California Llc 12 Form PDF Details

Ensuring all the intricacies and guidelines are followed, businesses operating as limited liability companies (LLCs) in California navigate the essential process of completing and submitting the Statement of Information (Form LLC-12) to the California Secretary of State. This requirement, mandatory for both California and registered foreign LLCs, is critical to maintain compliance and ensure the smooth functioning of the entity within the state’s regulatory framework. Within 90 days of their initial registration and biennially thereafter, LLCs are obligated to submit this form during a designated six-month period that correlates with their original registration date. The purpose of Form LLC-12 goes beyond mere bureaucratic necessity; it serves as a comprehensive update of the LLC’s operational and structural dynamics, ranging from addresses and agent for service of process changes to alterations in management. Failure to comply with this requirement not only disrupts an LLC’s standing but also incurs a hefty penalty, emphasizing the seriousness with which the California Secretary of State views this obligation. Furthermore, this form opens the portal for additional filings, such as changes in company details that require immediate attention outside the regular filing period, thereby ensuring that the state’s records remain accurate and up-to-date. With the capability to file online for convenience and efficiency, LLCs are encouraged to adhere to these instructions and deadlines to maintain their active status and avoid possible suspension or forfeiture as dictated by the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) regulations.

Form NameCalifornia Llc 12 Form
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
Other namesyou llc 12, california llc 12, california llc 12 instructions, california llc 12 form

Form Preview Example

Instructions for Completing the

Statement of Information (Form LLC-12)

Every California and registered foreign limited liability company must file a Statement of Information with the California Secretary of State, within 90 days of registering with the California Secretary of State, and every two years thereafter during a specific 6-month filing period based on the original registration date, as described in the chart below.

All Statements of Information for limited liability companies can be filed online at

Status of LLC: In order to file Form LLC-12, the status of the LLC must be active or suspended/forfeited on the

records of the California Secretary of State. The status of the LLC can be checked online on the Secretary of State’s Business Search at See the FTB Suspension/Forfeiture section below for information

about resolving an FTB suspended/forfeited status.

Fees: See chart below. Checks should be made payable to the Secretary of State.

Copies: To obtain a copy or certified copy of this filed Statement of Information, include payment for copy fees and certification fees at the time this Statement of Information is submitted. Copy fees are $1.00 for the first page and

$.50 for each attachment page. For certified copies, there is an additional $5.00 certification fee, per document. If you would like a free filed copy of your Statement of Information, go to

Processing Dates: For current processing dates, go to


Type of




















Initial Filing


The initial filing is due 90 days from the

File online at





entity’s registration date.

(Form LLC-12)












The periodic filing is due every two

File online at






years based on the entity’s

(Form LLC-12, if changes have been





registration date.






If the registration occurred in an even-







numbered year, the periodic filing is

(Form LLC-12NC, if no changes since






due every even year.






the last complete Statement of





If the registration occurred in an odd-











numbered year, the periodic filing is












due every odd year.






The filing period includes the







registration month and the







immediately preceding five (5)

















No Fee


A Statement of Information is submitted

File online at

No Fee




after the initial or required filing

(Form LLC-12)





requirements have been met to update






information including changes to the






agent for service of process.











LLC-12 - Instructions (REV 11/2020)

2020 California Secretary of State

Statutory Required 6 Month Filing Window for Limited Liability Companies

Month of Formation,

Statement of Information

Registration or Conversion

Applicable Filing Period


First Day of

Through Last Day of









































































If you are not completing this form online, type or print legibly in black or blue ink. Complete the Statement of

Information (Form LLC-12) as follows:





Enter the name of the limited liability

To ensure you have the exact name of the LLC, refer to


company exactly as it appears on file with

your registration document filed with the California


the California Secretary of State, including

Secretary of State and any name change amendments.


the entity ending

Some foreign LLCs may have registered in California using


(ex: “Jones & Company, LLC” or “Smith


an alternate name. If your LLC is a registered foreign LLC


Construction, a Limited Liability


using an alternate name in California, you must enter the




complete alternate name.







