Texas Form H1200 Mbic PDF Details

Are you unsure of how to fill out Texas Form H1200 MBIC? Don't worry, this blog post is here to help! With easy-to-follow instructions and all the information you need, we will make sure that you understand all the ins and outs of completing a Texas Form H1200 Mbic. We will provide an outline for each section, explain relevant terms clearly, and answer any questions you may have along the way. By the time you finish reading this post, not only will be knowledgeable about filling out Texas Form H1200 MBIC - but also confident that your form will be filled out correctly every time!

Form NameTexas Form H1200 Mbic
Form Length7 pages
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Avg. time to fill out1 min 45 sec
Other namesform h1200 mbic, texas form h1200 mbic medicaid in printable, form h1200 mbic form, printable form h1200

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Texas Health and Human

Form H1200­MBIC

Services Commission

Cover Letter


March 2011

Application for Benefits – Medicaid Buy­In for Children

About this program:

Medicaid Buy­In for Children can help pay medical bills for children with disabilities.

This program helps families who make too much money to get traditional Medicaid.

To get benefits:

The child must be age 18 or younger.

The child must meet the same rules for a disability that are used to get Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

If a parent’s employer pays at least half of the annual cost of health insurance, the parent must sign up and keep that insurance.

The family must meet income limits set by the program.

The family might have to pay a monthly fee.

How to apply:

1.Fill out this form. You can ask a friend or family member to help you.

2.Answer each question on the form. If a question does not apply to you, write “none” for the answer.

3.Sign and date Page 6.

4.Send copies of the following items (don’t send originals). We only need items that apply to your case.

Proof of money from a job: Pay stubs or earning statements.

Proof of money not from a job (veterans benefits, Social Security income, etc.): Award letters.

Medical costs: Bills or statements from health care providers (doctors, hospitals, drug stores, etc.) from the past 6 months.

How to send in your application and items we need:

Fax: 1­877­447­2839. If your form is 2­sided, fax both sides.

Mail: Health and Human Services Commission, P.O. Box 14600, Midland, TX 79711­4600.

After we get your form, we will check to see if you can get benefits. Someone might contact you if we need more information. We will let you know the decision within 45 days.

You can get free legal help if you need it. Call your local benefits office to find out where to get free legal help in your area.


Call or visit an HHSC benefits office. To find an office near you, call 2­1­1 (toll­free).

2­1­1 also can answer questions about this program. When you call: (1) pick a language and then

(2) pick option 2.

Texas Health and Human











Form H1200­MBIC

Services Commission












March 2011



Application for Benefits – Medicaid Buy­In for Children






1. Child applying for benefits


























1st child applying for benefits



























First name



Middle initial

Last name




Social Security number


Is the child married?




























Home address – street and number



City, state, and ZIP







Home phone















Mailing address (if different) – street and number

City, state, and ZIP







Cell phone












Birth date (mm/dd/yy)


Is the child:


Does the child live in Texas?

Does the child plan to stay in Texas?
































If the child is not a U.S. citizen:











Is the child a U.S. citizen?


Is the child a refugee or legally admitted immigrant?











Is the child registered with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services?








If yes, give immigrant registration number:

























The child is: (mark one or more)

American Indian or Alaska Native

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander



Black or African­American

Hispanic or Latino

2nd child applying for benefits

First name



Middle initial

Last name




Social Security number


Is the child married?





























Home address – street and number



City, state, and ZIP







Home phone














Mailing address (if different) – street and number

City, state, and ZIP







Cell phone











Birth date (mm/dd/yy)


Is the child:


Does the child live in Texas?

Does the child plan to stay in Texas?




























Is the child a U.S. citizen?


If the child is not a U.S. citizen:














Is the child a refugee or legally admitted immigrant?










Is the child registered with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services?






If yes, give immigrant registration number:

























The child is: (mark one or more)

American Indian or Alaska Native

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander



Black or African­American

Hispanic or Latino

If more than 2 children are applying for benefits, add more pages.

