Sf300 Form PDF Details

For many businesses and organizations, the SF-300 form is a necessary part of their administrative process when it comes to government contracting. It's an essential document that details the proper procedures for submitting bids or qualifications for any job opportunity requiring governmental approval. But amidst all its importance, there are still a lot of questions surrounding this particular form – what is it, why do you need it, and why should you bother with its potentially complex requirements? In our blog post today we'll be diving deep into the SF-300 Form to answer all these questions and more so you can fully understand how important this piece of paperwork really is!

Form NameSf300 Form
Form Length40 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out10 min
Other namessf300 community care grant form, form sf300 item form, form sf300 form, form sf300 download

Form Preview Example

Notes sheet

Community Care Grant, or Crisis Loan for

items and services in the event of a disaster

If you are applying only for rent in advance, do not use this form. Ask for form SF401R instead.

About community care grants

Who can get a community care grant

You may be able to get a community care grant if you are getting one of the following qualifying benefits:

lIncome Support

lincome-based Jobseeker's Allowance

lincome-related Employment and Support Allowance

lany type of Pension Credit.

You may also be able to get a community care grant if you are likely to get one of these benefits when you leave care, such as a hospital, a care home or a prison.

How a community care grant can help

Community care grants do not have to be paid back. They are intended to promote care in the community, and are for people who have to cope with special difficulties.

A community care grant can help:

lyou, a member of your family, someone you look after or someone you will be looking after, to return to the community from care

lyou, a member of your family, someone you look after or someone you will be looking after, to stay in the community instead of going into care

lease exceptional pressures on you and your family

lyou or your partner look after someone on leave from prison or a young offenders' institution

lyou to set up home as part of a planned resettlement programme if you have had an unsettled way of life.

A community care grant can also help with travelling expenses in the United Kingdom. The journey might be:

lto visit someone who is ill

lto attend a relative's funeral

lto visit a child who is being looked after by another parent while waiting for a court decision

lto ease a domestic crisis, or

lto move to suitable accommodation.


If you are awarded a community care grant you may be asked to provide receipts to show you have bought the items your grant was awarded for. Please make sure you keep your receipts.

SF300 01/13

Notes About your application

About Crisis Loans

Who can get a Crisis Loan for items or services in the event of a disaster

You may be able to get a Crisis Loan for items or services if:

lyou are aged 16 or over, and

lyou do not have enough money to meet the cost of an item or service for you and your family, if you have one, in the event of a disaster, and

lthere is no other way to prevent serious damage or serious risk to the health or safety of yourself or a member of your family if that item or service is not provided.

You do not need to be getting a benefit for a Crisis Loan for items or services in the event of a disaster.

What is a disaster?

Disasters are events of great or sudden misfortune, such as major flooding, a gas explosion, a chemical leak or a house fire, but not minor mishaps or damage.

This list is not exhaustive.

How you repay a loan

If we can pay you a Crisis Loan for items or services in the event of a disaster, we will ask you to agree to repay it and agree the way you will repay it before we make the payment. We will look at what you can afford before we decide the arrangements for repayments.

If you are getting a benefit we will take the money back in weekly repayments. If you or your partner do not get any benefits we will arrange the repayment of the loan with you.

If, later, you have problems making the repayments you have agreed to, we may be able to help. For example we could reduce the repayment amount by extending the repayment period. Your Jobcentre Plus office can give you advice about this.

Keep this page for your information


Notes About your application

How we decide what we can pay you


The decision maker will look at all the information on your application before deciding if we can make a payment. There is only a limited amount of money available for grants so we cannot make a payment in every case.

The information you give us on the form will help us decide:

lif your expenses qualify for a payment, and if so

lwhether we can make a payment from the money we have in the budget.

You are more likely to get a payment if it will play an important part in helping you cope with special circumstances and will meet the aims of community care grants.


If you do not qualify for a grant, we may make you a loan instead if:

lyou are over 16, and

lwe decide that your claim is because of a disaster and there is no other way to prevent serious damage or serious risk to the health and safety of you or a member of your family.

