Six Degrees Could Form PDF Details

Are you familiar with the theory of six degrees? It states that any two people on Earth are connected through a chain of just six acquaintances. This concept has been around for centuries, and its implications continue to shape our understanding of how humans interact. From business networking to social media's ever expansive reach, even today there are many signs pointing towards its validity. In this blog post, we'll explore the origins of the intriguing theory behind "six degrees," delve into some real-world applications, and see why it still holds significance in 2020.

Form NameSix Degrees Could Form
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Other names6 degrees could change the world answers, six degrees could change the world student worksheet answer key, six degrees could change the world integrated science answers, six degrees could change the world video worksheet answers

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Six Degrees Could Change the World



Integrated Science




As you watch the National Geographic video “Six Degrees Could Change the World”, answer the questions below. After watching the video, complete the design outline.



Carbon Sink

Carbon Source

Ocean Acidification

Greenhouse Gases

Fossil Fuels

Carbon Footprint


1.In _____ decades all the glaciers on the ____________________, the source of water for millions, could be gone.

2.By the end of this century the Amazon rainforest, home to half the world’s __________________, could whither to a dry savannah.

3.A temperature rise between 1 and _____ degrees F is possible over the next century.

4.In the winter of 2001, more than __________ fires encircled Sydney.

5.Bushfires are already bad. Climate scientists predict that in the next ____ decades they’ll get worse.

6.A small percentage is the greenhouse gases, a cocktail of water vapor, carbon dioxide, ______________ and nitrous oxide.

7.Today, __________ carbon dioxide out of every million molecules is found in the atmosphere.

8.With one degree F of warming, the Arctic will be ______________ half of each year.

9.Six thousand years ago, much of the American southwest was a vast _______________.

10.In the last _______________ years it has never been more than 1 degree C warmer than it is now.

11.Nearly __________ percent of the world’s energy starts as a fossil fuel.

12.The carbon _______________ means all the energy that was consumed each step of the way from each of the cheeseburger’s component parts.

13.Two hundred million metric tons of ____________________ are released each year for all the cheeseburgers eaten in the United States.

14.If there is a _____ degree F warming, we will lose the vast majority of the world’s tropical coral reefs.

15.The oceans are the world’s largest carbon _____ - nature’s primary mechanism for absorbing carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

16.Too much carbon dioxide in the ocean can turn it _______________.

17.Acidification of ocean water dissolves the ____________ and skeletons of forams and coccoliths.

18.It took nature _______________ years to make the Greenland ice sheet.

19.The Greenland ice sheet contains enough water to raise global sea level by as much as ____ meters. This is enough to flood _______________ City,

20.In the summer of __________ there were severe heat waves in Europe.

21.Between 2500 and __________ people died in Paris the night of August 10th.

22.The death toll across Europe topped ______________.

23.Twenty percent of the world’s oxygen is produced by the ____________________________.

24.Trees help generate ________ percent of the water for rainfall in the Amazon.

25.One hundred year ___________ will become common if global temperatures warm 3 degrees F.

26.Hurricane Katrina’s winds reached ________ mph.

27.If global temperatures rise 4 degrees F, the _____________ River in India will dry up and become a dirty creek.

28.There will be no more glaciers in the Himalayas by the year __________.

29.With a _____ degree F temperature rise there will be vast social upheaval and fighting for resources.

30.With a _____ degree F temperature rise the oceans will die, deserts spread and cities will be flooded and abandoned.

31.We currently have experienced a _______ degree F temperature rise.

32.We could avoid a large increase in temperature if greenhouse emissions peaked by the year _________.

33.The solution starts with increased ________________.

34.Cars produce almost ______ percent of greenhouse emissions.

35.To keep warming below the critical 2 degree F threshold, we need to cut 7 ____________ tons of greenhouse emissions each year.

36.Doubling the average fuel efficiency of all cars from _____ mpg to _____ mpg would save 1 billion tons.

37.One wind turbine can power about __________ home.

38.It would take more than 2 ____________ wind turbines to replace coal power plants worldwide.

39. What two things do all climate scientists agree on?


Write a paragraph describing the impact of carbon on our global temperatures. Include the terms “Carbon Sink”, “Carbon Source”, “Ocean Acidification”, “Greenhouse Gases”, and “Fossil Fuels”. Do not just define these terms, but make them work together in an explanation.

Further Study

As you watch this video that describes what could happen to the Earth if we continue to put carbon into the atmosphere, formulate a question about how changing ONE THING about your life might impact climate change. Assume you have 5 years and sufficient funding to do an in depth scientific experiment. Use the worksheet below to develop your question. You study must relate in some way to YOUR impact on climate change.

Design Outline Worksheet



Independent Variable (I.V.):

Levels of I.V.

(2 or more plus the control - which must be identified)

Number of trials you will conduct for each I.V. level

Dependent Variable:


Data Table – Construct two blank data tables to support your experiment

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2. Given that the previous part is finished, it's time to put in the essential details in By the end of this century the, whither to a dry savannah, A temperature rise between and, nitrous oxide, Today carbon dioxide out of, and cheeseburgers component parts allowing you to proceed further.

By the end of this century the, whither to a dry savannah, and Today  carbon dioxide out of in six degrees could change the world integrated science answers

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cheeseburgers component parts, Two hundred million metric tons, and eaten in the United States in six degrees could change the world integrated science answers

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