Ohs 30 Form PDF Details

Understanding the critical connection between maintaining a healthy workforce and the smooth operation of a business leads us to appreciate the significance of forms like the OHS 30, which plays a pivotal role in managing employees' health-related absences. Framed within the context of Occupational Health Safety and Emergency Preparedness, this form functions as a bridge, facilitating clear and constructive communication between employees, their healthcare providers, and their employers. At its core, the OHS 30 form seeks comprehensive input from the attending practitioner regarding the employee's ability to return to work, considering any necessary accommodations or modifications to their duties. It encompasses everything from medication and treatment plans that could affect work performance, to the expected duration of the condition and specific work-life limitations it may impose. Moreover, it opens a pathway for possible interventions like the Employee Assistance Program and the Early and Safe Return to Work Program, demonstrating a proactive approach to employee wellness and workplace safety. This form not only underscores the importance of transparency and collaboration in navigating health-related work absences but also reflects a broader commitment to employee well-being as a cornerstone of organizational health.

Form NameOhs 30 Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesSmyth, my toh apsr, apsr toh, 7W9

Form Preview Example


SECTION 1: To be completed by the employee

Last Name

First Name

Date of Birth Civic






I hereby authorize ___________________________________________ my attending practitioner who has provided care to me during my absence

from work for the dates (from) _____________________ (to) __________________ to release the medical information requested in the following

questionnaire to Occupational Health Safety and Emergency Preparedness to explain my absence(s) in order to facilitate my return to work.

Employee signature:


The Ottawa Hospital offers an Employee Assistance Program as well as an Early and Safe Return to Work Program to assist the reintegration of employees at work who are ill or have been injured. Hence, the information provided will be of assistance to ensure that employees are given the opportunity to return to work as soon as possible. We appreciate your prompt completion of this form

SECTION 2: To be completed by the attending practitioner

General Medical Information:





Is the employee taking medication which will impair his/her judgement or ability to operate equipment safely at work: Yes No


Is the employee receiving treatment from a specialist?



being referred


Is the employee following the treatment plan:




4.What are the components of the treatment plan?

5.How frequent are the employee's appointments ______________________________________________________________________________

6.How long do you expect the condition to last?_______________________________________________________________________________

7.What limitations does the condition place on work life activities?


Based on your assessment, the employee:


Can return to work to modified duties/hours? Duration: from _________________________

to ________________________

Please provide details about the return to work plan, including restrictions if applicable, and hours of work:

Can return to regular duties and if so, indicate when: __________________________

Is unable to return to work

Expected date of return to work: ________________________

Please provide any other comment that would assist us in ensuring proper accommodation/ safe return to work.

May our Occupational Health Nurse/Physician contact you to discuss the above information?

Yes No


Attending Practitioner information (please print)











Given name









Address (Street, Apt, City)

Postal Code


Email address












Please note that this form must be completed and returned to the Occupational Health Safety and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP) promptly following employee’s visit or their sick leave benefits may be affected. The Hospital will pay a maximum of $50.00 for this report. Please return the form to the OHSEP of the campus where your patient works. If required, call the OHSEP at the specific campus.

OHS 30 (09/2010)

Civic Campus

General Campus

Riverside Campus

1053 Carling Avenue

501 Smyth Road

1967 Riverside Drive



Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4E9

Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8L6

Ottawa, Ontario K1H 7W9


Fax.: 761-4162,

Fax.: 737-8912,

Fax.: 738-8260,

Tel.: 798-5555-14161

Tel.: 737-8899-78391

Tel.: 738-8400-88250