Ny Notice And Acknowledgement Of Pay Rate Form PDF Details

Are you an employer with employees in New York state? Are you aware of your legal obligation to provide employees with a Notice and Acknowledgement of Pay Rate form whenever their pay rate or terms of compensation change? If not, it's essential that all employers located in the great state of New York understand and comply with this law for both current and new hires. Through this blog post, we'll break down what the New York notice-and-acknowledgement-of-pay rate form is, when its necessary to use it, how to file the paperwork correctly, and why compliance shouldn't be taken lightly. Let's dive right into learning more about ny notice & acknowledgement forms!

Form NameNy Notice And Acknowledgement Of Pay Rate Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesls acknowledgement pay form, ls 54 2020, ls 54 form 2020, ls 54

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Notice and Acknowledgement of Pay Rate and Payday/工资与发薪日通知与确认书

Under Section 195.1 of the New York State Labor Law/根据纽约州劳动法 (Labor Law) 195.1

Notice for Hourly Rate Employees/时薪员工通知

1. Employer Information/雇主信息


Doing Business As (DBA) Name(s)/经营 (DBA) 名称:

FEIN (optional)/FEIN(选填):

Physical Address/实际地址:

Mailing Address/邮寄地址:


2.Notice given/通知时间:

At hiring/聘用时

Before a change in pay rate(s), allowances claimed or payday/工资、补助或发薪日变化之前

3. Employee’s rate of pay/员工工资:

$per hour/每小时

4.Allowances taken/补助:








per hour/每小时




per meal/每餐













5.Regular payday/固定发薪日

6.Pay is/发薪周期:




7. Overtime Pay Rate/加班费:

$per hour (This must be at least 1½ times the worker’s regular rate with few exceptions.)/每小时 (必须至少为工人正常工资的 1.5 倍,少数例外。)

8. Employee Acknowledgement/员工确认:

On this day I have been notified of my pay rate, overtime rate (if eligible), allowances, and designated pay day on the date given below. I told my employer what my primary language is./本人于下方日期收到关于工资、加班 费(如有资格)、补助和指定发薪日的通知。本人已告诉 雇主本人的主要语言是什么。

Check one/请勾选一项:

I have been given this pay notice in English because it is my primary language./本人已收到此英语薪资通知, 因为英语是本人的主要语言。

My primary language is/本人的主要语言是 。

I have been given this pay notice in English only, because the Department of Labor does not yet offer a pay notice form in my primary language./本人已收到此全 为英语的薪资通知,因为劳工署 (Department of Labor) 尚 未提供采用本人主要语言的薪资通知表。

Print Employee Name/正楷书写员工姓名

Employee Signature/员工签名


Preparer’s Name and Title/制表人姓名和职务

The employee must receive a signed copy of this form. The employer must keep the original for

6years./员工必须收到该表格的签名副本。雇主必须将原 件保存 6 年。

Please note: It is unlawful for an employee to be

paid less than an employee of the opposite sex for equal work. Employers also may not prohibit employees from discussing wages with their co-workers./请注意:异性员 工同工不同酬是违法行为。雇主也不得禁止员工与同事讨 论工资。

LS 54C (01/17)