Xcel Energy Low Income Verification Form PDF Details

In an effort to bridge the gap between renewable energy initiatives and low income communities, Xcel Energy has introduced the Low Income Verification form, a pivotal piece of documentation designed to ensure equitable access to the Solar*Rewards Community Program. This innovative program aims to make solar energy available to those who might otherwise find it out of reach due to financial constraints, by requiring potential participants to verify their status through authorized organizations such as Energy Outreach Colorado, The Atmosphere Conservancy, Colorado LEAP Program, or a Municipal Housing Authority. The form itself gathers essential information from Xcel Energy customers, including name, account and premise numbers, as well as addressing details. Moreover, it necessitates an official endorsement from a recognized body, affirming the customer's active engagement with the organization and eligibility for the program. By making solar participation feasible for low income subscribers, Xcel Energy is not only contributing to a greener planet but also fostering community inclusion and support. This verification process, though seemingly straightforward, is paramount in validating the customer's need and eligibility, ensuring that the benefits of solar energy can be extended to a broader demographic, thereby democratizing access to clean and sustainable power sources.

Form NameXcel Energy Low Income Verification Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesxcel energy verification form make, energy income verification form, xcel income form, xcel energy verification form online

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Low Income Verification Form

The purpose of this form is to verify that the Xcel Energy customer stated below is an active participant in the representing organization shown below. This form is required for acceptance of low income subscribers into Xcel Energy’s Solar*Rewards Community Program. Low income subscribers must be verified by one of the following representing organizations:

Energy Outreach Colorado

The Atmosphere Conservancy

Colorado LEAP Program

Municipal Housing Authority (ex: Denver Housing Authority)

Xcel Energy Customer Information:

Customer Name: _________________________________________________

Customer Account Number: ________________________________________

Customer Premise Number: ________________________________________

Customer Address: _______________________________________________

Customer City, State, Zip: __________________________________________

Solar Garden ID: _________________________________________________

Representing Organization Verification:

The customer stated above is an active participant of the program listed below and therefore qualifies as a low income subscriber for the Solar*Rewards Community program.

Name: (printed) _____________________________________________

Signature:* _________________________________________________

Representing Organization: ___________________________________

*A legal representative of the representing organization

This form must be completed and uploaded for each low income subscriber to a solar garden.