Igmsy Registration Form PDF Details

In a significant move towards enhancing maternal and child health and nutrition in India, the Ministry of Women and Child Development introduces the Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) – a Conditional Maternity Benefit Scheme, detailed through comprehensive implementation guidelines for State Governments and Union Territory Administrations. Addressing the critical issue of undernutrition that plagues a significant number of Indian women – with statistics indicating every third woman in India as undernourished and every second woman as anemic – the scheme emerges as a beacon of hope. Notably, undernutrition not only affects women but has a cascading effect on their offspring, perpetuating a cycle of malnutrition that IGMSY aims to disrupt. By offering a cash incentive of ₹4000 to pregnant and lactating women aged 19 and above for the first two live births, subject to specific conditions relating to maternal and child health and nutrition, the scheme endeavors to partially compensate for wage loss, enabling women to rest adequately before and after delivery and to adopt optimal practices during pregnancy and lactation. This initiative stands out for its direct approach to addressing socioeconomic compulsions that force women to continue working until the late stages of pregnancy and resume shortly after childbirth, severely impacting their health and the well-being of their infants. The successful implementation of IGMSY hinges on its well-organized structure, starting from the grassroots level at the Anganwadi Centre (AWC), employing the extensive network of ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services), and envisioning a harmonious interdepartmental convergence for a multidimensional approach to maternal and child health. This transformative scheme, approved by the Government for pilot implementation across selected districts, sets a precedent for integrating monetary incentives with health and nutrition education, fostering a supportive environment for the health and nutritional advancement of mother and child alike.

Form NameIgmsy Registration Form
Form Length62 pages
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Avg. time to fill out15 min 30 sec
Other namesapbs cr indira, इंदिरा गांधी मातृत्व सहयोग योजना ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन, apbs cr indira full form, indira gandhi matrit tamil

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-A Conditional Maternity Benefit Scheme




Ministry of Women and Child Development

Government of India

New Delhi

April, 2011


Page No

1.Introduction……………………………………..…………………………………….. 3

2.Purpose of the implementation guidelines………..……………………………. 4

3.The Scheme ………………………………………….…………………………........ 5-13





Target beneficiaries



Districts covered under the Scheme



Beneficiary registration



Amount of payment and conditionality



Incentive to the AWW and AWH



Procedures for Payment



Role of the AWW



Flexi Funds



Capacity Building and IEC activities



Interdepartmental Convergence


4Implementation modalities……………………………………………..……………. 14-15


Establishment of IGMSY section



Steering and Monitoring committees


5Fund flow and disbursement mechanism………………………………..…........ 16

6.Records, Reports, Monitoring and Evaluation………………………..…………. 17

7.Social audits and addressing grievances………………………………..…........ 19




List of Districts covered under IGMSY



Means of verification of the conditionality to be used by AWW



Modes of cash transfer to the Beneficiary-Indicative examples



Functions of IGMSY section, State and District Cells



Suggestive composition of steering and monitoring committees



Prototype of IGMSY register


G. (i) - (iv)

Monthly Progress Report of AWW, Supervisor, CDPO and DPO


H. (i) - (ii)

Format for Quarterly and Annual SoE including physical reports



Budgetary norms under IGMSY


Acronyms used…..…………………………………………………….…………..……...




Undernutrition continues to adversely affect majority of women in India. In India, every third woman is undernourished and every second woman is anemic1. An undernourished mother almost inevitably gives birth to a low birth weight baby. When poor nutrition starts in-utero, it extends throughout the life cycle, particularly in women. Owing to economic and social distress many women continue to work to earn a living for their family right up to the last days of their pregnancy. Furthermore, they resume working soon after childbirth, even though their bodies might not permit it, thus preventing their bodies from fully recovering on one hand, and also impeding their ability to exclusively breastfeed their young infant in the first six months.

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) was launched in 2005 by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It provides a differential one-time cash incentive to pregnant women for institutional/home births through skilled assistance. JSY however, does not address the issues regarding a woman’s socio-economic compulsions to work right up to the last stage of pregnancy and resuming work soon after child birth. Hence, a need for introducing a modest maternity benefit to partly compensate for their wage loss was recommended by the Planning Commission in the XIth Five Year Plan2.

