Hospital Pre Registration Form PDF Details

The healthcare journey often begins with a crucial step: completing the Hospital Pre-Registration form. This document, intended for new patients, is more than just paperwork; it's a streamlined way to introduce patients to their care providers while ensuring that all necessary information is ready for their first appointment. Key details such as patient demographics, including name, date of birth, address, social security number, and contact information, lay the foundation for a smooth administrative process. The form also probes how patients learned about the hospital, whether through media, recommendations, or other channels, highlighting the facility's outreach efforts. In emergencies, the form asks for contacts, ensuring that the hospital can quickly reach someone close to the patient if necessary. Employment and guarantor information sections further prepare the hospital and patient for financial arrangements, detailing who is responsible for covering the costs of care. Moreover, the form requires information about primary and secondary insurance to expedite billing and claims. A disclaimer statement towards the end secures consent for the hospital to process claims and confirms the patient's financial responsibilities. This document, therefore, encapsulates crucial patient information, consent for treatment and billing, and a pledge of responsibility, making it an indispensable part of the healthcare process.

Form NameHospital Pre Registration Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesSSN, Subscriber, ragistration, pre

Form Preview Example


Please complete and bring at the time of your first appointment.


Primary Physician: __________________________________________

Patient Demographics


___________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________


___________________________________________________ SSN: _________________________


___________________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: __________

Home Phone

____________________Cell Phone: _________________E-mail:____________________________

How did you hear about us? __ Radio __TV __Print Ad __Friend __Insurance __Elliot ON-CALL __Other


In case of an emergency:

Contact # 1: ________________________________

Contact #2: ________________________________

Relationship: ________________________________

Relationship: ________________________________

Home Phone ________________________________

Home Phone ________________________________


Employment Information

Employer Name:

____________________________________________ Phone: _________________________

Employer Address: ____________________________________________ City: ___________________________

State: ____________ Zip: ___________ Occupation: _____________________________________

Guarantor Information (person financially responsible)


__________________________________________________ Relationship: ____________________


__________________________________________________ SSN: ___________________________


__________________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _____________

Home Phone


Cell Phone: _______________________

Employer Name: _______________________________________________ Phone: __________________________

Employer Address: _____________________________________________ City: ____________________________

State: ____________ Zip: _____________

Primary Insurance (please present card for copying)

Subscriber Name:


Date of Birth:

_____________________ SSN: __________________________

Subscriber Employer: ____________________________________________________________________________

Employer Address: _____________________________________________ City: ____________________________

State: ____________ Zip: _____________

Secondary Insurance (please present card for copying)

Subscriber Name:


Date of Birth:

______________________ SSN: ___________________________

Subscriber Employer: __________________________________________________________

Employer Address: ____________________________________________ City: _____________________________

State: ____________ Zip: _____________


I authorize Elliot Physician network to submit claims to my insurance carrier and to release any medical information necessary to process all claims. I also authorize payment for any medical benefits to the aforementioned for all services provided until further notified for this account. I agree that I am financially responsible for any co-pay and self-pay balance at the time of service, and any balance that may be due after the claims have been submitted to my insurance.


Patient SignatureDate


Signature of Responsible Party