Other help from the Social Fund

Budgeting Loans

You may be able to get a Budgeting Loan if:

lyou have been getting Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, or Pension Credit for at least 26 weeks, and

lyou need help:

to buy furniture or household equipment

to buy clothing and footwear

to pay rent in advance and/or removal expenses to secure fresh accommodation

to pay for home improvements, maintenance or security

with travelling, maternity and funeral expenses

to pay for things to help you look for or start work

to repay HP or other debts that have been taken out.

Savings – Budgeting Loans

lIf you and your partner are aged under 61, savings of more than £1,000 may affect the amount of money you can get.

lIf you or your partner are aged 61 or over, savings of more than £2,000 may affect the amount of money you can get.

Budgeting Loans have to be paid back but they are interest free.

Notes Other help from the Social Fund continued

Other Crisis Loans

You may be able to get a Crisis Loan to help with paying

lrent in advance

lboard and lodging in advance

lhostel charges


lyou are aged 16 or over, and

lin an emergency or because of a disaster, you do not have enough money to pay rent in advance, advance board and lodging or hostel charges, and there is no other way to prevent serious damage or serious risk to the health, or safety, of yourself or a member of your family, or

lyou are moving out of a care home or institutional care, and

lyour new tenancy is not for local authority accommodation, and

lyou have a Community Care Grant to help you get established.

You may be able to get a Crisis Loan for day to day living expenses if:

lyou are aged 16 or over, and

lin an emergency or because of a disaster you do not have enough money to meet the immediate needs of you and your family for day to day living expenses.

You may not be able to get a Crisis Loan for day to day living expenses if you have already had 3 or more of these payments in the last year.

Crisis Loans have to be paid back, but they are interest free.

More help and advice

If you want more information about help from the Social Fund

lGet in touch with your local office. You can find the phone number and address in the business numbers section of the phone book. Look under Jobcentre Plus or Social Security.

For more information about benefits and services

lvisit www.direct.gov.uk

lGet in touch with an advice centre like the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Community Care Grant, or Crisis Loan for items and services in the event of a disaster

If you are applying only for rent in advance, do not use this form. Ask for form SF401R instead.

This form should be filled in by the person who is making the application. Their details must go in Part 1 and they must sign the Declaration at Part 22. If you find it difficult to fill in this form, someone else can fill it in for you. If you are filling in this form for someone else, tell us about them throughout the form.

Please use ink.

For office use only

Date of SFCS input

/ /

Application number


Part 1 About you

Surname or family name

All other names – in full

All other surnames or family names you have been known by or are using now




Please give us a contact phone number

We will use this number if we need to contact you about your application. This may help us to make our decision more quickly.

Date of birth

National Insurance (NI) number



/ /















































Part 1 About you continued

Have you recently


separated from someone?


Go to Part 2.


Tell us about this below.

Their full name












Their date of birth
















































































Their National Insurance





































(NI) number



















Their address
























































The date of separation




Was this person claiming














benefit for you?






















Part 2 About your partner

Please tell us about your partner, if you have one.

By partner we mean

la person you are married to or a person you live with as if you are married to them, or

la civil partner or a person you live with as if you are civil partners.

Surname or family name






All other names – in full

Date of birth











National Insurance (NI) number


Part 3 About benefits and entitlements

You may be able to get a community care grant if you are getting Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, or any type of Pension Credit.

You may also be able to get a community care grant if you are in care, such as a hospital, a care home or a prison, but only if:

lyou expect to be discharged within six weeks, and

lthe planned date of discharge is on or before 31 March 2013, and

lyou will probably get Income Support, income based Jobseeker's Allowance, income- related Employment and Support Allowance or Pension

Credit when you are discharged.

If you are leaving care within the next six weeks and will claim any of the benefits listed above, please tick this box

You do not have to be getting any benefits to get a Crisis Loan, but you must still tell us about any benefits or money you do get.