In view of the above, the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) formulated a new Scheme for pregnant and lactating mothers called Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) a Conditional Maternity Benefit Scheme. Under this Scheme, a cash incentive of `4000 will be provided directly to women 19 years and above for the first two live births subject to the woman fulfilling specific conditions relating to maternal child health and nutrition. Cash incentive will be provided in three installments, between the second trimester of pregnancy till the infant completes 6 months of age. Women enrolled under IGMSY will be encouraged to avail JSY package also for institutional delivery and vice-versa. However, there is no cash incentive under IGMSY at the time of delivery since cash incentive for this is already provided under JSY.

IGMSY is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme under which full grant-in-aid would be provided to State Government (SGs)/Union Territories (UTs). It has been approved by the Government on pilot basis in 52 selected districts across the country. It will be implemented using the platform of ICDS. The focal point of implementation will be the Anganwadi Centre (AWC).

1National Family Health Survey-3, 2005-06: All India. Volume I. Mumbai: International Institute of Population Sciences; 2008.

2Planning Commission. Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007-12. Volume II Social Sector. New Delhi: Planning Commission, Government of India, 2008. p.143.




The purpose of these guidelines is to serve as a reference material with all necessary practical information on the components of IGMSY and how to implement, monitor and report it at various levels.

The target audience for these guidelines are the officers and functionaries of SGs/UTs beginning from State, District and Project level right up to the grass-root levels, partnering implementing agencies, training and academic institutions, etc. It is expected that these guidelines will be used by the target audience both as a reference material and for training to ensure effective implementation of the Scheme at all levels.

These guidelines would be further supplemented by the GoI from time to time, as and when required.



3.1 Objectives of IGMSY:

To improve the health and nutrition status of Pregnant and Lactating (P & L) women and their young infants by:

i.Promoting appropriate practices, care and service utilization during pregnancy, safe delivery and lactation.

ii.Encouraging women to follow (optimal) Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices including early and exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

iii.Contributing to better enabling environment by providing cash incentives for improved health and nutrition to pregnant and lactating women.

Note: The Scheme aims to provide partial compensation for the wage loss so that the woman is not under compulsion to work till the last stage of pregnancy and can take adequate rest before and after delivery.

3.2 Target beneficiaries:

i.P & L women of 19 years of age and above for their first 2 live births.

Why 19 years of age and above? The legal age of marriage in India for women is 18 years and hence the age criterion for child birth has been taken as 19 years. This is to encourage marriage and child birth at the right age.

Why only first two live births? To ensure that the health of the woman is not compromised due to repeated pregnancies and to promote family planning.

ii.All Government/Public Sector Undertakings (Central and State) employees are excluded from the Scheme as they are entitled for paid maternity leave. The wives of such employees are also excluded from the Scheme.

iii.Age, number of live births and employment status would be as reported by the beneficiary. In case of wrongful claim by the beneficiary, the amount paid to her would be recovered. Failing which, she will be liable for prosecution. A signed undertaking to this effect, as at Annex F, Part II (A), will be necessarily taken from the beneficiary at the time of registration under the Scheme

iv.Pregnant and lactating AWWs and AWHs may also avail the benefit under the Scheme if they are not receiving paid maternity benefits from the Government.


3.3Districts covered under the Scheme:

i.IGMSY will be implemented in all projects and AWCs (including urban projects and mini AWCs) of 52 selected districts across the country (Annex A).

ii.The districts have been selected based on a composite score calculated using six indicators related to maternal and child health and nutrition from District Level Household Survey-3, 2007-08, with each indicator given equal weightage.

iii.These indicators included:

Literate female population (Age 7+) (%)

Mothers registered in the first trimester when they were pregnant with last live birth/still birth (%)

Mothers who had at least 3 antenatal care visits during the last pregnancy (%)

Institutional births (%)

Children (12-23 months) fully immunized (BCG, 3 doses each of DPT, Polio and Measles) (%)

Children breastfed within one hour of birth (%)

iv.The districts were divided into three categories, based on their composite score - good, medium and poor performance. This categorization has been done to assess the implementation in all three types of sampled districts, lessons of which will be useful in up-scaling the Scheme.

v.Out of 52 districts, 11 are good performance districts, 11 are poor performance districts, 26 are medium performance districts and 4 are UTs.

