Verified Complaint Landlord Tenant New Jersey Form PDF Details

The Verified Complaint for Nonpayment of Rent form is a critical document for landlords in New Jersey facing rent-related disputes with their tenants. This form, set within the framework of the Superior Court of New Jersey Law Division, Special Civil Part, is designed to formalize the complaint process when a tenant fails to pay rent as agreed. It serves a dual purpose: safeguarding the rights of landlords to seek redress for unpaid rent while ensuring tenants are fairly represented in legal proceedings. By laying out the specifics of the rental agreement, including the rental premises address, payment amounts, and the tenure of the tenant's stay, it facilitates a clear understanding of the dispute's context. Importantly, the form also addresses the inclusion of any late charges, attorney fees, and other relevant costs that might be owed by the tenant, in addition to the base rent. The document is structured carefully to guide the plaintiff (landlord) or their attorney through the process of filing, detailing everything from owner information, the nature of the complaint, to the legal demands being made. Emphasizing privacy and security, it explicitly instructs against including personal identifiers, protecting all parties' sensitive information. Its comprehensive approach ensures that landlords present their case effectively while adhering to New Jersey's legal standards, offering a pathway towards resolving tenant disputes efficiently and equitably.

Form NameVerified Complaint Landlord Tenant New Jersey Form
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namesappendix xi x verified complaint, cn 11252 english nj, landlord verification form nj, form cn 11252

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Appendix XI-X Verified Complaint - Nonpayment of Rent

NOTICE: This is a public document, which means the document as submitted will be available to the public upon request. Therefore, do not enter personal identifiers on it, such as Social Security number, driver’s license number, vehicle plate number, insurance policy number, active financial account number, active credit card number or military status.

Plaintiff or Filing Attorney Information:


NJ Attorney ID Number



Telephone Number


Name of Plaintiff(s)/Landlord(s), v.


Name of Defendant(s)/Tenant(s).

Superior Court of New Jersey

Law Division, Special Civil Part


Docket Number: LT

Civil Action

Verified Complaint


Non-payment of Rent

Other (Required Notices Attached)



Address of Rental Premises:







Tenant’s Phone Number:




Tenant’s Email:




1. The owner of record is (name of owner)

2. Plaintiff is the owner or (check one)


agent, assignee, grantee or prime tenant of the owner.

3.The landlord did

4.The landlord has

did not acquire ownership of the property from the tenant(s).

has not given the tenant(s) an option to purchase the property.

5. The tenant(s) now reside(s) in and has (have) been in possession of these premises since (date)


under (check one)

written or

oral agreement




Check here if the tenancy is subsidized pursuant to either a federal or state program or the rental unit is public housing.

7. The landlord has registered the leasehold and notified tenant as required by N.J.S.A. 46:8-27.

8. The amount that must be paid by the tenant(s) for these premises is $


, payable on the


day of each

month or

week in advance.





Complete Paragraphs 9A and 9B if Complaint is for Non-Payment of Rent

Revised 07/14/2020, CN 11252 (Appendix XI-X)

page 1

(Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

9A. There is due, unpaid and owing from tenant(s) to plaintiff/landlord rent as follows:


base rent for


(specify the week or month)


base rent for


(specify the week or month)


base rent for


(specify the week or month)


late charge* for


(specify the week or month)


late charge* for


(specify the week or month)


late charge* for


(specify the week or month)

$attorney fees*

$other* (specify)


*The late charges, attorney fees and other charges are permitted to be charged as rent for purposes of this action by federal, state and local law (including rent control and rent leveling) and by the lease.

9B. The date that the next rent is due is (date)



If this case is scheduled for trial before that date, the total amount you must pay to have this complaint

dismissed is (Total from line 9A)




If this case is scheduled for trial on or after that date, the total amount you must pay to have this

complaint dismissed is $





(Total from line 9A plus the amount of the next rent due)

These amounts do not include late fees or attorney fees for Section 8 and public housing tenants. Payment may be made to the landlord or the clerk of the court at any time before the trial date, but on the trial date payment must be made by 4:30 p.m. to get the case dismissed.

Check Paragraphs 10 and 11 if the Complaint is for other than, or in addition to, Non-Payment of Rent. Attach All Notices to Cease and Notices to Quit/Demands For Possession.


