Other Adults in Household:
Nevada Check Up (NCU) Application
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Questions regarding this
application? Call:
1-877-KIDS NOW (543-7669)
If previously on Nevada Check Up, please enter family identification number:
Note - We will review your application for possible Medicaid eligibility. If it appears your children may be eligible for Medicaid, we will deny NCU enrollment and may refer your case to the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) for a Medicaid eligibility review.
1)Do you want this application to be referred to Nevada Medicaid if applicable? Yes No
2)Are you currently applying for Medicaid medical assistance for any of the individuals listed? Yes
Person or Head of the Household Applying for Child(ren): Please fill in all the information about the person
applying for the child(ren).
(1) Last Name |
Male Female |
First Name |
MI |
Social Security Number |
Date of Birth |
Marital Status |
Race/Ethnicity (OPTIONAL) |
Married |
Single |
African American |
Asian |
Caucasian/White |
Other |
Hispanic |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Citizenship Status - Information received on citizenship status is not reported to INS |
Preferred Language |
U.S. Citizen |
Undocumented Alien |
Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) as of (Date): |
English |
Spanish |
Home Address - Number, Apt/Space and Street |
City and State |
Zip Code |
Mailing address (if different than home) |
City and State |
Zip Code |
Home Number |
Cell/Message |
Work Number |
How many people in |
this household? |
( |
) |
( |
) |
( |
) |
*Will this household continue to live in Nevada? Yes *Is your rent or mortgage subsidized by an agency? No
List all adults in the household regardless of relationship to child(ren) for which you are applying. If more adults reside in the household, please attach an additional sheet with the same information in the same order as listed below:
(1) Last Name |
Male |
Female |
First Name |
MI |
Social Security Number |
Date of Birth |
Marital Status |
Race/Ethnicity (OPTIONAL) |
Married |
Single |
African American |
Asian |
Caucasian/White |
Other |
Hispanic |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Citizenship Status- Information on citizenship is not reported to INS
U.S. Citizen Undocumented Alien Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) as of (Date):
Relationship to applicant above Spouse Sibling Child Parent Other Relative Other :
(2) Last Name |
Male |
Female |
First Name |
MI |
Social Security Number |
Date of Birth |
Marital Status |
Race/Ethnicity (OPTIONAL) |
Married |
Single |
African American |
Asian |
Caucasian/White |
Other |
Hispanic |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
Citizenship Status- Information on citizenship is not reported to INS
U.S. Citizen |
Undocumented Alien |
Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) as of |
(Date): |
Relationship to applicant above
Spouse Sibling Child Parent Other Relative Other :
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NCU-0100 (06/10) |
Children in Household:
List all children even if they are not U.S. citizens. If more than four children reside in the household, please attach an additional sheet with the same information in the same order as listed below. If Birth Certificates are available, please provide a copy.
(1) Last Name |
Male |
Female |
First Name |
MI |
Social Security # (REQUIRED) |
Date of Birth |
Marital Status |
Race/Ethnicity (OPTIONAL) |
Single |
Married |
African American |
Asian |
Caucasian/White |
Hispanic |
American Indian/Alaska Native |
Other: |
Citizenship Status (REQUIRED) |
Is this child |
Are you applying for |
Is this child disabled |
*Information on citizenship is not reported to INS |
pregnant? |
NCU for this child? |
and receiving SSI? |
U.S. Citizen |
Undocumented Alien |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Lawful Permanent Resident - provide copy of card |
Due date: |
Health Insurance |
Parental Relationship (REQUIRED) |
On Nevada Medicaid |
Yes, name of insurance: |
Name of mother : |
No Coverage |
Date coverage ended: |
Type of insurance: |
Name of father: |
Cancer |
Dental/Vision |
Pharmacy |
Reason: |
Managed Care (HMO/PPO) |
Relationship of child to applicant : |
Child |
Other: |
Major Medical |
Medicare A, B, or D |
Step-Child |
None |
Niece/Nephew |
Child Care Expenses - complete if applicable |
Amount Paid: |
How often paid: |
(2) Last Name |
Male |
Female |
First Name |
MI |
Social Security # (REQUIRED) |
Date of Birth |
Marital Status |
Race/Ethnicity (OPTIONAL) |
Single |
Married |
African American |
Asian |
Caucasian/White |
Hispanic |
American Indian/Alaska Native |
Other: |
Citizenship Status (REQUIRED) |
Is this child |
Are you applying for |
Is this child |
disabled and |
*Information on citizenship is not reported to INS |
pregnant? |
NCU for this child? |
receiving SSI? |
U.S. Citizen |