Please tell us about any money you or your partner get regularly.

We mean things like benefits or entitlements (such as Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Pension Credit, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Child Benefit), pensions, tax credits, wages, and maintenance payments.

Money 1

Type of money you get

When did you last get a payment?

/ /

How much are you getting and how often?


When will you get your next payment?

/ /

Money 2

Type of money you get

When did you last get a payment?

/ /

How much are you getting and how often?


When will you get your next payment?

/ /


Part 3 About benefits and entitlements continued

Money 3

Type of money you get

When did you last get a payment? / /

How much are you getting and how often?


When will you get your next payment? / /

Money 4

Type of money you get

When did you last get a payment? / /

How much are you getting and how often?


When will you get your next payment? / /

Money 5

Type of money you get

When did you last get a payment? / /

How much are you getting and how often?


When will you get your next payment? / /

Money 6

Type of money you get

When did you last get a payment? / /

How much are you getting and how often?


When will you get your next payment? / /


Part 4 About leaving care

By care we mean a prison, hospital, care home or similar place.

Name and address of the prison, hospital, care home or similar place.














Prisoner number





if you are leaving prison















What date did you go in





to care?







Date of leaving?


















If this is more than six weeks away, wait until it is within six weeks before sending in your application.

If you are still in care, what address will you go to when you leave?



Part 5 About your children

Please tell us about any children who live with you.

Sex –

Surname or family name All other names – in fullDate of birth

M or F

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /

/ /

If you have any other children who do not live with you, please tell us about them below.

Sex –

Surname or family name All other names – in fullDate of birth

M or F

/ /

Where do they live?


Sex –

Surname or family name All other names – in fullDate of birth

M or F

/ /

Where do they live?



Part 6 About other people who live with you

Please tell us about anyone else who lives with you.

Person 1

Surname or family name





All other names – in full






















Date of birth















Their relationship to you










Person 2

Surname or family name





All other names – in full






















Date of birth















Their relationship to you










Person 3

Surname or family name





All other names – in full






















Date of birth















Their relationship to you










If you need to tell us about more people please go to

Other information at Part 18.


Part 7 About someone you look after

You may be able to get a community care grant to help you or your family to look after someone who

lhas been in institutional or residential care, or

lis unable to look after themselves.

If you or your family are, or will be, looking after someone, please tell us about them below.

Surname or family name






All other names – in full

Address if they do not live with you


Their relationship to you

Daytime phone number

Can we contact this person if we need more information?




Please tell us more about where they live.

What type of property is this?

A home they own

Rented from the local authority

Rented – unfurnished

Rented – partly furnished

Rented – fully furnished Other – please tell us about this


Part 7 About someone you look after continued

If the property is rented, please tell us about the landlord.

Landlord's name

Daytime phone number

Can we contact the landlord if we need more information?




Part 8 About where you live

Please tell us more about where you live.

What type of property is this?

A home you own

Rented from the local authority

Rented – unfurnished

Rented – partly furnished

Rented – fully furnished Other – please tell us about this

If the property is rented, please tell us about the landlord.

Landlord's name

Daytime phone number

Can we contact the landlord if we need more information?





Part 9 About moving home

You may be able to get a community care grant to help you or someone else move to a different address, if this will help

lyou or them move back to the community after being in care

lyou or them stay in the community instead of going into care

lyou ease exceptional pressures on you and your family

lyou set up home as part of a planned resettlement programme after you have had an unsettled way of life.

Please tell us below if


la member of your family, or

lsomeone you are, or will be, looking after will be moving to a new address.

Who is moving?

When are they moving?








Why are they moving?


Part 9 About moving home continued

Where are they moving to?




What type of property






A home they own





is this?

Rented from the














local authority







Rented – unfurnished












Rented – partly furnished












Rented – fully furnished










Other – please tell us about this













If the property is rented, please tell us about the landlord.

Landlord's name

Daytime phone number

Can we contact the landlord if we need more information?





