Sars Power Of Antorney Form PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of tax affairs requires a nuanced understanding of various regulations and procedures, one of which includes delegating authority through a legal instrument known as the SARS Power of Attorney form. This document serves a crucial role, authorizing a designated individual to act on behalf of another in matters related to tax affairs, encompassing tasks from making enquiries to signing necessary returns or other tax-related documents. The form necessitates clear specification of the parties involved, including their roles (such as taxpayer, vendor, or representative), as well as their income tax and VAT reference numbers, if applicable. Notably, this Power of Attorney does not extend to tasks such as lodging objections against assessments, appeals to the Tax Board or Court, or participation in alternative dispute resolution—actions which require a separate authorization. With each execution, the form must be signed and witnessed, ensuring its validity and the clear delegation of authority, a vital step for individuals seeking to navigate their tax obligations efficiently and effectively.

Form NameSars Power Of Antorney Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namessars power of attorney form pdf, sars power of attorney, sars special power of attorney, power of attorney sars

Form Preview Example

SARS/general power of attorney



I, the undersigned ________________________________________ in my capacity as *taxpayer /

vendor / representative taxpayer / vendor / employer ____________________________ (* delete

whichever is not applicable or complete blank space) with income tax reference number

_____________________ and VAT reference number (if applicable) ___________________ hereby

nominate and appoint _____________________________________________________in his/her

capacity as ______________________________________ to be my representative with full power and

authority to act on my behalf in respect of my tax affairs, and in my name and on my behalf to make any enquiries or to complete or sign the necessary returns or other documents regarding my tax affairs.

This power of attorney does not apply to the lodging of any objection by me against any assessment, appeal to the Tax Board or Court or participation in the alternative dispute resolution in terms of the rules applicable to the dispute resolution process, which process requires a separate power of attorney contemplated in rule 4(d)(ii) of the rules issued in terms of section 107A of the Income Tax Act, 1962.

THIS DONE and EXECUTED at ___________________________ on this the










[Full name:______________________________________]



[Full name:______________________________________]