Undocumented Alien |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Lawful Permanent Resident - provide copy of card |
Due date: |
Health Insurance |
On Nevada Medicaid |
Yes, Name of Insurance: |
No Coverage |
Date coverage ended: |
Type of insurance: |
Cancer Dental/Vision |
Pharmacy |
Reason: |
Managed Care (HMO/PPO) |
Major Medical |
Medicare A, B, or D |
Parental Relationship (REQUIRED)
Name of mother :
Name of father: |
Relationship of child to applicant: |
Child |
Other: |
Step-Child |
None |
Niece/Nephew |
Child Care Expenses - complete if applicable |
Amount Paid: |
How often paid: |
(3) Last Name |
Male |
Female |
First Name |
MI |
Social Security # (REQUIRED) |
Date of Birth |
Marital Status |
Race/Ethnicity (OPTIONAL) |
Single |
Married |
African American |
Asian |
Caucasian/White |
Hispanic |
American Indian/Alaska Native |
Other: |
Citizenship Status (REQUIRED) |
Is this child |
Are you applying for |
Is this child disabled |
*Information on citizenship is not reported to INS |
pregnant? |
NCU for this child? |
and receiving SSI? |
U.S. Citizen |
Undocumented Alien |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Lawful Permanent Resident - provide copy of card |
Due date: |
Health Insurance |
Parental Relationship (REQUIRED) |
On Nevada Medicaid |
Yes, Name of Insurance: |
Name of mother : |
No Coverage |
Date coverage ended: |
Type of insurance: |
Name of father: |
Cancer |
Dental/Vision |
Pharmacy |
Reason: |
Managed Care (HMO/PPO) |
Relationship of child to applicant: |
Child |
Other: |
Major Medical |
Medicare A, B, or D |
Step-Child |
None |
Niece/Nephew |
Child Care Expenses - complete if applicable |
Amount Paid: |
How often paid: |
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NCU-0100 (06/10) |
(4) Last Name |
Male |
Female |
First Name |
MI |
Social Security # (REQUIRED) |
Date of Birth |
Marital Status |
Race/Ethnicity (OPTIONAL) |
Single |
Married |
African American |
Asian |
Caucasian/White |
Hispanic |
American Indian/Alaska Native |
Other: |
Citizenship Status (REQUIRED) |
Is this child |
Are you applying for |
Is this child disabled |
*Information on citizenship is not reported to INS |
pregnant? |
NCU for this child? |
and receiving SSI? |
U.S. Citizen |
Undocumented Alien |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Lawful Permanent Resident - provide copy of card |
Due date: |
Health Insurance |
Parental Relationship (REQUIRED) |
On Nevada Medicaid |
Yes, Name of Insurance: |
Name of mother : |
No Coverage |
Date coverage ended: |
Type of insurance: |
Name of father: |
Cancer |
Dental/Vision |
Pharmacy |
Reason: |
Managed Care (HMO/PPO) |
Relationship of child to applicant: |
Child |
Other: |
Major Medical |
Medicare A, B, or D |
Step-Child |
None |
Niece/Nephew |
Child Care Expenses - complete if applicable |
Amount Paid: |
How often paid: |
Employment Information: List employment information for each adult residing in the household. *See insert for acceptable income verification (not more than 45 days old).
(1) Person Employed - Last, First |
Name of Employer |
Employer Address |
Employer Telephone |
( |
) |
Gross Pay - amount before taxes |
Tips per pay period |
How Often Paid |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
Other: |
(2) Person Employed - Last, First |
Name of Employer |
Employer Address |
Employer Telephone |
( |
) |
Gross Pay - amount before taxes |
Tips per pay period |
How Often Paid |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
Other: |
Other Income: Please provide the most current proof (not more than 45 days old) for each income received. List all types of income received by anyone in the household (including children) and leave blank if not applicable.
Source of Other Income |
Name of Recipient |
Dollar |
How Often Paid |
Amount |
Child Support/Alimony |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Other: |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
Social Security Payments - select |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Other: |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
Disability Payment Source |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Other: |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
Unemployment Benefits |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Other: |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
Pension Payment and Source |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Other: |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
Interest or Dividends (Stocks, Bonds, |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Other: |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
Trusts, Mutual Funds, Savings, etc.) |
Other (such as cash assistance, etc) |
Weekly |
Every 2 weeks |
Other: |
Twice a month |
Monthly |
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NCU-0100 (06/10) |
Health Plan Selection: Please choose a health plan:
*Note: If you do not choose a health plan preference, we will choose a plan for you (see insert for choices).