Part 9 About moving home continued

Are you following a programme to help you resettle because you have had an unsettled way of life?

Why are you following the programme?

Tell us about how you were living before beginning the programme. Include details if you have moved around a lot, had temporary addresses, or have been sleeping rough.

What does the programme involve?

Tell us what you are doing and how it is helping you to resettle. If the programme involves anyone helping you to resettle, tell us what they do and how it helps you.

If you have a written programme you can attach a copy of it instead.



Please tell us about this below.

If an organisation is running the programme, please tell us about them.

Name of the organisation

Name of the person

helping you




Daytime phone number

Can we contact this person if we need more information?





Part 10 About health problems

We need to know about any health problems. This information will be important in helping us decide your case.

By health problems we mean things like illness, a medical condition, disability, infirmity due to age, mental health problems, or drug or alcohol problems.

Please tell us below about anyone who has health problems. This could be


lany members of your family, or

lsomeone you are, or will be, looking after

For each answer please state clearly which person you are telling us about. If you need more space please go to Part 18.

Who has health problems?

What health problems does each person have?

Please tell us how each person is affected

Tell us how their health affects their everyday life. Tell us what things they find difficult or cannot do for themselves because of their health problems


Part 10 About health problems continued

Do any of the people you have told us about see a doctor regularly?

Please tell us who sees a doctor regularly and what treatment they get.

For example, medication, counselling or physiotherapy

Tell us about any good or bad effects of this treatment



Please tell us about this.

Have any of the people you have told us about recently been in hospital, a care home,

a rehabilitation centre, or somewhere like this?

Please tell us who this was

Name and address of the place they were in



Please tell us about this below.


















Daytime phone number

















What date did they go in?

















What date did they leave?













Part 10 About health problems continued

Do you or your family receive help from anybody else?

This might be a friend, another relative,

a community nurse, a health visitor, a social worker or a home carer.

Who provides this help?

What help or treatment do they provide, who do they help, and how often do they provide this?



Please tell us about this.

Has anyone you have told us about had their needs assessed by social services or a health care professional?

Please tell us about the assessment

Will the local authority be helping with any equipment or appliances the person needs? Please tell us about any help they will give.



Please tell us about this.


Part 10 About health problems continued

Can we contact any person

or agency who is helping if No we need more information?


Please tell us about them below.

Their name








Daytime phone number












Looking after someone with health problems

If you or a member of your family are, or will be, looking after someone who has health problems, please tell us about this.

What will you do for them?

How often will they need this help or attention?


Part 10 About health problems continued

If a child needs more care, attention or supervision than is normal for their age, please tell us about this.

What extra care and attention does the child need, and how often do they need this?

Who provides the attention?

Do any of the health problems you have told us about mean you have extra expenses?

Please tell us whose health problems mean you have extra expenses, and what they need that costs more than if they were in good health?



Please tell us about this.

How much does this cost, and how often do they need this?


If you need to tell us more about health problems please go to Other information at Part 18.


Part 11 About home leave from detention

You may be able to have a community care grant to help you look after someone on home leave from prison or a young offenders' institution. Payment can include their living expenses.

If you or your partner are looking after someone who is on home leave from prison or a young offenders' institution, please tell us about this.

Their name















Their date of birth














Their relationship to you










What date does the leave start?

What date does the leave finish?

Name of institution

Can we contact this place if we need more information?



/ /

/ /

If you need help with living expenses for the person who will be staying with you, how much will you need?


At Part 13 tell us about any other expenses you need to meet so you can look after them.


Part 12 About your disaster

We can only pay a Crisis Loan for items and services if there has been a disaster and if there will be a serious risk to either the health or safety of you or a member of your family.

Disasters are events of great or sudden misfortune, such as major flooding, a gas explosion, a chemical leak or a serious fire, but not minor mishaps or damage.

This list is not exhaustive.