For HHSC staff use only



Date Form Received

Case number



MBIC EDG number

MBIC EDG number



Form H1200­MBIC

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2. Parents living with the child

Items marked “optional” can help us work your case better.

1st parent

First name

Middle initial Last name

Social Security number (optional)

Do you live with the child?

Yes No

Are you:



Birth date (optional)

The following questions are about the 1st parent’s job and their job’s health insurance.

Do you want this parent’s employer to answer these questions?



If yes, give the attached "Employment Verification" (Form H1028­MBIC) to your employer. Ask your employer to fill out the form and send it to us. If you need another form, make a copy.

If no, please give facts below. If this parent has more than one job, add more pages.

Employer’s name and address

Gross amount paid (before taxes are taken out)


How often are you paid? (once a week, twice a month, etc.)

Does your job have health insurance?

















Does the child applying for benefits get health insurance coverage through your job?



If no, answer the following question, then go to the next section:




If your job has insurance and your child isn’t on it, what is the next date you could enroll your child?




If yes, answer the next 6 questions:

























1. What date did insurance coverage start?




What is your policy number?











2. How much do you pay for the insurance?



What is the insurance company’s name?




















3. Does your employer pay at least half of the premium


What is the insurance company’s address?




(this is usually a monthly payment)?





























2nd parent

First name

Middle initial Last name

Social Security number (optional)

Do you live with the child?

Yes No

Are you:



Birth date (optional)

The following questions are about the 2nd parent’s job and their job’s health insurance.

Do you want this parent’s employer to answer these questions?



If yes, give the attached "Employment Verification" (Form H1028­MBIC) to your employer. Ask your employer to fill out the form and send it to us. If you need another form, make a copy.

If no, please give facts below. If this parent has more than one job, add more pages.

Employer’s name and address

Gross amount paid (before taxes are taken out)


How often are you paid? (once a week, twice a month, etc.)

Does your job have health insurance?

















Does the child applying for benefits get health insurance coverage through your job?



If no, answer the following question, then go to the next section:




If your job has insurance and your child isn’t on it, what is the next date you could enroll your child?



If yes, answer the next 6 questions:

























1. What date did insurance coverage start?




What is your policy number?











2. How much do you pay for the insurance?



What is the insurance company’s name?




















3. Does your employer pay at least half of the premium


What is the insurance company’s address?




(this is usually a monthly payment)?



















Form H1200­MBIC

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3. Brothers and sisters living with the child

Does a child applying for benefits have any brothers or sisters who are:

(a)age 21 or younger, and (b) living in the same home? If no, skip this section.



If yes, give facts below. Add more pages, if needed. Items marked “optional” can help us work your case better.



















First name



Middle initial

Last name










Social Security number (optional)


Birth date (optional)



Does this person have a job?

















If this person has a job, give employer’s name and address:



Gross amount paid

How often paid?







(before taxes are taken out)

(once a week, twice a month, etc.)


















If age 18 to 21:





If yes, when will this person finish?


Is this person in school or training for a job?


You will need to send proof that this person is in school or training.





























First name


Middle initial

Last name









Social Security number (optional)

Birth date (optional)



Does this person have a job?
















If this person has a job, give employer’s name and address:



Gross amount paid

How often paid?






(before taxes are taken out)

(once a week, twice a month, etc.)















If age 18 to 21:



If yes, when will this person finish?


Is this person in school or training for a job?



You will need to send proof that this person is in school or training.



















First name

Social Security number (optional)

Middle initial

Last name



Birth date (optional)

Does this person have a job?

Yes No

If this person has a job, give employer’s name and address:

If age 18 to 21:

Is this person in school or training for a job?

Yes No

Gross amount paid

How often paid?

(before taxes are taken out) (once a week, twice a month, etc.)


If yes, when will this person finish?

You will need to send proof that this person is in school or training.



First name

Social Security number (optional)

Middle initial

Last name



Birth date (optional)

Does this person have a job?

Yes No

If this person has a job, give employer’s name and address:

If age 18 to 21:

Is this person in school or training for a job?

Yes No

Gross amount paid

How often paid?

(before taxes are taken out) (once a week, twice a month, etc.)