Referral Information: How did you hear about Nevada Check Up? (Please check the ONE that applies)
Covering Kids and Families |
Welfare |
School |
Media (Newspaper, TV and Radio) |
Internet |
Friend/Family |
Doctor/Hospital |
Social Services/Health Dept |
Child Care Provider |
Tribal Resource |
Clinic |
Other: |
Signature and Affirmation:
It is your responsibility to immediately report to Nevada Check Up any of the following status changes for your children:
OChange of address and phone number
OMoves out of the house or state
OChild(ren) becomes eligible for Medicaid or other health insurance
OA household member becomes deceased
OChild(ren) becomes a resident, inmate of a public institution or a ward of the state
OChild(ren) becomes emancipated and/or married
In signing this document, I hereby apply for health insurance coverage for the named children under the Nevada Check Up program. I agree to adhere to all the required responsibilities to report changes listed on this application. I certify that all information contained is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that no facts have been left out.
I hereby release Nevada Check Up from liability, if any, resulting from the disclosure of information contained in this application.
I understand and authorize Nevada Check Up and/or the Department of Health and Human Services to contact any party deemed necessary to verify information presented on the application.
If any of my household members receive Nevada Check Up, I agree to assign all rights to any medical claims, medical support or other payments for medical care. I understand this is a condition of being eligible for Nevada Check Up. I agree to cooperate with the division in obtaining payments for medical care from any third party or person who may be liable for the medical services paid for by Nevada Check Up. I also understand I must inform Nevada Check Up if any legal action is taken against anyone or if I receive any offer or settlement for the reimbursement of medical care and treatment that may be paid for by Nevada Check Up.
I understand the eligibility determination process may take 45 days. The 45 days starts when a complete application with all necessary, requested and required documentation is received. Once approved, I will be notified by mail of the date coverage begins and my premium amount. If the application is denied or Nevada Check Up makes any other decision with which I don’t agree, including timeliness of the determination within established guidelines, I have the right to request a hearing. The request for hearing must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the date of the denial letter.
A reproduced copy of this authorization constitutes an original copy.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Nevada that the foregoing is true and correct. (NRS 53.045, NRS 199.120 thru NRS 199.200 and NRS 41.365).
I further understand that the law provides penalties for persons hiding facts or not being completely truthful.
I understand that information provided to NCU may be verified or investigated by federal, state and local officials. If I do not cooperate in the investigation, my child(ren)’s benefits will be denied or terminated. If I make false or misleading statements;
misrepresent, conceal or withhold facts; or alter any document necessary to make an accurate eligibility determination, my child(ren)’s benefits may be denied or terminated. I am responsible for repayment of all monies paid for services to which my
child(ren) were not entitled and I may be subject to any criminal and/or civil penalties in accordance with state and federal law.
Applicant Signature: |
Date: |
(Mandatory) If not signed, application will be rejected.
Send your completed application or any correspondence to: Nevada Check Up Program 1000 E. William Street Ste 200 Carson City, Nevada 89701
Questions? Call us at (775) 684-3777 or toll free 1-877-KIDS-NOW (543-7669). Our fax number is (775) 684-8792. Spanish speaking staff is always available! You may also visit us on our website: http://nevadacheckup.nv.gov
If you believe someone has interfered with your right to register to vote, your right to choose your own political party or other political preference, you may file a complaint with the Office of the Secretary of State, Capitol Complex, Carson City, Nevada 89710.
The Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Care Financing and Policy, provides services without discrimination of any kind due to race, national origin, color, gender, religion, age or disability (including AIDS and related conditions) as required by federal law.
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NCU-0100 (06/10) |
1-877-KIDS-NOW (543-7669) |
Nevada Check Up |
Fax (775) 684-8792 |
1000 E Williams Street, Suite 200 |
Carson City, NV 89701 |
What is Nevada Check Up?
The state of Nevada Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) known as “Nevada Check Up” is a federal and state funded program that provides low-cost health care coverage to uninsured children from birth through 18 years of age who meet the program guidelines.
What health services are covered?
Most medically necessary services are covered. Nevada Check Up offers comprehensive medical, dental and medical vision care for children.
What are the eligibility qualifications for Nevada Check Up?