Tick a box to tell us what disaster has happened to you

Tell us more about the disaster

Tell us

lwhat happened

lwhen it happened

lwhat was damaged

lwhich emergency services came to deal with the disaster.

Gas explosion

Serious fire

Major flooding

Other major disaster – please explain below

Do you have household






Tell us if you intend to make a claim or, if you have already claimed, what money you got from the insurance company and what you have spent the money on.


Part 13 About the expenses you need to meet

It is important that we know as much as possible about the things you need.

If you are awarded a community care grant you may be asked to provide receipts to show you have bought the items the grant was awarded for. Please make sure you keep your receipts.





How much will it cost?







Include the cost of







things like delivery,



What do you need?


fitting or connection

Who will use it?


























































































































































Please make sure you tell us more about each thing you need on page 21.


Part 13 About the expenses you need to meet continued

Please tell us as much as you can about how these things will help with your special difficulties. This may help us to deal with your application more quickly.

lIf you need to replace something, tell us what is wrong with the one you have and why you need to replace it.

lIf you need something for the first time, tell us why you need it now, and how you have been managing without it.

lFor things like curtains and carpets, tell us sizes and what room they are for.

lIf you need something with special features, tell us what these features are and why you need them.

Why is it needed?









If you do not have enough space please continue on the next page.


Part 13 About the expenses you need to meet continued





How much will it cost?







Include the cost of







things like delivery,



What do you need?


fitting or connection

Who will use it?












































































































































































Please make sure you tell us more about each thing you need on page 23.


Part 13 About the expenses you need to meet continued

Please tell us as much as you can about how these things will help with your special difficulties. This may help us to deal with your application more quickly.

lIf you need to replace something, tell us what is wrong with the one you have and why you need to replace it.

lIf you need something for the first time, tell us why you need it now, and how you have been managing without it.

lFor things like curtains and carpets, tell us sizes and what room they are for.

lIf you need something with special features, tell us what these features are and why you need them.

Why is it needed?










If you do not have enough space go to Other information at Part 18.


Part 14 About money you have paid out

Do you or your partner have to pay any money out


Do not include any money

that may already be taken Yes from any benefit that you

get. Include things like

lcatalogue money

lhire purchase payments

lloan payments.

This information is needed to help us work out how much money you can afford to pay back each week if you get a loan.

Who do you pay the money to?

Tell us about this below.

How much do you pay and

How much is

how often?















Part 15 About travelling expenses

Use this section to tell us about a journey you have made or a journey you are going to make.

You may be able to have a community care grant for the cost of travelling within the United Kingdom if you or members of your family need to travel to:

lvisit someone who is ill

lattend a relative's funeral

lvisit a child who is with the other parent while waiting for a court decision

lease a domestic crisis

lmove to suitable accommodation.

We can also pay travelling expenses if they will:

lhelp someone who is leaving care

lhelp someone stay in the community rather than go into care

lease exceptional pressure on families.

If you or members of your family are likely to make a number of journeys over a period of time, we may be able to include payment for future journeys. Tell us about the future journeys.

If someone is unable to travel alone, we may be able to include the expenses of someone to travel with them.

About the reasons for your journey

Visiting someone who is ill

If you have already made the journey, tell us how you paid the travel expenses in Part 18 Other information. And remember to give us details of the journey in the section called More about the journey that starts on page 27.

If you or members of your family are visiting someone who is ill, please tell us about them.

Their name

Their relationship to the visitor

What is their illness, if you know this?

Please tell us why you feel it is or was important for you or your family to visit this person

How often will you or did you or your family visit this person?




/times/ in total

times, every








Part 15 About travelling expenses continued

Attending a relative's funeral

If you have already made the journey, tell us how you paid the travel expenses in Part 18 Other information. And remember to give us details of the journey in the section called More about the journey that starts on page 27.

If you or a member of your family are attending or have attended a relative's funeral, please tell us about this.

The name of the person

who has died


Their relationship to you

The date of the funeral




We are sorry to have to ask you these questions, but please tell us why it is or was important for you or your family to attend the funeral.