If yes, when will this person finish?

You will need to send proof that this person is in school or training.

Form H1200­MBIC

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4. Other health insurance

The following question is about health coverage other than Medicaid, Medicare, or your job’s insurance:

Does anyone pay now, or has anyone paid in the past year,

for health coverage for the child applying for benefits?



If yes, tell us the following:

Name of insurance company

Policy number

Address of insurance company

Coverage start date

Coverage end date



5. Medical Bills

Medicaid sometimes can pay for medical services you got 3 months before you applied.

Does the child applying for benefits have medical bills for services they got in the past 3 months?



If yes, send:

(1)Copies of medical bills from the past 3 months.

(2)Proof of money you got (income) from the past 3 months.

6.Money not from a job

Tell us about any other types of money you get. If you need more room, add more pages.

Attach proof of the money you get (award letters or earning statements). We might not count some of the money you get.














Money the child

Money the parents, and brothers and sisters age 21 or younger,


applying for benefits gets:


who live with the child get:








Monthly amount


Monthly amount




(before taxes are


(before taxes are



Type of money

taken out)

Who pays the money?

taken out)

Who pays the money?

Who gets the money?







Social Security












Veterans benefits












Railroad retirement












Civil service
















































Farm income












Mineral / Royalty
























Other income not






from a job















Form H1200­MBIC

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7. Authorized representative

An authorized representative can act for the person applying for benefits by:

Giving and getting facts related to the application.

Taking any action needed to complete the application process. This includes appealing an HHSC decision.

Taking any action related to getting benefits. This includes reporting changes.

If the child applying for benefits has an authorized representative, tell us about that person:

Name of authorized representative

Mailing address



8.Signing up to vote

The following is for anyone age 17 years and 10 months or older:

Applying to register or declining to register to vote will not affect the amount of assistance that you will be provided by this agency.

If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to apply

to register to vote here today? ..........................................................................................................................



IF YOU DO NOT CHECK EITHER BOX, YOU WILL BE CONSIDERED TO HAVE DECIDED NOT TO REGISTER TO VOTE AT THIS TIME. If you would like help in filling out the voter registration application form, we will help you. The decision whether to seek or accept help is yours. You may fill out the application form in private. If you believe that someone has interfered with your right to register or to decline to register to vote, or your right to choose your own political party or other political preference, you may file a complaint with the Elections Division, Secretary of State, P.O. Box 12060, Austin, TX 78711. Telephone: 1­800­252­8683

Agency Use Only: Voter Registration Status

Already registered


Client declined




Client to mail


Mailed to client

Agency transmitted


Signature–Agency Staff

9. Legal information


If you think you have been treated unfairly (discriminated against) because of race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, or religion, you can file a complaint. Contact us by:

E­mail – HHSCivilRightsOffice@hhsc.state.tx.us.

Mail – HHSC Civil Rights Office, 701 W. 51st St., Suite 104, MC W­206, Austin, TX 78751.

Phone (toll­free) – 1­888­388­6332 or 1­877­432­7232 (TTY). Fax – 1­512­438­5885.

You also can contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Mail – HHS, Office for Civil Rights ­ Region VI, 1301 Young St., Room 1169, Dallas, TX 75202.

Phone – 1­800­368­1019 (toll­free) or 1­214­767­8940 (TTY). Fax – 1­214­767­4032.

Social Security Numbers

You only need to give the Social Security numbers (SSN) for people who want benefits. If you don't have an SSN, we can help you apply for one if you are a U.S. citizen or a legal immigrant. Giving or applying for an SSN is voluntary; however, anyone who doesn't apply for an SSN or doesn't give an SSN can't get benefits.

We will not give your SSN to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. We will use SSNs to check the amount of money you get (income), if you can get benefits, and the amount of benefits you can get. You won't have to give SSNs for any family members who are not eligible because of immigration status and who are not asking for benefits. (42 C.F.R. 435.910)

Form H1200­MBIC

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10. Statement of understanding

Facts HHSC Has About You

In most cases, you can see and get facts HHSC has about you. This includes facts you give HHSC and facts HHSC gets from other sources (medical records, employment records, etc.). You might have to pay to get a copy of these facts. You can ask HHSC to fix anything that is wrong. You do not have to pay to fix a mistake. To ask for a copy or to fix a mistake, you can call 2­1­1 or your local HHSC benefits office.

