New Mexico Request For Refund Form PDF Details

Are you a resident of New Mexico looking for the right form to file for a refund? This blog post is here to help. We'll provide an overview of the process, including information about the specific form you will need to submit - the New Mexico Request For Refund Form - and walk you through how and where to access it. We’ll also explain when to use this form as well as what other documentation may be required in order to complete your request.

Form NameNew Mexico Request For Refund Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesnm request refund related, mvd form 10208, nm mvd 10208 2014, mvd 10208 form

Form Preview Example

MVD– 1 0 2 0 8

REV. 02/ 14





Vehicle Relat ed

Boat/ Vessel Relat ed


Dr iver Relat ed

Ot her
















Ow n e r / D r iv e r I n f or m a t io n














Pr int ed Nam e







Dat e of Bir t h














Addr ess







Telephone Nu m ber , I ncludin g Ar ea Code













Cit y, St at e Z I P







Em ail Addr ess














Dat e of Pay m ent


Met hod of Pay m ent




Refund Am ount Request ed





Cash Check

Cr edit / Debit Car d Money Or der


















Re a son ( s) f o r Re f u n d



V e h icle or V e sse l Re la t e d :

Vehicle or Hu ll I dent ificat ion Nu m ber



License Plat e or Boat Nu m ber













I ncorr ect com put at ion of r egist r at ion fee ( including overpaym ent , double pay m ent or m isapplied fees) :



Subm it copy of regist r at ion cer t ificat e and let t er of explanat ion.






Tw o r egist r at ions and v alidat ion st ickers/ decals pur chased for one vehicle/ v essel:




Subm it copy of vehicle/ v essel r egist r at ion cer t ificat e being used and t he unused regist r at ion cer t ificat e and st ick er / decal.


I ncorr ect com put at ion of ex cise t ax :








Subm it copy of regist r at ion cer t ificat e show ing fees paid and let t er of explanat ion.



Vehicle sold, t r ansferr ed, abandoned or dest r oy ed w it hin t he fir st y ear of a t wo- year r egist r at ion per iod m ay qualify for r efund



of second- y ear regist r at ion fee only ( no por t ion of fir st - year fee can be r efunded) .




Subm it docum ent at ion of t r ansfer or disposit ion, including dat e and m et hod of t r ansfer or disposit ion.



Not e: No such regist r at ion refund is av ailable for v essels.






Vet er ans allow ance:









Subm it Cer t ificat e of Eligibilit y for Vet er ans’ Tax Ex em pt ion fr om t he New Mex ico Depar t m ent of Vet er ans’ Serv ices.












D r iv e r Re la t e d :



Dr iver ’s Licen se Nu m ber



Cit at ion Nu m ber



















Cit at ion – pay m ent m ade t o MVD inst ead of designat ed court :







Subm it copy of cit at ion and proof of pay m ent .






Double pay m ent :





War ning t ick et :




Subm it pr oof of pay m ent for bot h pay m ent s.


Subm it copy of cit at ion and proof of pay m ent .


Ov er pay m ent :





Reinst at em ent fee:




Subm it suppor t ing t r ansact ion docum ent s and proof of paym ent .


Subm it suppor t ing pay m ent and cit at ion docum ent s.











Ot h e r Re a son s f or Re f u n d :







Ex plain below . Subm it support ing docum ent s and let t er of ex planat ion ( if needed) .

I MPORTAN T! Request M UST be a ccom pa nied by copy of ca sh re ceipt , ca n celed che ck , m oney order or cr edit ca rd st a t em ent .

Pur suant t o Sect ions 66 - 6 - 22 and 7 - 1 - 126 NMSA 1978, I her eby r equest r efund of fees paid t o t he New Mex ico Mot or Vehicle Div ision for t he r eason( s) indicat ed abov e, and cer t ify t hat all infor m at ion given is t r ue and corr ect t o t he best of m y know ledge.

Request er ’s Signat ur e

Dat e

Please include all copies of pay m ent s and m ail t o:

Mot or Vehicle Div ision, Dr iver & Vehicle Serv ices Bur eau


P. O. Box 1028, Sant a Fe, NM 87504 - 1028

How to Edit New Mexico Request For Refund Form Online for Free

Using PDF files online can be very simple with this PDF tool. Anyone can fill out mvd form10208 here with no trouble. To keep our editor on the leading edge of efficiency, we strive to integrate user-driven capabilities and enhancements on a regular basis. We're routinely looking for suggestions - play a pivotal part in remolding how you work with PDF docs. To begin your journey, take these easy steps:

Step 1: Firstly, open the pdf tool by pressing the "Get Form Button" above on this page.

Step 2: With the help of this advanced PDF editor, it's possible to do more than merely fill out forms. Express yourself and make your documents seem high-quality with custom text added in, or fine-tune the file's original content to perfection - all that comes along with an ability to incorporate just about any images and sign the document off.

It is easy to finish the form with this helpful tutorial! Here is what you should do:

1. First of all, when filling in the mvd form10208, start with the part containing following blanks:

Writing section 1 of new mexico refund vessel

2. Once your current task is complete, take the next step – fill out all of these fields - I ncorr ect com put at ion of ex, Subm it copy of regist r at ion, Vehicle sold tr ansferr ed, of second y ear regist r at ion, Vet er ans allow ance, Subm it Cer t ificat e of, D r iv e r Re la t e d, Dr iver s Licen se Nu m ber, Cit at ion Nu m ber, Cit at ion pay m ent m ade to, Subm it copy of cit at ion and, Double pay m ent, War ning t ick et, Subm it pr oof of pay m ent for, and Subm it copy of cit at ion and with their corresponding information. Make sure to double check that everything has been entered correctly before continuing!

Completing part 2 of new mexico refund vessel

3. This subsequent part is normally relatively simple, Pur suant t o Sect ions and, Request er s Signat ur e, Dat e, Please include all copies of pay m, and Mot or Vehicle Div ision Dr iver - all these blanks has to be filled out here.

Writing segment 3 of new mexico refund vessel

Always be very attentive when filling in Pur suant t o Sect ions and and Request er s Signat ur e, because this is the part in which a lot of people make a few mistakes.

Step 3: Just after looking through the fields and details, press "Done" and you are done and dusted! Make a 7-day free trial account with us and obtain direct access to mvd form10208 - downloadable, emailable, and editable in your FormsPal account. FormsPal is focused on the personal privacy of all our users; we make certain that all personal data coming through our tool is protected.