Cites Certificate Sample Form PDF Details

In navigating the intricate pathways of international wildlife trade, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Certificate emerges as a pivotal document, mandated to ensure that the global movement of endangered plants and animals does not threaten their survival. This comprehensive form, an annex to the standard CITES regulations, serves multiple functions - from export and re-export permits to import certificates and other miscellaneous validations. Its detailed sections require information on the involved parties, the specifics of the traded specimens, and the legal foundations of the trade, including but not limited to the species' scientific names, quantities, and the conservation statuses as per the CITES appendices. Furthermore, special conditions and purposes of the transaction are meticulously detailed, advocating for transparency and adherence to the highest conservation standards. The form also emphasizes the significance of proper identification and tracking through security stamps and management authority endorsements. Additionally, for live animal transports, the form stipulates adherence to specific guidelines ensuring the well-being of the animals during transit. A fascinating blend of regulatory compliance and conservation ethics, the CITES Certificate Sample form embodies the global commitment to safeguarding endangered species, showcasing a well-thought-out framework designed to balance the scales of trade and conservation.

Form NameCites Certificate Sample Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesaffixed, 12b, waybill, cites

Form Preview Example










2. Valid until

3 . Importer (name and address)

4 . Exporter/re-exporter (name, address and country)


Country of import







Signature of the applicant




5 .

Special conditions

6 . Name, address, national seal/stamp and country of Management Authority

For live animals, this permit or certificate is only valid if the transport conditions conform to the Guidelines for Transport of Live Animals or, in the case of air transport, to the IATA Live Animals Regulations

5a. Purpose of the transaction


5 b.

Security stamp no.









(see reverse)

























7 . /8. Scientific name (genus and species)

9 .

Description of specimens,

10 .

Appendix no. and source

11 .

Quantity (including unit)

11a. Total exported/Quota


and common name of animal or plant


including identifying marks


(see reverse)












or numbers (age/sex if live)




























9 .



10 .



11 .





















12 .

Country of origin *

Permit no.





Country of last

Certificate no.



1 2 b. No. of the operation * *














or date of acquisition * * *

















































9 .



10 .



11 .





















12 .

Country of origin *

Permit no.





Country of last

Certificate no.



1 2 b. No. of the operation * *














or date of acquisition * * *

















































9 .



10 .



11 .





















12 .

Country of origin *

Permit no.





Country of last

Certificate no.



1 2 b. No. of the operation * *














or date of acquisition * * *

















































9 .



10 .



11 .





















12 .

Country of origin *

Permit no.





Country of last

Certificate no.



1 2 b. No. of the operation * *














or date of acquisition * * *












































* Country in w h ich the specimens w ere taken from the w ild, bred in captivity or artificially propagated (only in case of re-export)

** Only for specimens of Appendix-I species bred in captivity or artificially propagated for commercial purposes

** * For pre-Convention specimens

13 . This permit/certificate is issued by:






Security stamp, signature and official seal




14 . Export endorsement:

15 . Bill of Lading/Air w aybill number:



Quant it y









Port of export



Official stamp and title


Instructions and explanations

(These correspond to block numbers on the form)

1 . Tick the square w hich corresponds to the type of document issued (export permit, re-export certificate, import permit or other). If the box

"other" has been ticked, the type of document must be indicated. The original number is a unique number allocated to each document by the Management Authority.

2 . For export permits and re-export certificates, the date of expiry of the document may not be more than six months after the date of issuance (one year for import permits).

3 . Complete name and address of the importer.

3a. The name of the country must be w ritten in full.

4 . Complete name and address of the exporter/re-exporter. The name of the country must be stated. The absence of the signature of the applicant renders the permit or certificate invalid.

5 . Special conditions may refer to national legislation or special conditions placed on the shipment by the issuing Management Authority. This block can also be used to justify the omission of certain information.

5a. The follow ing codes should be used: T for commercial, Z for zoos, G for botanical gardens, Q for circuses and travelling exhibitions, S for scientific purposes, H for hunting trophies, P for personal, M for medical, E for education, N for reintroduction or introduction into the w ild, and B for breeding in captivity or artificial propagation, L for law enforcement / judicial / forensic.

