Withdrawal Procedures
Please Note:
A student’s withdrawal from A.D. Henderson University School/FAU High School does not become official until the date the School Registrar receives the student’s completed withdrawal and exit
interview form.
Parents please notify the school at least three days in advance of the student’s withdrawal. Parents must complete the official withdrawal form.
Teachers must sign off on the Exit Interview Form during the student’s last day of attendance. The student is responsible to have each teacher sign off on the Exit Interview Form. At the end of the day the student must submit the Withdrawal Form and Exit Interview Form to the front office staff or the form can be e-mailed to the School Registrar, Carmella Raducanu, at craduca1@fau.edu.
Middle and High school students are expected to clean out their lockers and return their combination locks.
Parents are notified of any books, materials, or outstanding fees due to the school. Upon notification all student materials must be returned and balances paid, or student records will not be released.
For refunds, please email your request to the Financial Coordinator, Allison Hayes at ahayes4@fau.edu. Refunds are in accordance with the A.D. Henderson School/FAU High School’s Refund Policy: http://adhus.fau.edu/school/Admissions%20Policy%20ADHUS%20approved%204-8-15.pdf
The attendance personnel is notified on the student’s last day of attendance to officially remove the student from the school’s roster.
In addition, the student is removed from the State of Florida’s monthly lunch report.
Once all of the requirements have been fulfilled the Registrar will forward the student’s records to the new school upon the new school’s request.
This certifies that ______________________________________________Current Grade_____
Student Name
Has withdrawn from A.D. Henderson University School/FAU High School effective on
_________________________. Please note: If a gap in attendance exists between the last day of attendance at
Last Date of attendance at Class (MM/DD/YYYY)
A.D. Henderson University School / FAU High School and the date of enrollment at the new school, these days are considered unexcused absences. State statue [s. 10003.26 (1)] indicates five unexcused absences per month will lead to a truancy referral.
Student’s withdrawal reason_________________________________________________________
/Optional/ |
Please choose one of the following: |
A. My child will be enrolled in a: Florida Public School |
Private School |
Out of State Public School |
Out of Country School |
B. I intend to home school my child. If home schooled in Florida, I will contact Florida Department of Education, the Office of Independent Education and Parental Choice (IEPC) Main Line: 850-245-0502 or Toll-Free School Choice at 1-800-447-1636 for Independent Education and Parental Affidavit (IEPC-AFF1).
C.Other: (please explain)_______________________________________________________________
New School Information
School Name: (if known) ___________________________________________________________________
School District: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________ State: __________________________________
Country: (if not USA) ______________________________________________________________________
New Contact Information
New Phone Number: (if known) ____________________________________________________________
New Address: (if known) __________________________________________________________________
If we have questions, how may we reach you? ________________________________________________
Parent Signature_________________________________________________ Date ____________________
Completed via phone by (name) _________________________________________ Date ____________________
Office Staff Member

Student Name____________________________________________________________________
Last Day in School________________________________________________________________
Exit Interview Withdrawal Signatures: (Request the signature of all those that apply below before you return this form to the Registrar’s Office)
Books and Equipment Teacher’s Name and Exit Interview Signature |
Date |
Homeroom____________________________________________________ ______________
Art___________________________________________________________ ______________
Language Arts ________________________________________________ |
______________ |
Reading ______________________________________________________ |
______________ |
Mathematics __________________________________________________ |
______________ |
Science/Biology ________________________________________________ ______________
Social Studies/History __________________________________________ ______________
Spanish ______________________________________________________ ______________
Media Center _________________________________________________ ______________
Band/Chorus __________________________________________________ ______________
Computer class ________________________________________________ ______________
PE/Sports _____________________________________________________ ______________
Other_________________________________________________________ ______________
Activity Fee & Cafeteria Balance
Exit Interview Signature, Financial Coordinator
Exit Interview Signature
HASP (Aftercare Program) |
Date |
Exit Interview Signature, Aftercare Director
For Official Use Only
Date received __________________________ Signature ________________________________________
By Registrar