3.4 Beneficiary registration:

i.To avail the benefit, the woman has to register herself at the AWC for IGMSY.

ii.The baseline survey was carried out with the validation date of 01.12.2010. The women registered during the baseline survey would get the benefit of the Scheme during 2010- 11 on fulfilment of conditions. Any woman who becomes pregnant after the baseline survey shall also be included for the benefit under the Scheme, provided they register at the AWC.

iii.Every registered beneficiary under the IGMSY will receive a Mother and Child Protection (MCP) Card, either from the Anganwadi Worker (AWW) or the Auxillary Nurse Midwife

(ANM). The MCP Card will be used as a means of verification of the conditionalities for payment. Hence, AWW and ANM should ensure that the MCP card is provided to every beneficiary and required information is filled in this card, timely.


3.5 Amount of payment and conditionality:

i.The beneficiary will receive a total cash incentive of `4000 in three installments, subject to the fulfillment of specific conditions.

ii.Why three installments and why cash incentive of `4000 only?

The three installments and amounts have been worked out such that the beneficiary gets a reasonable amount every three months after 2nd trimester of pregnancy up to six months after delivery (including the JSY tranche).

This is a part wage loss compensation of approximately 40 days @ `100 per day, given as maternity benefit, for ensuring mother takes the much required rest before delivery and soon after delivery for taking better care of herself and her young infant.

3.5.1First Installment:

Amount: `1500. Given only at the end of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy i.e., completion of six months of pregnancy, on fulfilment of all the five conditions mentioned below:

i.Pregnancy registered within 4 months at the AWC or Health Centre (Sub-centre/ PHC/ CHC/ district hospital/ empanelled private doctor under JSY).

ii.Received at least one antenatal check-up (out of optimal 3).

iii.Received IFA tablets.

iv.Received at least one TT vaccination (out of optimal 2).

v.Received at least one counseling session at the AWC/ Village Health and Nutrition Day (VHND)/Home Visit.

3.5.2 Second Installment:

Amount: `1500. Given only at the end of three months of delivery on fulfilment of all the six conditions mentioned below:

i.Child birth is registered.

ii.Child has received Polio and BCG vaccination.

iii.Child has received Polio and DPT-1 vaccination.

iv.Child has received Polio and DPT-2 vaccination.

v.Child has been weighed at least two times after birth (out of optimal 4 times including weighing at birth).

vi.After delivery, mother has attended at least two IYCF counseling sessions at the AWC/VHND/Home Visit (out of optimal 3 times).


3.5.3 Third Installment:

Amount: `1000. Given only when the infant completes six months of age, on fulfilment of all the five conditions mentioned below:

i.Child has been exclusively breastfed for first six months, unless contraindicated by a medical doctor.

ii.Child has been introduced complementary foods on completion of age six months.

iii.Child has received Polio and DPT-3 vaccination.

iv.Child has been weighed at least two times between age 3 and 6 months (out of optimal 3)

v.Mother has attended at least two IYCF counseling sessions between 3 and 6 months of lactation, at the AWC/VHND/Home Visit (out of optimal 3).

Note 1: Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months means that for the first six months of life the infant receives only breast milk and nothing else (no food, drink or water) but allows the infant to receive ORS and vitamins/mineral/medicine as drops or syrup. Babies who are exclusively breastfed do not require additional food or fluid, herbal water, glucose water, fruit drinks or water during the first six months. Breast milk alone is adequate to meet the hydration requirements even under the extremely hot and dry summer conditions prevailing in the country3.

Note 2: Complementary foods are soft, semi-solid or mashed foods which should be introduced in the infant’s diet when the infant completes six months of age as after the age of six months

breast milk alone cannot meet the needs of the growing infant. The purpose of complementary feeding is to complement and not replace breast milk and make certain that the infant continues to have enough energy, protein and other nutrients to grow normally. It is important that breastfeeding is continued upto the age of two years or beyond as it provides useful amounts of energy, good quality protein and other nutrients3.

