It 2664 Form PDF Details

If you’re an employer or HR manager in the US, chances are that you’ve come across the “Form IL-2664” at one point or another. This is a form issued by the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) to be used by employers when they are hiring new employees and change information with already existing employee files. Understanding exactly what needs to go into Form IL-2664 can be challenging, so this blog post will look closely at what is required and how filing it properly can save your business precious time and money.

Form NameIt 2664 Form
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namestransferor, it 2664, it 2664 instructions, transferors

Form Preview Example

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance

Nonresident Cooperative Unit

Estimated Income Tax Payment Form

For use on sale or transfer of a cooperative unit by a nonresident of New York State Tax Law—Article 22, Section 663

Mail your completed Form IT-2664 together with your Form TP-584, Combined Real Estate Transfer Tax Return, Credit Line Mortgage Certificate, and Certification of Exemption from the Payment of Estimated Personal Income Tax (see Form IT-2664-I, Instructions for Form IT-2664).



For office use only

This form is valid for sales or transfers (date of conveyance) after December 31, 2011, but before January 1, 2013.

A The transferor/seller is:

an individual

an estate or trust




B Is the transferor/seller reporting the gain for federal income tax purposes under the installment method?



If Yes, what is the duration of the installment agreement?




CMark an X in the box if only a portion of the cooperative unit being sold or transferred qualiies as the principal residence of the transferor(s)/seller(s) listed below.

Part 1 — Sale or transfer information


Transferor/seller name



Transferor/seller identiication number ( SSN or EIN )
















Spouse’s name or name of iduciary ( if applicable )



Spouse’s SSN






















Address of transferor/seller ( number and street; see instructions )








ZIP code


















Mailing address of transferor/seller or iduciary ( if different )








ZIP code

















Location and description of cooperative unit transferred ( include address, unit number, and county )

Tax map designation


Date of conveyance








































– 2012

































Part 2 — Estimated tax information ( Complete Worksheet for Part 2 on page 2 before completing this part.)

















Sale price ( from Worksheet for Part 2, line 15 )














Total gain ( from Worksheet for Part 2, line 17; if a loss, enter 0 )












Estimated tax due ( from Worksheet for Part 2, line 20 )













Part 3 — Nonpayment of estimated tax by a nonresident upon the sale or transfer of a cooperative unit (see instructions)

4This is to certify that the transferor/seller of this cooperative unit is a nonresident of New York State and is not required to pay estimated tax under Tax Law section 663 due to one of the following reasons:



The sale or transfer of this cooperative unit results in a loss (less than or equal to zero) for federal income tax purposes ( you must complete Worksheet for Part 2 on page 2 of this form ).

The transferor/seller is not required to recognize any gain or loss with respect to the sale or transfer under provisions of the Internal Revenue Code ( IRC ) (except for section 121) ( you must complete the summary below ).

Brief summary of the transfer (include the section(s) of the IRC and facts supporting the claim that the recognition of the gain or loss is not required with respect to the sale or transfer):

Part 4 — Signature

I, the undersigned, certify that this form, including any certiication and attachment(s), is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct, and complete.

Signature of transferor/seller


Signature of spouse ( if applicable )


Page 2 of 3

IT-2664 (12/11)

Worksheet for Part 2

Use this worksheet to compute your gain or loss on the sale or transfer of the cooperative unit. The gain or loss is computed in the same manner as for federal income tax purposes. For more information, see federal Publication 523, Selling Your Home;

Publication 544, Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets; and Publication 551, Basis of Assets. These publications are available on the Internal Revenue Service’s Web site at

Computation of cost or other basis


........................................................................................................Purchase price of stock shares






Increases to basis:


























Closing costs








Other ( explain )


















........................................................................................................................Add lines 6, 7, and 8






.............................................................................................................................Add lines 5 and 9








Decreases to basis:








Depreciation ( if applicable )


















Other ( explain )










.........................................................................................................................Add lines 11 and 12






.............................................................Adjusted basis of stock shares ( subtract line 13 from line 10 )







Gain or loss


Sale price less selling expenses (enter here and on the front page, Part 2, line 1)



Cost or adjusted basis ( from line 14 above )


17Total gain or loss: Subtract line 16 from line 15. If the amount is a gain (greater than zero), enter here, on the front page, Part 2, line 2, and continue with line 18. If the amount is a loss ( less than or equal to zero), enter 0 here, on line 20 below, and on the front page, line 2. Complete Part 2, Part 3, and Form IT-2664-V on page 3. 17.

