Ac Form 8050 88 PDF Details

In the world of aviation, particularly among enthusiasts and builders of amateur-built aircraft, the AC 8050-88 form represents a vital step towards legitimizing the ownership and operational readiness of their creations. This form, known as the Affidavit of Ownership for Amateur-Built and Other Non-Type Certificated Aircraft, plays a crucial role in the registration process within the United States. It is designed to meticulously verify the eligibility of the applicant, ensuring they meet the necessary qualifications as the owner of such an aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires this form not just as a procedural formality, but as an essential component of the national aircraft registration system, underscoring the importance of safety, legality, and accountability in the aviation community. With an estimated completion time of thirty minutes, the form seeks comprehensive details about the aircraft, including the identification of the builder, the type and number of engines installed, and the operation capabilities (land or sea), among others. This process concretizes the aircraft's status, distinguishing between those built from miscellaneous parts versus prefabricated kits, and clarifying whether the aircraft is newly built or previously owned. Moreover, the form is a declaration of the entirety of ownership history, ensuring a transparent lineage of the aircraft's custodianship. This affidavit, requiring validation through a notary public, embodies the intersection of passion for aviation and adherence to regulatory mandates, facilitating the journey of amateur-built aircraft from conception to the skies.

Form NameAc Form 8050 88
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other names8050 88 8050 88 instructions form

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Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: The information collected on this form is necessary to ensure applicant eligibility. The information is used to determine that the applicant meets the necessary qualifications as owner of an amateur built aircraft. We estimate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the form. The information collection is required to obtain a benefit. The information collected becomes part of the aircraft registration system. Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. OMB 2120-0042.

Comments covering the accuracy of this burden and suggestions for reducing the burden should be directed to the FAA at 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591. ATTN: Information Collection Clearance Officer, AES-200.



(does not include light-sport)

U. S. Identification

Name of Amateur / Non TC’d builder



Serial Number

Class (airplane, rotorcraft, glider, weight shift control, powered-parachute, etc.)

Type of Engine Installed (reciprocating, turboprop, 2 or 4 cycle, electric, etc.)

Manufacturer, Model and Serial Number of each Engine Installed

Number of Engines Installed

Built for Land or Sea Operation


Number of Seats


More than 50% of the above-described aircraft was built from miscellaneous parts and I am the owner. (This option is for aircraft eligible for amateur-built certification.)

More than 50% of the above-described aircraft was built from a kit (prefabricated parts) and I am the owner. The bill of sale from the kit manufacturer is attached. (This option is for aircraft eligible for amateur-built certification.)

I certify that the above-described aircraft is a newly built non-type certificated aircraft and is not currently registered in another country. (This option is for aircraft eligible for experimental certification other than amateur-built.)

I certify that the above-described aircraft is a previously built (used) non-type certificated aircraft and is not currently registered in another country. (This option is for aircraft eligible for experimental certification other than amateur-built certification.)

Evidence of ownership from the aircraft builder through any intervening owners is attached (chain of ownership).

Unable to obtain complete chain of ownership. Statement as to ownership history and whereabouts of aircraft is attached.

Name of Owner:













Title of Signer

Signature of Owner:







(If Appropriate):






































Notary Public:













State of:



County of:







Subscribed and sworn to before me this






day of



My Commission Expires:














(Signature of Notary Public)

AC Form 8050-88 (09/10) Supersedes Previous Editions

How to Edit Ac Form 8050 88 Online for Free

Ac Form 8050 88 can be filled out easily. Simply use FormsPal PDF editing tool to accomplish the job quickly. FormsPal team is dedicated to making sure you have the perfect experience with our tool by regularly adding new functions and upgrades. Our tool has become a lot more intuitive with the latest updates! So now, filling out documents is simpler and faster than ever before. By taking a few basic steps, it is possible to start your PDF editing:

Step 1: First, open the editor by pressing the "Get Form Button" above on this page.

Step 2: As you access the PDF editor, you will get the document all set to be filled out. Besides filling out various blank fields, you may as well perform various other actions with the form, including putting on your own text, changing the initial text, adding illustrations or photos, signing the document, and much more.

It's an easy task to finish the document using this helpful tutorial! Here is what you want to do:

1. It is recommended to fill out the Ac Form 8050 88 correctly, therefore be mindful while working with the segments including all of these fields:

Part # 1 for submitting Ac Form 8050 88

2. The next step is usually to complete these blanks: I certify that the abovedescribed, Name of Owner, Signature of Owner, Address, City, Title of Signer If Appropriate, State, Zip, Telephone Notary Public State of, County of, day of, and My Commission Expires Signature of.

Step number 2 of filling in Ac Form 8050 88

Be extremely attentive when filling in County of and Address, since this is the part in which most users make some mistakes.

Step 3: Just after looking through your form fields you've filled out, click "Done" and you're done and dusted! Get hold of the Ac Form 8050 88 after you register here for a 7-day free trial. Easily gain access to the document from your personal account, along with any edits and adjustments being all preserved! At FormsPal, we endeavor to make sure that all your details are maintained secure.