Enter the 12-digit Entity (File) Number

The 12-digit Entity (File) Number is provided by the Secretary


issued to the LLC by the California

of State above the file stamp at the top of the LLC’s


Secretary of State at the time of

registration document filed with the California Secretary of



State or if filed electronically, in the top section, below the



Entity Name.



Secretary of State Records can be accessed online through



our Business Search at While



searching the Business Search, be sure to identify your LLC



correctly including the jurisdiction that matches your LLC.





If formed outside of California, enter the

The jurisdiction must match the Secretary of State’s records.


state, foreign country or other place where

Secretary of State Records can be accessed online through


the LLC is organized.


our Business Search at While





searching the Business Search, be sure to identify your LLC



correctly including the jurisdiction that matches your registered



foreign LLC.



If the LLC is formed in California, leave Item 3 blank.




LLC-12 - Instructions (REV 11/2020)

2020 California Secretary of State


Enter the complete street address, city,

The complete street address is required, including the


state and zip code of the LLC’s principal

street name and number, city, state and zip code.



Address must be a physical address.





Do not enter a P.O. Box address, an “in care of” address, or



abbreviate the name of the city.





If different from the address in Item 4a,

This address will be used for mailing purposes and may be


enter the complete mailing address, city,

a P.O. Box address or “in care of” an individual or entity.


state and zip code of the LLC.

Do not abbreviate the name of the city.







If the LLC is formed in California, enter

The complete street address is required, including the


the complete street address, city and zip

street name and number, city and zip code.


code of the office in California, if different

Address must be a physical address in California.


from Item 4a.

Do not enter a P.O. Box address, an “in care of” address, or


If the LLC is formed outside of


abbreviate the name of the city.


California, enter the complete street




address, city and zip code of the principle

If Item 4a is an address in California leave Item 4c blank


business office in California, if any.

and proceed to Item 5.





Enter the name and complete business or

If the LLC has more than one manager or member, enter


residential address of any manager(s),

the name(s) and address(es) of the additional mangers or


appointed or elected in accordance with

members on Form LLC-12A.


the Articles of Organization or Operating

Please do not abbreviate the name of the city.


Agreement, or if no manager(s) has been




so elected or appointed, the name and

Review your Articles of Organization or any amendments


business or residential address of each

thereto, to determine if the LLC is run by a single manager,




more than one manager or by its member(s).



Every LLC is required to have at least one






A member(s) is the owner of the LLC similar to a



shareholder(s) in a corporation.





The LLC must have an Agent for Service

An Agent for Service of Process is responsible for accepting

of Process.


legal documents (e.g. service of process, lawsuits,




There are two types of Agents that can be

subpoenas, other types of legal notices, etc.) on behalf of



the LLC.


an individual (e.g. member, manager, or

You must provide information for either an individual OR a


any other individual) who resides in


registered corporate agent, not both.


California with a physical California street


If using a registered corporate agent, the corporation must


address; OR


a registered corporate agent qualified

have a current agent registration certificate on file with the


with the California Secretary of State.

California Secretary of State as required by Section 1505.




6a & b.

If Individual Agent:

The complete street address is required, including the


Enter the name of the agent for service of

street name and number, city and zip code.


process and the agent’s complete

Do not enter a P.O. Box address, an “in care of” address, or


California street address, city and zip

abbreviate the name of the city.



Many times, a small LLC will designate a member or


If an individual is designated as the

manager as the agent for service of process.


agent, complete Items 6a and 6b ONLY.

The individual agent should be aware that the name and the


physical street address of the agent for service of process is


Do not complete Item 6c.



a public record, open to all (as are all the addresses of the



LLC provided in filings).

LLC-12 - Instructions (REV 11/2020)

2020 California Secretary of State


If Registered Corporate Agent:

Before a corporation is designated as agent for the LLC,


Enter the name of the registered

that corporation must have a current agent registration


corporate agent exactly as registered in

certificate on file with the California Secretary of State as


required by Section 1505 stating the address(es) of the




registered corporate agent and the authorized employees


If a registered corporate agent is


that will accept service of process of legal documents and


designated as the agent, complete Item


notices on behalf of the LLC.


