp license plate form

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Date Received

Texas Commission on

Fire Protection

Fire Service Standards & Certification Division

P.O. Box 2286, Austin, Texas 78768-2286

(512) 936-3838

FAX (512) 936-3808

Date Processed

Processed By

Confirmation of Commission


Department Name


(To be completed by the individual that is authorized by TCLEOSE to commission Law Enforcement Officers.)

State of Texas


County of


I, (print name)

am the recognized and authorized person to commission Peace

Officers as identified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards & Education and as such, I am

the (title)


of the above named

Political Subdivision

or State Agency and do hereby

confirm that (name of Investigator)







is a


OFFICER in this jurisdiction.











IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand this



day of





























Social Security No.

Last Name


First Name

Middle Name or











(To be completed by the Applicant.)

State of Texas

County of

I, do hereby solemnly swear that I am a duly licensed peace officer of the State of Texas and that I have been Commissioned as a PEACE OFFICER for the above jurisdiction and that I have taken the prescribed Oath of Office as such.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand this day ofA.D. .



TCFP-004 R2 Page 1


Agency Use

Control No.

Rev. Code 70




Confirmation of Commission

Purpose: This form must accompany all applications for arson investigator certification (TCFP-002). Anytime there is a change in the entity that holds an arson investigator’s peace officer commission, a new Confirmation of Commission (TCFP-004) must be submitted by the arson investigator. The commission will not reflect an arson investigator’s certification as active without a current Confirmation of Commission on file.

Date Received: Reserved for agency use.

Date Processed: Reserved for agency use.

Processed By: Reserved for agency use.

FDID No.: The identification number assigned to the department by the commission.

Department Name: The name of the department that holds the individual’s TCLEOSE commission as a peace officer.


This section of the form is to be completed by the individual that is authorized by TCLEOSE to commission law enforcement officers.

County of: The name of the county where the entity is located.

(print name): The name of the individual that is the TCLEOSE authorized individual who holds the commissions of law enforcement officers for the entity.

(title): The title of the individual named above.

(name of investigator): Name of the individual arson investigator being certified.

(date): Date of the action

Signature: Signature of the individual attesting the information.


This section of the form is to be completed by the applicant.

Social Security Number: Applicant’s social security number.

Last Name: Applicant’s last name

Suffix: Jr., Sr., III etc.

First Name: Applicant’s first name.

Middle name or initial: Applicant’s middle name or initial, if applicable.

County of: Name of the county where the entity is located.

(date): Date of the action.

Signature: Legal signature of the individual attesting to the information.

TCFP-004 R2 Page 2


Agency Use

Control No.

Rev. Code 70



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1. The Form Tcfp 004 R2 usually requires specific information to be inserted. Ensure the next fields are completed:

Stage no. 1 for completing Form Tcfp 004 R2

2. After this segment is done, you should insert the necessary details in Social Security No, Last Name, Suffix, First Name, State of Texas, County of, To be completed by the Applicant, Middle Name or Initial, I do hereby solemnly swear that I, Commissioned as a PEACE OFFICER, such, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereto, day of, Signature, and TCFP R Page in order to progress further.

Completing section 2 in Form Tcfp 004 R2

Be extremely attentive while filling in I do hereby solemnly swear that I and State of Texas, as this is the section in which a lot of people make mistakes.

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