Visiting a child while waiting for a court decision

If you have already made the journey, tell us how you paid the travel expenses in Part 18 Other information. And remember to give us details of the journey in the section called More about the journey that starts on page 27.

If you are going to visit or have visited a child who is with the other parent while waiting for a court decision, please tell us about this.

The child's name

The name of the parent they are living with

At which court was the hearing held or will it be held?

The date of the hearing



/ /

How many visits will you make or have you made?


Part 15 About travelling expenses continued

Travelling because of a domestic crisis

If you have already made the journey, tell us how you paid the travel expenses in Part 18 Other information. And remember to give us details of the journey in the section called More about the journey that starts on this page.

If you are travelling because of a domestic crisis, tell us what the crisis is or what the crisis was, and how making the journey will help or has helped.

Travelling for another reason

If you have already made the journey, tell us how you paid the travel expenses in Part 18 Other information. And remember to give us details of the journey in the section called More about the journey that starts on this page.

If you or members of your family are travelling for another reason, please tell us why you need to make the journey.

More about the journey

Who will be making or has made the journey or journeys?

What is the address they are travelling to or have travelled to?

How are they making or how have they made

the journey?

Please include all types of transport, for example car, bus or train. If there are special reasons for using a particular type of transport, tell us about it at Part 18.

How much will or has each journey cost?

Is this the cost of a single or a return journey?




Part 15 About travelling expenses continued

Travelling by car

If all or part of the journey is by car

What is the engine capacity of the car?

Is it a diesel or petrol engine?

How many miles will you travel or have you travelled by car? If you are claiming for a return journey please give the total mileage.

People who need a travelling companion

If someone is or was unable to travel alone, please say who and explain why.

You do not need to fill this in if the person is a child.

Staying overnight






If you need help with the




cost of an overnight stay in






a hotel or guest house, how



much will this cost or has



this cost for each person?



Please explain the need for







an overnight stay








Who will stay or has stayed overnight?

Where will they be staying or where have they stayed?


Part 16 About savings and other money you could use

Please tell us about any savings or other capital you or your partner have, because savings may affect the amount we can pay you.

If you are entitled to a Community Care Grant

If you and your partner are both aged under 61, the first £500 may be disregarded. If either you or your partner are over 61, then the amount that may be disregarded is £1,000.

Do you, your partner, or your





children or qualifying young











person, have any money?





This includes cash.









Tell us how much this is and











who it belongs to



















Do you, your partner, or your





children or qualifying young











person, have any savings?




How much?

Include money in








lbank or building society accounts

la credit union account

lNational Savings Certificates

lpremium bonds



Please say where the money is held and who it belongs to:


Part 16 About savings and other money you could use continued

Is there any other money


you or your partner


could use?


This could be from


la credit card

la loan or overdraft from a bank

la store card

linsurance policies you or your partner could claim on.

Can you or your partner get No help from anywhere else, in

cash or in kind?


This could be from

lrelatives or friends


lcharities and benevolent funds.

Include items you could borrow.

How much?


Please tell us about this:

How much?


Please tell us about this:

Do you or your partner own No any property, apart from

where you live?


Please tell us about this:


Part 17 About other difficulties

We need to know about any other difficulties you have not already told us about. These may be things like family problems, poor living conditions or coping after a disaster, but tell us about anything that makes your situation unusually hard to cope with.

Please tell us below:

lwhat the difficulties are, and

lhow they affect you, your family, or someone you are, or will be, looking after.


Part 18 Other information

Check the information you have given us so far.

If there is anything you have not told us about that you think may affect whether we can pay you, tell us about this here.

Use a separate sheet of paper if you run out of space, but please remember to put your name and National Insurance number clearly on each sheet you use.

Also make sure that your name is on any other papers you send to us with the form.


Part 19 How we pay you

We normally pay your money direct into an account

Many banks and building societies will let you collect your money at the post office. We will tell you when your Social Fund payment will be made and how much it will be for.

