Growth Of Presidential Power Form PDF Details

In the exploration of the growth of presidential power within the United States, a critical document emerges: Section 1 of Chapter 14 from a guiding text, which delves deeply into this phenomenon rooted in Article II of the Constitution. Known as the clause that establishes the presidency, Article II lays out the myriad powers vested in the office, from legislative authority to defense. This document suggests a historical struggle dating back to the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, where debates about the scope of presidential power—whether it should be expansive or restrictive—first began. The ensuing years have largely seen the scale tip in favor of a more robust executive branch, propelled by the nation's evolving complexities and the inevitable challenges that arise, necessitating decisive leadership. The Section also touches upon how crises—both domestic and international—have historically amplified presidential authority, while congressional actions have further expanded the executive's role. Additionally, the perspective of Presidents themselves, with some advocating for a strong interpretation of their powers, contrasts sharply with critics who fear the rise of an imperial presidency. This document not only highlights the reasons behind the growth of presidential power but also sparks a dialogue on its implications, drawing lines between necessary evolution and potential overreach.

Form NameGrowth Of Presidential Power Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields21
Avg. time to fill out4 min 27 sec
Other nameschapter 14 section 1 guided reading and review the growth of presidential power, chapter 14 the growth of presidential power worksheet answers, chapter 14 chapter outline the presidency in action worksheet answers, chapter 14 section 1 the growth of presidential power guided reading and review answers

Form Preview Example


Sec tion 1 Guided Reading and Review


1 4

The Grow th of Presidential Pow er


A. As You Read


As you read Section 1, complete the sentences below.


Article II


1. Article II is known as the _________________________________ because it establishes


the presidency.


2. Article II establishes the following presidential powers:







3. Beginning at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, there has been a struggle between those who want a ________________________ and those who want a __________________________.

Why Presidential Power Has Grown

4. Throughout American history, those who want a _______________________________

have usually prevailed.

5. O ne reason for the growth of presidential power has been the nation’s increasingly complex ____________________________________________________.

6. The frequent need for ___________________________________________________ has

also strengthened presidential power.

7. Even ___________________ has strengthened the presidency by passing laws that added

to the activities of the executive branch.

The Presidential View

8. Some strong, effective Presidents have stated the _______________________ theory,

which takes a broad view of their powers.

9. Critics of strong presidential power compare the President to an emperor, calling a strong presidency a(n) _____________________________________.

B. Reviewing Key Terms

Define the following key term on the lines provided.

10. mass media ____________________________________________________________________



Chapter 14, Section 1 Guided Reading and Review