I have been advised and understand that this application or redetermination will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, age, sex, disability or political belief.

I have been advised and understand that I may request a review of the decision made on my application or redetermination for benefits and may request a fair hearing, orally or in writing, concerning any action or inaction affecting receipt or termination of assistance.

If my case is selected for review, I give my consent for HHSC to obtain information from any source to verify the statements I have made.

I understand that HHSC may give my name, address and phone number to telephone and electric utility companies to help them determine if I qualify for a reduction in my bills.

11.Penalty statement

My answers to all of the questions, and the statements I have made, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I understand that if I obtain or assist another person in obtaining, medical assistance by fraudulent means, I may be charged with a state or federal offense; and I may also be held liable for any repayment of benefits fraudulently obtained.

I will let HHSC know within 10 days of any changes that could affect my eligibility. This includes changes in income, living arrangement or insurance (including health insurance premiums).

12.Sign and date the form

I certify under penalty of perjury that the information I have provided on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If it is not, I may be subject to criminal prosecution.

Sign here if you are applying for benefits. Or if you are the authorized representative.


If the child applying for benefits is age 17 or younger, a parent must sign.


If the person above signed with an "X" or other mark, we need the signature of 2 witnesses:

Sign here if you are a witness


Sign here if you are a witness



How to Edit Texas Form H1200 Mbic Online for Free

Whenever you wish to fill out h1200 form, there's no need to install any kind of software - just use our PDF editor. FormsPal is devoted to giving you the absolute best experience with our editor by constantly presenting new features and improvements. With all of these improvements, using our editor gets easier than ever! In case you are looking to begin, here's what it requires:

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As for the blanks of this precise document, this is what you want to do:

1. Start filling out your h1200 form with a group of necessary blanks. Note all of the important information and be sure there is nothing overlooked!

How to complete h1200 texas medicaid application part 1

2. Once the last section is done, proceed to enter the applicable information in all these - Mailing address if different, County, Cell phone, Birth date mmddyy, Is the child a US citizen, Yes, Is the child Male, Female, Does the child live in Texas, Yes, Does the child plan to stay in, Yes, If the child is not a US citizen, Is the child a refugee or legally, and Yes.

h1200 texas medicaid application conclusion process explained (stage 2)

3. Completing st parent First name, Middle initial Last name, Social Security number optional, Do you live with the child, Yes, Are you Male, Female, Birth date optional, The following questions are about, Do you want this parents employer, Yes, Employers name and address, Gross amount paid before taxes are, How often are you paid once a week, and Yes is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

h1200 texas medicaid application completion process described (part 3)

When it comes to Yes and Yes, make certain you double-check them here. Both these are certainly the key ones in this document.

4. The next section requires your attention in the following places: How much do you pay for the, Does your employer pay at least, this is usually a monthly payment, Yes, What is the insurance companys, What is the insurance companys, nd parent First name, Middle initial Last name, Social Security number optional, Do you live with the child, Yes, Are you Male, Female, Birth date optional, and The following questions are about. Ensure that you type in all required info to move onward.

nd parent First name, Social Security number optional, and What is the insurance companys of h1200 texas medicaid application

5. As a final point, this final section is what you should finish prior to using the PDF. The blank fields at this point are the next: What date did insurance coverage, What is your policy number, How much do you pay for the, Does your employer pay at least, this is usually a monthly payment, Yes, What is the insurance companys, and What is the insurance companys.

How much do you pay for the, What date did insurance coverage, and Yes inside h1200 texas medicaid application

Step 3: Make certain the details are accurate and then simply click "Done" to progress further. Join us right now and instantly use h1200 form, prepared for download. Every single modification made is handily preserved , making it possible to customize the form at a later time as required. We do not share any details that you use when filling out documents at our website.