Estimated tax due

18Enter the gain from line 17 ( if only a portion of the gain from line 17 is subject to tax, see instructions below ) 18.

19 New York State tax rate 8.82% (.0882)


20Estimated tax due (Multiply line 18 by line 19, and round to the nearest whole dollar; enter here and on the front page,

Part 2, line 3. Complete Form IT-2664-V, Nonresident Cooperative Unit Estimated Income Tax Payment Voucher, on page 3.) 20.



Specific instructions for Worksheet for Part 2

Note: See Form IT-2664-I, Instructions for Form IT-2664, for complete instructions.

Lines 5 through 17 — Multiple transferors/sellers: Enter the total purchase price, adjustments to basis, and sale price to determine the total gain (or loss). See Line 18 below for allocation of the gain.

Line 5 — Your purchase price of stock shares in a cooperative unit is usually the cost of stock in the cooperative housing corporation, which may include your share of a mortgage on the building owned by the cooperative housing corporation on the date of the purchase of stock interest, if such portion is properly allocable to your cooperative unit and must be paid as a condition of retaining your stock interest in the cooperative housing corporation. This amount must be computed in the same manner as for federal income tax purposes.

Line 18 — Enter the gain (or portion of the gain) from line 17 that will be reported on your federal income tax return for 2012.

If only a portion of the cooperative unit qualifies as your principal residence, enter the gain allocated to the portion of the cooperative unit that did not qualify as your principal residence and will be reported on your federal income tax return for 2012. Attach a statement to Form IT-2664 showing how you computed the allocation.

If two or more persons transfer or sell the cooperative unit, allocate the total gain on the cooperative unit among the transferors/sellers in the same manner as the gain is allocated for federal income tax purposes. Attach a statement to Form IT-2664 showing each transferor’s/seller’s name, SSN or EIN, address, and share of the gain.

If the gain is being reported as an installment sale, enter the amount of gain that you (and your spouse, if applicable) will be reporting on your 2012 federal income tax return.

A nonresident estate or trust must enter the amount of the gain, without regard to any distributions, from line 17.

Line 19 — When computing tax due on the gain from the transfer or sale of the cooperative unit, you must use the tax rate equal to the highest rate of tax for the tax year as set forth in the Tax Law, section 601. For tax year 2012 that rate is 8.82% (.0882).

Line 20 — This is the amount of your required estimated tax payment. Enter this amount on the front page, Part 2, line 3, and as your estimated tax payment on Form IT-2664-V on page 3. You must complete Form IT-2664-V, even if there is no payment of estimated personal income tax due.

IT-2664 (2012) Page 3 of 3

Note: You must complete Form IT-2664-V (below), even if there is no payment of estimated personal income tax due.

Estimated income tax payment information

Print your name, SSN or EIN, and 2012 IT-2664-V on your payment. You must remit the full payment of estimated income tax as shown on Form IT-2664, line 3 without regard to any prior credits or payments of estimated tax for the tax year. Make your check or money order payable to NYS INCOME TAX. Do not combine this payment with payment of any other tax or fee; it must be a separate check or money order. Do not detach this voucher from the rest of the form.

Mail your completed Form IT-2664 (with a check or money order for the full payment of any estimated income tax due) and your Form TP-584 (with a separate check or money order for the real estate transfer tax shown as due on Form TP-584) to the NYS Tax Department at the address below within 15 days of the delivery of the instrument effecting the disposition.