6c ONLY. Do not complete Items 6a


Advanced approval must be obtained from a registered


and 6b.


corporate agent prior to designating that corporation as





your agent for service of process.



No California or foreign corporation may register as a



California corporate agent unless the corporation currently



is authorized to engage in business in California and is in



good standing on the records of the California Secretary of






Provide your Registered Corporate Agent’s exact name as



registered with the California Secretary of State. To confirm



that you are providing the exact name of the Registered



Corporate Agent, go to





Briefly describe the general type of



business that is the principal business



activity of the LLC.



Enter the name and complete business or

A chief executive officer may be in addition to members and


residential address of the chief executive

managers but generally is the person that occupies the


officer, if any.

highest level position in the LLC’s organization hierarchy in



charge of managing the LLC.


Type or print the date, the name and title of



the person completing this form and sign



where indicated.





Submission Cover Sheet (Optional): To make it easier to receive communication related to this document, including

the copy of the filed document, complete the Submission Cover Sheet. For the Return Address: enter the name of a

designated person and/or company and the corresponding mailing address. Please note: the Submission Cover Sheet will be treated as correspondence and will not be made part of the filed document.

Where to File: For faster service, this form can be filed online at The completed form along with the applicable fees can be mailed to Secretary of State, Statement of Information Unit, P.O. Box 944230, Sacramento, CA 94244-2300 or delivered in person (drop off) to the Sacramento office, 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Legal Authority: General statutory filing provisions are found in Section 17702.09 unless otherwise indicated. All

statutory references are to the California Corporations Code, unless otherwise stated. Failure to file this Statement of Information by the due date will result in the assessment of a $250.00 penalty. (Sections 17713.07(b) and 17713.09;

California Revenue and Taxation Code section 19141.)

FTB Suspension/Forfeiture: If the LLC’s status is FTB suspended/forfeited, the status must be resolved with the

California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) for the LLC to be returned to active status. For revivor requirements, go to the FTB’s website at or contact the FTB at (800) 852-5711 (from within the U.S.) or (916) 845-6500

(from outside the U.S.).

LLC-12 - Instructions (REV 11/2020)

2020 California Secretary of State

Secretary of State

Business Programs Division

Statement of Information

1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

P.O. Box 944230, Sacramento, CA 94244-2300

Submission Cover Sheet


Complete and include this form with your submission. This information only will be used to communicate with you in writing about the submission. This form will be treated as correspondence and will not be made part of the filed document.

Make all checks or money orders payable to the Secretary of State.

Standard processing time for submissions to this office is approximately 5 business days from receipt. All submissions are reviewed in the date order of receipt. For updated processing time information, go to

Optional Copy and Certification Fees:

If applicable, include optional copy and certification fees with your submission.

For applicable copy and certification fee information, refer to the instructions of the specific form you are submitting.

Entity Information: (Please type or print legibly)

Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Entity Number (if applicable):_____________________________________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Return Address: For written communication from the Secretary of State related to this document, or if purchasing a copy of the filed document enter the name of a person or company and the mailing address.









Secretary of State Use Only



Doc Submission Cover - SI (Rev. 11/2020)

Secretary of State



Statement of Information





(Limited Liability Company)





IMPORTANT — This form can be filed online at


Read instructions before completing this form.



Filing Fee – $20.00



Copy Fees – First page $1.00; each attachment page $0.50;



Certification Fee - $5.00 plus copy fees


Above Space For Office Use Only






1.Limited Liability Company Name (Enter the exact name of the LLC. If you registered in California using an alternate name, see instructions.)