Finding out how much we have paid into the account

You can check your payments on account statements. The statements may show your National Insurance (NI) number next to any payments we have made. If you think your payment is wrong, get in touch with the office that pays you straight away.

If we pay you too much money

We have the right to take back any money we pay that you are not entitled to. This may be because of the way the system works for payments into an account. For example, you may give us information which means you are entitled to less money. Sometimes we may not be able to change the amount we have already paid you. This means we will have paid you money that you are not entitled to.

We will contact you before we recover any money.

What to do now

lTell us about the account you want to use on the next page. By giving us your account details you:

agree that we will pay you into an account, and

understand what we have told you above in the section If we pay you too much money.

lIf you are going to open an account, please tell us your account details as soon as you get them.

lIf you do not have an account, and do not intend to open one, please tick the box and we will contact you.

Fill in the rest of this form. You do not have to wait until you have opened an account or contacted us.

About the account you want to use

Please tell us your account details on the next page. It is very important you complete ALL boxes correctly including the building society roll or reference number if you have one. If you tell us the wrong account details your payment may be delayed or you may lose money.

You can find the account details on your chequebook or bank statements. If you are not sure about the details, ask the bank, building society or other account provider.

You can use

lan account in your name

la joint account, or

lsomeone else’s account

subject to the terms and conditions of the account, and

as long as you have the other person’s permission and authorise them to use the money in the way you tell them.

lIf you are an appointee or a legal representative acting on behalf of the claimant, the account should be in your name only.

lTo be paid into a credit union account you must provide the credit union account details. Your credit union will be able to help you with this.


Part 19 How we pay you continued

About the account you want to use continued

Name of the account holder

Please write the name or names as they appear on the cheque book, passbook or statement.

Full name of bank, building society or other account provider

Sort Code

Please tell us all six numbers, for example: 12-34-56.

Account number

Most account numbers are 8 numbers long. If your account number has fewer than 10 numbers, please fill in the numbers from the left.

If you are using a building society account you may need to tell us a roll or reference number. This may be made up of letters and numbers, and may be up to 18 characters long. If you are not sure if the account has a roll or reference number, ask the building society.

Building society roll or reference number

You may be getting other benefits and entitlements that are not paid direct into an account. To have them paid into the above account, please tick the box.

Part 20 Post Office® details – to be completed in all cases

Please give details of your local Post Office®.



Part 21 Signing the form for someone else

I am signing this form on behalf of


The person named at Part 1 should

the person named at Part 1 because


sign the Declaration on page 36 unless

I have Power of Attorney





one or more of the following apply.










for them.




















I have been appointed by






the Secretary of State to






act on their behalf.






Please send us a letter signed by the person

They agree to me making




this application for them.




named in Part 1.




Your name















Date of birth


















Daytime phone number








Part 22 Declaration

This declaration is legally binding.

Please read all the points carefully and make sure you understand them before signing and dating the form.

lI declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete as far as I know and believe.


lI understand that if I knowingly give information that is incorrect or incomplete, my benefit may be stopped and I may be liable to prosecution or other action.

lI understand that I must promptly tell the office that pays my benefit of anything that may affect

my entitlement to, or the amount of, that benefit.

lI understand that I must provide receipts for the items I have been awarded if I am asked to do so.

lI declare that if I am awarded a grant or loan I will spend it on the items that the award has been made for.


/ /


Part 23 What to do now

Check that you have completed all parts of the form that apply to you. Make sure you or your representative have signed the Declaration at Part 22.

If you have signed the form for someone else, please make sure you have given us your details at Part 21.

Send or take this form and any documents we have asked for to Jobcentre Plus. You can find the phone number and address in the business section of the phone book. Look under Jobcentre Plus.

More information

If you need help to fill in this form

If you need help to fill in this form, you can ask someone else to fill it in for you, or you can contact your local office.

Someone else, such as a relative, a friend or a welfare rights adviser, can help you to fill in the form. But you will need to sign the Declaration at Part 22.