PO BOX 5045

ALBANY NY 12205-5045

Private delivery services

If you choose, you may use a private delivery service, instead of the U.S. Postal Service, to mail in your form and tax payment. However, if, at a later date, you need to establish the date you iled or paid your tax, you cannot use the date recorded by

a private delivery service unless you used a delivery service that has been designated by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury or the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. (Currently designated delivery services are listed in Publication 55, Designated Private Delivery Services. See Need help? in the instructions, Form IT-2664-I, for information on obtaining forms and publications.) If you have used a designated private delivery service and need to establish the date you iled your form, contact that private delivery service for instructions on how to obtain written proof of the date your form was given to the delivery service for delivery. If you use any private delivery service, whether it is a designated service or not, send the forms covered by these instructions to: NYS Tax Department, Deposit Resolution Unit, W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227.

Attach check or money order here.

You must attach a separate check or money order made payable to NYS INCOME TAX for the full amount of estimated personal income tax due as shown on Part 2, line 3, and Form IT-2664-V (below).

Do not detach

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance

Nonresident Cooperative Unit Estimated Income Tax Payment Voucher For use on sale or transfer of a cooperative unit by a nonresident

Enter date of conveyance and total payment in the boxes to the right. Print your name, social security number or employer identiication number, and 2012 IT-2664-V on your payment. Make payable to NYS INCOME TAX.

Identiication number ( SSN or EIN of an estate or trust )

Mark an X in one box:




























Individual taxpayer’s full name or name of estate or trust


















Spouse’s name ( if applicable ) or name and title of iduciary

Spouse’s SSN














Individual taxpayer’s street address or address of iduciary or representative

( see instructions )

Total payment




















City, village, or post ofice





ZIP code













Date iscal year ends

Date of conveyance




How to Edit It 2664 Form Online for Free

it2664 can be filled out online with ease. Simply open FormsPal PDF editor to complete the job without delay. Our editor is consistently developing to grant the very best user experience possible, and that's thanks to our commitment to constant improvement and listening closely to customer feedback. With a few simple steps, you can start your PDF journey:

Step 1: Hit the "Get Form" button above. It's going to open our pdf tool so you can begin filling out your form.

Step 2: This editor helps you modify the majority of PDF files in many different ways. Transform it by adding your own text, adjust existing content, and include a signature - all manageable in minutes!

It will be simple to finish the document using out helpful tutorial! This is what you have to do:

1. It is crucial to fill out the it2664 properly, therefore be careful when filling in the sections comprising all these blanks:

it 2664 completion process outlined (part 1)

2. Right after performing the previous part, go on to the next stage and fill out the essential details in these blank fields - Total gain from Worksheet for, Estimated tax due from Worksheet, This is to certify that the, estimated tax under Tax Law, The sale or transfer of this, The transferorseller is not, Brief summary of the transfer, and Part Signature I the undersigned.

Step number 2 of filling out it 2664

Regarding Total gain from Worksheet for and estimated tax under Tax Law, make sure you review things here. These two are thought to be the most significant fields in this PDF.

3. Completing Part Signature I the undersigned, Signature of spouse if applicable, Date, and Date is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

Filling out part 3 in it 2664

4. The next subsection will require your attention in the following places: Computation of cost or other basis, Purchase price of stock shares, Decreases to basis, Gain or loss, Sale price less selling expenses, here on line below and on the, front page Part line and, Estimated tax due, and Enter the gain from line if only. Make certain to provide all needed info to move forward.

Part # 4 for submitting it 2664

5. To conclude your document, the last subsection requires several additional fields. Filling in Enter the gain from line if only, Part line Complete Form ITV, Specific instructions for, Note See Form ITI Instructions for, Lines through Multiple, Line Your purchase price of, If two or more persons transfer, If the gain is being reported as, A nonresident estate or trust, gain without regard to any, Line When computing tax due on, and Line This is the amount of your is going to wrap up the process and you're going to be done in a tick!

Completing segment 5 in it 2664

Step 3: Once you have looked over the information in the blanks, click on "Done" to complete your form. Join FormsPal now and instantly obtain it2664, set for downloading. All alterations you make are preserved , meaning you can change the file at a later point if required. Here at FormsPal, we do our utmost to make sure all of your information is maintained protected.