5b. Indicate the number of the security stamp affixed in block 13.

6 . The name, address and country of the issuing Management Authority should already be printed on the form.

7 -8. Indicate the scientific name (genus and species, w here appropriate subspecies) of the animal or plant as it appears in the Convention Appendices or the reference lists approved by the Conference of the Parties, and the common name of the animal or plant as know n in the country issuing the permit.

9 . Describe, as precisely as possible, the specimens entering trade (live animals, skins, flanks, w allets, shoes, etc.). If a specimen is marked (tags, identifying marks, rings, etc.), w hether or not this is required by a Resolution of the Conference of the Parties (specimens originating in a ranching operation, specimens subject to quotas approved by the Conference of the Parties, specimens of Appendix-I species bred in captivity for commercial purposes, etc.), indicate the number and type of mark. The sex and age of the live animals should be recorded, if possible.

10 . Enter the number of the Appendix of the Convention (I, II or III) in w hich the species is listed. Use the follow ing codes to indicate the source:

WSpecimens taken from the w ild

RSpecimens originating from a ranching operation

DAppendix -I animals bred in captivity for commercial purposes and Appendix-I plants artificially propagated for commercial purposes, as w ell as parts and derivatives thereof, exported under the provisions of Article VII, paragraph 4, of the Convention

APlants that are artificially propagated in accordance w ith Resolution Conf. 11 .11, paragraph a), as w ell as parts and derivatives thereof, exported under the provisions of Article VII, paragraph 5 (specimens of species included in Appendix I that have been propagated artificially for non-commercial purposes and specimens of species included in Appendices II and III)

CAnimals bred in captivity in accordance w ith Resolution Conf . 10.16 (Rev.), as w ell as parts and derivatives thereof, exported under the provisions of Article VII, paragraph 5 (specimens of species included in Appendix I that have been bred in captivity for non- commercial purposes and specimens of species included in Appendices II and III)

FAnimals born in captivity (F1 or subsequent generations) that do not fulfil the definition of ‘bred in captivity’ in Resolution Conf . 10.16 (Rev.), as w ell as parts and derivatives thereof

USource unknow n (must be justified)

I Confiscated or seized specimens

O Pre-Convention (may be used w ith other source codes).

11 . The quantity and units indicated should conform to the most recent version of the Guidelines for the preparation and submission of annual reports.

11a. Indicate the total number of specimens exported in the current calendar year (including those covered by the present permit) and the current annual quota for the species concerned (for example 500/1000). This should be done for the national quotas as w ell as for those determined by the Conference of the Parties.

12 . The country of origin is the country in w hich the specimens w ere taken from the w ild, bred in captivity or artificially propagated. Indicate the number of the permit or certificate of the exporting country and the date of issuance. If all or part of the information is not know n, this should be justified in block 5. This block must only be completed in case of re-exports.

12a. The country of last re-export is the country from w hich the specimens w ere re-exported before entering the country in w hich the present document is issued. Enter the number of the re-export certificate of the country of last re-export and its date of issuance. If all or part of the information is not know n, this should be justified in block 5. This block must only be completed in case of re-export of specimens previously re-exported.

12b. The “ No. of the operation” is the number of the registered captive-breeding or artificial propagation operation. The “ date of acquisition” is defined in Resolution Conf. 5.11 and is required only for pre-Convention specimens.

13 . To be completed by the official w ho issues the permit. The name of the official must be w ritten in full. The security stamp must be affixed in this block and must be cancelled by the signature of the issuing official and a stamp or seal. The seal, signature and security-stamp number should be clearly legible.

14 . To be completed by the official w ho inspects the shipment at the time of export or re-export. Enter the quantities of specimens actually exported or re-exported. Strike out the unused blocks.

15 . Enter the number of the bill of lading or air w ay-bill if the method of transport used requires the use of such a document.

The document must be w ritten in one of the three w orking languages of the Convention (English, Spanish or French) or must include a full translation into one of these three languages. Exported and re-exported specimens should not appear on the same document unless it is clearly indicated which specimens are being exported and which re-exported.