2. 12-Digit Secretary of State Entity (File) Number

3. State, Foreign Country or Place of Organization (only if formed outside of California)

4. Business Addresses

a. Street Address of Principal Office - Do not list a P.O. Box

City (no abbreviations)



Zip Code







b. Mailing Address of LLC, if different than item 4a

City (no abbreviations)



Zip Code







c. Street Address of California Office, if Item 4a is not in California - Do not list a P.O. Box

City (no abbreviations)



Zip Code
















If no managers have been appointed or elected, provide the name and address of each member. At least one name and address

5. Manager(s) or Member(s)

must be listed. If the manager/member is an individual, complete Items 5a and 5c (leave Item 5b blank). If the manager/member is

an entity, complete Items 5b and 5c (leave Item 5a blank). Note: The LLC cannot serve as its own manager or member. If the



LLC has additional managers/members, enter the name(s) and address(es) on Form LLC-12A.










a. First Name, if an individual - Do not complete Item 5b

Middle Name

Last Name











b. Entity Name - Do not complete Item 5a













c. Address


City (no abbreviations)



Zip Code








6.Service of Process (Must provide either Individual OR Corporation.)

INDIVIDUAL – Complete Items 6a and 6b only. Must include agent’s full name and California street address.

a. California Agent's First Name (if agent is not a corporation)

Middle Name

Last Name










b. Street Address (if agent is not a corporation) - Do not enter a P.O. Box

City (no abbreviations)



Zip Code













CORPORATION – Complete Item 6c only. Only include the name of the registered agent Corporation.










c. California Registered Corporate Agent’s Name (if agent is a corporation) – Do not complete Item 6a or 6b











7. Type of Business












Describe the type of business or services of the Limited Liability Company












8. Chief Executive Officer, if elected or appointed












a. First Name

Middle Name

Last Name










b. Address

City (no abbreviations)



Zip Code







9.By signing, I affirm under penalty of perjury that the information herein is true and correct and that I am authorized by California law to sign.






Type or Print Name of Person Completing the Form



LLC-12 (REV 11/2020)



2020 California Secretary of State

How to Edit California Llc 12 Form Online for Free

Using PDF forms online is definitely very easy with this PDF editor. You can fill out california llc 12 here without trouble. To retain our tool on the cutting edge of convenience, we work to integrate user-oriented features and enhancements on a regular basis. We are at all times glad to get suggestions - assist us with remolding the way you work with PDF forms. All it requires is several simple steps:

Step 1: First, access the editor by clicking the "Get Form Button" above on this site.

Step 2: With the help of this handy PDF editing tool, it is possible to do more than merely fill in blank fields. Express yourself and make your docs appear great with customized textual content added, or adjust the file's original input to perfection - all comes with the capability to incorporate your personal photos and sign the PDF off.

So as to fill out this PDF document, ensure you provide the right details in every area:

1. While submitting the california llc 12, be sure to include all necessary fields in its corresponding area. This will help to expedite the work, allowing your information to be processed quickly and accurately.

Best ways to prepare llc 12 online form stage 1

2. When the previous array of fields is done, it is time to put in the needed specifics in Return Address For written, Name, Company, Address, CityStateZip , Doc Submission Cover SI Rev , Secretary of State Use Only, TTR, and MT RECD so you can proceed further.

The best way to complete llc 12 online form step 2

3. Your next step is hassle-free - complete every one of the blanks in Limited Liability Company Name, Digit Secretary of State Entity, State Foreign Country or Place of, Business Addresses, a Street Address of Principal, City no abbreviations, State, Zip Code, b Mailing Address of LLC if, City no abbreviations, State, Zip Code, c Street Address of California, City no abbreviations, and State to conclude this process.

Filling out segment 3 in llc 12 online form

As for Zip Code and State Foreign Country or Place of, make sure you get them right in this section. These could be the key ones in the page.

4. Now fill out this next section! Here you've got all of these a California Agents First Name if, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, b Street Address if agent is not a, City no abbreviations, Zip Code, State CA, CORPORATION Complete Item c only, c California Registered Corporate, Type of Business, Describe the type of business or, Chief Executive Officer if, a First Name, and b Address form blanks to fill in.

Stage number 4 of filling in llc 12 online form

Step 3: Before finalizing this document, make certain that all blanks were filled out correctly. Once you’re satisfied with it, click “Done." Get your california llc 12 when you subscribe to a 7-day free trial. Conveniently get access to the form in your personal account, together with any modifications and adjustments all preserved! Here at, we aim to ensure that your information is stored secure.