If you want someone else to make the application on your behalf, we will deal with them in future. You will need to sign a letter saying they can make the application for you. They will need to complete Part 21 and they should sign the Declaration at Part 22.

What to do if you disagree with our decision

If you are not happy with the decision on your application you can ask us to look at it again.

lThe first review is in Jobcentre Plus. You must write to us within 28 days of the decision and tell us why you want a review. You will be offered the chance to talk to the person who will review the decision.

If you are not happy with the new decision, you can ask for an independent review by a Social Fund Inspector.

lSocial Fund Inspectors are independent of Jobcentre Plus and this Department. If you want them to look at your case, write to the Independent Review Service within

28 days of the new decision and tell them why you want a review. Send your request to

Independent Review Service


4th Floor City Centre Podium 5 Hill Street Birmingham

B5 4UB

You do not need a stamp. The Inspector will ask Jobcentre Plus for your papers and will write to you about your case.

How we collect and use information

The information we collect about you and how we use it depends mainly on the reason for your business with us. But we may use it for any of the Department’s purposes, which include

lsocial security benefits and allowances

lchild support

lemployment and training

lprivate pensions policy, and

lretirement planning.

We may get information from others to check the information you give to us and to improve our services. We may give information to other organisations as the law allows, for example to safeguard against crime.

To find out more about how we use information, visit www.dwp.gov.uk/privacy- policy or contact any of our offices.



How to Edit Sf300 Form Online for Free

When using the online PDF editor by FormsPal, you're able to fill in or change sf300 community care grant form right here. To make our tool better and easier to work with, we continuously come up with new features, with our users' suggestions in mind. To get started on your journey, take these easy steps:

Step 1: First, open the pdf editor by pressing the "Get Form Button" above on this site.

Step 2: With the help of our advanced PDF file editor, it is easy to do more than simply fill out blank form fields. Express yourself and make your forms appear high-quality with custom textual content incorporated, or optimize the file's original input to excellence - all accompanied by the capability to add almost any photos and sign it off.

If you want to finalize this PDF form, ensure that you enter the right information in every single blank field:

1. It is crucial to complete the sf300 community care grant form correctly, so be attentive while working with the segments containing all of these blank fields:

Tips on how to fill in form sf300 pdf stage 1

2. Just after the last array of blanks is filled out, go to type in the relevant details in all these: Address, Please give us a contact phone, Postcode, Code, Number, Mobile, Date of birth, Letters, Numbers, Letter, and National Insurance NI number.

form sf300 pdf writing process described (stage 2)

In terms of Letter and Address, be certain you double-check them in this section. These two are thought to be the most important ones in this PDF.

3. The next part is considered relatively straightforward, Have you recently separated from, Yes, Go to Part, Tell us about this below, Their full name, MrMrsMissMs, Their date of birth, Letters, Numbers, Letter, Their National Insurance NI number, Their address, The date of separation, and Postcode - these empty fields is required to be filled in here.

Filling out segment 3 in form sf300 pdf

4. This next section requires some additional information. Ensure you complete all the necessary fields - Was this person claiming benefit, Yes, Part, About your partner, Please tell us about your partner, married to them or, l a civil partner or a person you, Surname or family name, MrMrsMissMs, All other names in full, and Date of birth - to proceed further in your process!

Tips to prepare form sf300 pdf part 4

5. This final section to finish this document is critical. You'll want to fill in the mandatory fields, which includes Letters, Numbers, Letter, and National Insurance NI number, prior to finalizing. Or else, it could generate an unfinished and probably nonvalid form!

National Insurance NI number, Numbers, and Letters of form sf300 pdf

Step 3: Check that the details are correct and click "Done" to conclude the project. Make a 7-day free trial account with us and obtain instant access to sf300 community care grant form - available in your FormsPal cabinet. FormsPal is dedicated to the personal privacy of our users; we make sure all personal information processed by our editor stays protected.