OMB Control No.: 3090-0296
Expires: 07/31/2014
B.Instructions Related to Attachment A (General Reporting) follows:
Real Property Details. Provide the requested information in subsections 13 through 18 of Attachment A for each parcel of real property being reported. Use a separate sheet to report information on each parcel of real property under the Federal financial assistance award identified in section 2. If a section does not apply, enter “N/A.” Below is a summary of the required information to be provided for each subsection of Attachment A:
13.Period and type of Federal Interest. Enter the period, established in the award document, during which Federal interest in the real property begins (i.e., From) and ends (i.e., To) using (MM/DD/YYYY) format. [ex., From: 03/23/2005 To: 03/22/2025]. This period may exceed the grant award performance period in those instances where Federal interest continues beyond the end of the current award. In some instances the end date for the period of Federal interest may not be defined by a specific date. If that is the case, enter the beginning date
along with a statement to indicate the planned or uncertain end date (ex. “From: 03/23/2005 To: Expiration of Federal Interest”). Check the appropriate box indicating the action the Interest is tied to. Federal Agencies will define the applicable beginning date.
14a. Description of Real Property. Describe the type of real property being reported (i.e., land, building, etc.) and provide a useful description of the real property (i.e., building number 17 at the National Research Center, Chapel Hill, NC). If the real property is being renovated or altered, also describe the nature of the work (i.e., major renovation of building 17, wing c).
14b. Address of Real Property. Enter the legal description and complete address for each parcel of real property being reported including the street, city, state, county/parish, country, zip code, and physical location if an address is not available (i.e., latitude, longitude, lot number, parcel number, etc.). Also, indicate zoning information related to the real property (i.e., mixed use, residential, commercial, etc.). Where an address is not available, or more precision is required, geographic coordinates may be used. Locational data should be recorded with a Global Positioning System (GPS) device set to NAD 83, or WGS 84 datum using either of the following coordinate reference systems:
•United States National Grid (USNG) using the full grid zone designation and a minimum of eight digits.
•Decimal degrees latitude and longitude, with at least 6 decimal places and a minus (-) to show west longitude or south latitude.
14c. Land Acreage or Square Kilometers. Enter the size of the land or the size of the land on which the real property is located in terms of measured acreage or square units (i.e., 1.5 acres, 0.8 sq. km., etc.).
Identify the unit of measure. Use only one option, either acres, square kilometers, square feet, or square meters.
14d. Gross and Usable Square Footage/Meters (i.e., of building, house, etc.). Enter the gross and usable square footage/meters for each structure (i.e., of the building, house, etc.) being reported. Identify the unit of measure. Select only one, either square feet or square meters.
14e. Real Property Ownership Type(s). Check the applicable box(es) to indicate the real property ownership type(s). If more than one type is applicable, check all that apply. If the ownership types listed do not apply, check
“J. Other” and describe the ownership arrangement. Example of Other: Conservation Easement.
14f. Real Property Cost. Enter the total cost of the real property acquired (purchase price only) or improved, including the following data. If multiple Federal agencies are contributing to the acquisition or improvement of the real property, attach a separate sheet to identify each agency and their contribution using the format below:
1.Amount provided by the Federal government (i.e., Federal Share of Property Cost based on the Federal
2.share of the total cost of the program or project),
3.Share percentage provided by the Federal government (i.e., Federal Share Percentage of Property Cost
4.based on the Federal share of the total cost of the program or project),
5.Amount provided by the recipient or other non-Federal entities (i.e., non-Federal Share of Property Cost),
6.Share percentage provided by the non-Federal entities, (i.e., non-Federal Share Percentage of Property Cost),
7.Total cost (i.e., Sum of Federal and non-Federal Share of the Property Cost), and
8.Total share percentage (i.e., sum of share percentages of Federal and non-Federal Share of the Property
9.Cost must equal 100%).