Landlord seeks a judgment for possession for the additional or alternative reason(s) stated in the notices attached to this complaint. State Reasons:


The tenant(s) has (have) not surrendered possession of the premises and tenant(s) hold(s) over and continue(s) in possession without the consent of landlord.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff/landlord demands judgment for possession against the tenant(s) listed above, together with costs


(Signature of Filing Attorney or Landlord Pro Se)

(Printed or Typed Name of Attorney or Landlord Pro Se)

Revised 07/14/2020, CN 11252 (Appendix XI-X)

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Landlord Verification

1.I certify that I am the landlord, general partner of the partnership, or authorized officer of a corporation or limited liability company that owns the premises in which tenant(s) reside(s).

2.I have read the verified complaint and the information contained in it is true and based on my personal knowledge.

3.The matter in controversy is not the subject of any other court action or arbitration proceeding now pending or contemplated and no other parties should be joined in this action except (list exceptions or indicate none):


4.I certify that confidential personal identifiers have been redacted from documents now submitted to the court, and will be redacted from all documents submitted in the future in accordance with RULE 1:38-7(b).

5.The foregoing statements made by me are true and I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.

At the trial plaintiff will require:

An interpreter

An accommodation for a disability




Indicate language



Required accommodation



(Signature of Landlord, Partner or Officer)

(Printed Name of Landlord, Partner or Officer)

Revised 07/14/2020, CN 11252 (Appendix XI-X)

page 3

How to Edit Verified Complaint Landlord Tenant New Jersey Form Online for Free

You are able to work with appendix xi x form instantly using our online editor for PDFs. The tool is continually updated by our team, getting useful functions and growing to be better. For anyone who is looking to get started, here is what it's going to take:

Step 1: Just press the "Get Form Button" at the top of this site to access our form editing tool. This way, you will find everything that is necessary to work with your file.

Step 2: As you open the editor, you will see the document made ready to be filled out. In addition to filling out different blanks, you can also perform several other actions with the form, specifically putting on your own textual content, changing the initial text, inserting graphics, placing your signature to the document, and much more.

In an effort to fill out this document, be sure to enter the information you need in each and every blank:

1. When filling in the appendix xi x form, make sure to include all of the needed fields in the associated form section. It will help to hasten the process, enabling your details to be handled swiftly and appropriately.

appendix xi x verified complaint conclusion process described (step 1)

2. When this part is done, go on to type in the suitable information in all these - Tenants Phone Number, Tenants Email, The owner of record is name of, Plaintiff is the owner or check, agent, assignee, grantee or, prime tenant of the owner, The landlord, did, did not acquire ownership of the, The landlord, has, has not given the tenants an, and The tenants now resides in and.

agent, did, and has not given the tenants an in appendix xi x verified complaint

3. Within this stage, take a look at A There is due unpaid and owing, The late charges, base rent for base rent for base, specify the week or month specify, action by federal state and local, B The date that the next rent is, If this case is scheduled for, If this case is scheduled for, and Total from line A plus the amount. All these should be taken care of with highest attention to detail.

Step # 3 for submitting appendix xi x verified complaint

4. Now begin working on this next form section! In this case you'll have all of these Check Paragraphs and if the, Landlord seeks a judgment for, attached to this complaint State, The tenants has have not, continues in possession without, WHEREFORE plaintifflandlord, Dated, Signature of Filing Attorney or, Printed or Typed Name of Attorney, Revised CN Appendix XIX, and page empty form fields to fill out.

appendix xi x verified complaint completion process explained (part 4)

People who use this document often get some things incorrect while completing page in this section. You need to read again everything you enter right here.

5. The form needs to be completed with this part. Here there's a full set of form fields that need to be filled out with specific information in order for your form usage to be faultless: I certify that I am the, landlord, general partner of the partnership, authorized officer of a, corporation or limited liability, I have read the verified, knowledge, The matter in controversy is not, contemplated and no other parties, I certify that confidential, and will be redacted from all, The foregoing statements made by, me are willfully false I am, At the trial plaintiff will, and An accommodation for a disability.

appendix xi x verified complaint conclusion process described (stage 5)

Step 3: Once you have reviewed the details in the blanks, just click "Done" to complete your FormsPal process. After setting up afree trial account with us, you will be able to download appendix xi x form or send it via email at once. The form will also be readily available through your personal account menu with all your adjustments. FormsPal is dedicated to the privacy of all our users; we make sure that all information entered into our tool is confidential.