Sworn Statement Contract From Form PDF Details

In the world of construction and property development, transparency and accountability are paramount. One key document that plays a pivotal role in ensuring both is the Owner's Sworn Statement Concerning Direct Contracts. This document, required under Section 713.16(5) of the Florida Statutes, serves as a formal declaration by the property owner detailing the financial aspects of direct contracts. It lists the total amount contracted for the project, sums already paid out for labor, services, and materials, as well as scheduled payments and their respective dates. Additionally, it addresses the current status of construction—whether it has ceased and, if so, the estimated cost to complete the project according to the contracted terms. Beyond providing a breakdown of financials, this statement is also a legal affirmation of the amounts due, underscoring the owner's accountability and the seriousness of the document. It must be sworn before a notary public, adding a layer of legal obligation and veracity. The statement not only facilitates clear communication between the property owner and the lienor but also serves as a proactive step in avoiding disputes by laying a transparent financial foundation from which to operate. Moreover, the inclusion of a Certificate of Service ensures that this crucial document is delivered to the concerned parties in a timely and verifiable manner, reinforcing the ethos of transparency and responsibility that governs the construction industry.

Form NameSworn Statement Contract From Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other names713 16, florida sworn statement of account, sworn statement of account, statement of account in florida

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TO: ___________________________________ DATE: ______________________



(Lienor's name and address)

In accordance with Section 713.16(5), Florida Statutes, and in response to your demand for a sworn statement in your letter dated _____ day of ________________, 20 _____, the

undersigned submits the following Statement:

Amount of all direct contracts: $ ________________

Total amount heretofore paid for all labor, services and materials furnished under direct contracts: $ __________________

The dates and amount paid or to be paid under direct contracts (attach continuation sheet if necessary):

Date ___________________

Date ____________________

Date ____________________

Date ____________________

Date ____________________

Construction (check one) has

has not

Amount $ ___________________

Amount $ ___________________

Amount $ ____________________

Amount $ ____________________

Amount $ ____________________

ceased under any direct contract.

The amount estimated to complete the improvements according to the terms and specifications of any direct contracts) under which construction has ceased is

$ __________________.

The actual cost of completion, if known is $ ___________________.

The undersigned certified that this Statement has been served at the address specified above, on _____ day of __________________, 20 _____, in accordance with Section 713.18,

Florida Statutes.

Owner's Name _________________________

By (signature) _________________________

Type or Print Name _____________________

STATE OF ___________

COUNTY OF _____________

Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this _____ day of _________________,

20______ by _________________________ (name of person making statement) who is

personally known to me or produced _________________________ as identification, and who

did take an oath.



Printed Name of Notary _________________________

Commission Expires _________________________

Certificate of Service

I, _____________________________________, hereby certify that I have delivered this

day a true and attested copy of the foregoing to ___________________________________ by:

( ) Actual Delivery to the person to be served.

() Mailing a true and correct copy of same by registered or certified U.S. mail, with postage prepaid, or by overnight or second-day delivery with evidence of delivery.

( )

If service cannot be made by the above methods, by posting on the premises.



