Ra 90 Form PDF Details

In the State of New York, the Division of Housing and Community Renewal plays a pivotal role in ensuring fair housing practices and tenant rights through various mechanisms, one of which includes the Form RA-90. This document serves a critical function for tenants experiencing issues related to lease renewals and the receipt of signed lease copies. By facilitating a formal process for lodging complaints against owners who fail to offer lease renewals or furnish a signed copy of the lease, the RA-90 form underscores the state’s commitment to maintaining lawful and equitable housing practices. Within its sections, the form meticulously outlines procedures for tenants, starting from providing general and rental history information, to enumerating specific grievances related to lease renewals. Additionally, it sets forth the evidentiary requirements needed to substantiate a tenant’s claims, thereby ensuring a structured and comprehensive framework for dispute resolution. The inclusion of deadlines and specific instructions for each part of the process ensures clarity and aids in the efficient administration of justice, reflecting the state’s dedication to upholding tenant rights and fostering a stable rental market.

Form NameRa 90 Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesra90 ra 90 form

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State of New York

Gertz Plaza

Division of Housing and Community Renewal

92-31 Union Hall Street

Office of Rent Administration

Jamaica, NY 11433

Web Site: www.nyshcr.org


Docket Number:

Tenant's Complaint of Owner's Failure to Renew Lease and/or

Failure to Furnish a Copy of a Signed Lease

InstructionstoTenant: Pleasetypeorprintclearlyallinformationrequestedonbothsidesofthisformandattachtheevidencerequested below. Mailordelivertheoriginalplusonecopyofthesignedform,andonecopyofallattachments,totheRentOfficeshownabove. Keep onecopyforyourrecords.

Note: As stated in Section 2522.5 of the Rent Stabilization Code, an owner is required to furnish to the tenant a copy of a fully executed new or renewal lease within 30 days of receipt of the lease, signed and dated, from the tenant. Sections 2522.5 (b) (1) and 2523.5 of the Rent Stabilization Code require an owner to offer a tenant, in writing, the option of a one or two-year renewal lease. Such offer shall

be made not more than 150 days and not less than 90 days prior to the end of the tenant's lease term, and may be served on the tenant by mail or personal delivery. The tenant's acceptance of such offer must be returned to the owner, either by mail or personal delivery, within 60 days.

Part I - General Information

1.Mailing Address of Tenant: (Please print or type)

2.Mailing Address of Owner/Agent: (Please print or type)




Apt. No.:




State, Zip Code:

State, Zip Code:

Telephone Number: Bus. (


Telephone Number: (


Res. ( )

(a) Subject Building (if different from tenant's mailing address):

Number and Street


Apartment Number

City, State, Zip Code

(b) I have SCRIE or DRIE:





(c) Section 8 Program:


U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development

New York City Housing Authority


Housing Choice Voucher

New York City Dept. of Housing & Preservation Development

If applicable, enter Certificate/Voucher Number: ______________________________________

PartII- RentalHistory

3.Terms of apartment rental: Complete either (a) or (b) and both (c) and (d)

(a)I moved into this apartment on _____/_____/_____under a written lease of _____________years, commencing on







_____/_____/_____ and expiring on _____/_____/_____at a rental of $ ________________per month.








I moved into this apartment on _____/_____/_____ without a written lease at an initial rent of $ ______________per month.







The last lease I received for this apartment was for a period of __________ years, commencing on _____/_____/_____ and


expiring on _____/_____/_____ at a rental of $ ________________ per month.










am not up to date with my rental payments.


RA-90 (11/12)

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(Check applicable boxes. If you have additional comments on questions 4-8, please attach additional sheets.)

4. The owner refuses to give me a renewal lease.

5. The owner refuses to give me a lease for __________ years as I requested. The owner offered a lease for __________ years.

6. The owner refuses to offer me a renewal lease on the same terms and conditions as were contained in my expiring lease. The owner has made changes in the new lease. (Identify the clauses in the expiring and new leases below.)

7. The owner failed to furnish me with a signed copy of my new or renewal lease.

8. The owner refuses to add my spouse's name on the renewal lease.

9. The complaints contained in this application were brought to the attention of the owner or his/her agent:

In person

By phone

By letter or other written notice


The following evidence must be submitted to support your complaint;

1.A photocopy of your initial lease for the apartment.

2.A photocopy of the current or last lease for your apartment.

3.Proof of payment of rent for the last six (6) months immediately preceding the filing of this complaint.

4.If you are seeking the addition of your spouse as a tenant named on the renewal lease, please submit a photocopy of your Marriage Certificate, together with evidence that your spouse is residing in the apartment and a statement that you asked the owner to add your spouse's name on the lease.

5.Any other relevant evidence to support your complaint.

Complete this section if you have additional comments on questions 4-8 in Part III:

I have read the above statements and I affirm, under the penalties provided by law, that the contents are true to my own knowledge. It is not necessary that the above be sworn to, but false statements may subject me to the penalties provided by law.



Tenant's Signature

Be sure to date and sign this Form

RA-90 (11/12)

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