3.5.4 Special conditions:

i.If the beneficiary fulfils the conditions for the 1st installment, but undergoes a miscarriage she may be given the 1st installment upon producing proper documentation.

ii.In the first year of implementation (i.e., up to March 2011), the beneficiary can be enrolled at any stage of pregnancy or lactation. From 2011-12 onwards, a woman has to be enrolled in the Scheme from the stage of pregnancy, preferably within 4 months of pregnancy, to avail the benefit of the Scheme unless she gives reasons as to why she was left out or did not register at AWC.

3National Guidelines on Infant and Young Child Feeding. Food and Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India; 2006.


iii.The beneficiary will be given the 1st installment only after the 2nd trimester is completed even if the beneficiary has fulfilled the conditions for the 1st installment earlier.

iv.If the beneficiary has a still birth, she will be eligible for the 2nd installment subject to attending 2 counseling sessions for her own health and well being.

v.If the beneficiary fulfills the conditions for the 2nd installment but the infant does not survive between birth and 3 months of age, she will be given the 2nd installment, upon producing proper documentation to ensure it was not a case of infanticide especially for the girl child.

vi.If the beneficiary on her first delivery gives birth to live twins she can avail the benefit of the Scheme only once (since the wage loss and rest required would be only once).

vii.If the beneficiary has one child and then in second delivery gives birth to twins she can avail the benefit of the Scheme for the second time (even though there are now 3 children).

viii.Beneficiary can receive the cash benefit of the Scheme only from the AWC where the beneficiary is registered. For example, if the woman is pregnant and has registered at one AWC and for her delivery she goes to her maternal village and receives some services, she can avail the cash benefit only from one AWC, that is the AWC where she has registered, on showing the filled up MCP card.

3.5.5Verification of the Conditionality: How, When and by Whom?

a)Verification by AWW: Means of verification of each conditionality to be used by AWW are (details at Annex B):

i.MCP card

ii.IGMSY register (Annex F)

iii.Growth monitoring register of ICDS

iv.Exclusive breastfeeding and initiation of complementary foods are to be self-certified.

b)Verification by ICDS Supervisor:

i.During field monitoring visits, the ICDS supervisor should check the IGMSY register for correctness and verify the fulfillment of conditionalities through discussion with beneficiaries and checking their MCP cards.

ii.While receiving the Monthly Progress Report (MPR) from the AWW, the ICDS supervisor should check it for correctness.


3.5.6 IGMSY linkage with Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY):

AWWs should encourage the IGMSY beneficiaries to avail the JSY package for institutional delivery. All delivery attendants should be sensitized to motivate mothers to initiate breastfeeding within an hour of birth, colostrum feeding and for exclusively breastfeeding their infant for the first six months.

3.6 Incentive to AWW and AWH:

i.AWW will receive a cash incentive of `200 per beneficiary after all the due cash transfers to the beneficiary are completed.

ii.AWH will receive a cash incentive of `100 per beneficiary after all the due cash transfers to the beneficiary are completed.

Note: Even if the beneficiary migrates in or out of the AWC area, the AWW and AWH would be entitled to the complete cash incentive amount if all due cash transfers to the beneficiary are completed. E.g., in some cases it might be the first two installments after which the beneficiary migrates out of the area, in other cases it might be that the beneficiary is eligible for the last two installments only, since as a result of migration she registered herself at the AWC for this Scheme after delivery.

3.7Procedures for Payment:

a)Payment to the beneficiary:

i.Transfer of amount to the beneficiary should be through bank/post office only.

ii.Modalities of cash transfer may be decided by the SGs/UTs. However, no disbursement would be in the form of “cash” or “cheque”.

iii.Modes of cash transfer can include - nationalized bank, post office, cooperative bank, business correspondent model of bank, etc. The mode used for M- NREGA, pensions, etc may also be explored. Some indicative examples are at

Annex C.

b)Payment to the AWW and AWH: All AWWs and AWHs have bank accounts in which their honorarium is credited. The incentive under IGMSY to the AWW and AWH should also be credited in the same account.