Number of |
200% FPL |
People in |
Max Income |
Household |
Level |
2 |
$29,140 |
3 |
$36,620 |
4 |
$44,100 |
5 |
$51,580 |
6 |
$59,060 |
Children must meet the following conditions:
Not be covered by or appear eligible for Medicaid
Have no other health care coverage or had insurance in the last six months
Not be covered by or have access to the Public Employee Benefits Program (PEBP)
Be a citizen of the United States or a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) for five years
O Please note that applying for Nevada Check Up will not affect your family’s immigration status
Meet federal income guidelines (be within 200% of the Federal Poverty Level)
OApplicants that currently exceed the listed 200% FPL may still qualify for our program in the future as the Federal Poverty Levels can change
Be younger than 18 years and 11 months at the time of the application
What about premium payments?
The only cost for Nevada Check Up is a quarterly premium which is determined by family size and income. The premium is charged per family, not per child. Below is a chart which shows the premium amount associated with the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). For American Indian families who are members of federally recognized tribes, or an Eskimo, Aleut or other Alaska Native enrolled by the Secretary of the Interior, quarterly premiums are waived when proof of status (copy of the tribal affiliation card) is provided.
Premium |
$25 |
From 36% up to 150% |
$50 |
From 151% up to 175% |
$80 |
At or above 176% |
Families are informed of their premium amount once they are enrolled. If families are enrolled during a quarter premiums will be prorated. If your child(ren) were previously on NCU and have an existing unpaid premium balance, children will not be enrolled until payment is received. Payment arrangements can be made which would not exceed 60 days.
Note - Failure to pay premiums will result in disenrollment
Quarters |
Due Date |
1st Quarter |
October 1st |
Oct, Nov, Dec |
2nd Quarter |
January 1 |
st |
Jan, Feb, Mar |
3rd Quarter |
April 1 |
st |
Apr, May, Jun |
4th Quarter |
July 1 |
st |
Jul, Aug, Sept |
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NCU App Insert English (06/10)

1-877-KIDS-NOW (543-7669) |
Nevada Check Up |
Fax (775) 684-8792 |
1000 E Williams Street, Suite 200 |
Carson City, NV 89701 |
How often must I re-qualify for Nevada Check Up?
Once a year, Nevada Check Up will send a request for updated information. Recipients will also be requested to send new income verification documents. If you do not respond by the deadline, your children will no longer be covered by Nevada Check Up. Families will only receive notification if their case will be disenrolled.
Health Plan
Families who live in urban Washoe County or urban Clark County are covered by a Managed Care Organization (MCO). You are asked to choose one of the following health plans on page four of the application under Health Plan Selection. If you do not indicate a health plan preference on your application, we will choose a plan for you. Your choice of health plan does not guarantee acceptance into the Nevada Check Up program. Once enrolled, families will receive a member handbook explaining the health plan benefits and can contact the numbers below for information regarding the health plans.
Amerigroup : 1-800-600-4441
Health Plan of Nevada : 1-800-962-8074
For families living in the Fee-For-Service benefit area, services may be obtained from any Nevada Medicaid provider who will accept Nevada Check Up. If you need assistance in locating a provider, please call your local Medicaid District Office:
Carson City (775) 684-3653 Reno (775) 688-2811 Las Vegas (702) 486-1550 Elko (775) 753-1191
Third Party Liability
A condition of being eligible for Nevada Check Up is the agreement to assign all rights to any medical claims, medical support or other payments for medical care. Recipients must cooperate with the division in obtaining payments for medical care from any third party or person who may be liable for the medical services paid for by the Nevada Check Up Program. Recipients must inform Nevada Check Up if any legal action is taken against anyone or if any offer or settlement is received for the reimbursement of medical care and treatment that may be paid for by the Nevada Check Up Program.
Investigations and Referrals
Information provided to NCU may be verified or investigated by federal, state and local officials. If you do not cooperate in the investigation, which may include a home visit, your benefits will be denied or terminated. If you make false or misleading statements, misrepresent, conceal or withhold facts; or alter any document necessary to make an accurate eligibility determination, your benefits may be denied or terminated. You are responsible for repayment of all monies paid for services to which you were not entitled and you may be subject to any criminal and/or civil penalties in accordance with state and federal law.
Proof of income - two current and consecutive pay stubs (not more than 45 days old from application date) *If paycheck stubs are not available you need to contact Nevada Check Up for an Earnings Verification Form
Current unemployment award letter if receiving unemployment benefits
Complete copy of last year’s tax return
Last 3 months of personal and business bank statements
Other Income
Current year award letter for RSDI, SSI, Worker’s Compensation, VA Benefits, Disability Benefits, Pension Payments, interest/dividends received, proof of money from property (rent received) and proof of any other income not listed
Proof of child support including amount and frequency per child if applicable
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NCU App Insert English (06/10)