Credit Agreement Employee PDF Details

The provision of employer credit cards to employees is a practice that embodies a blend of trust and responsibility, encapsulated within the framework of the Credit Agreement Employee form. This form represents a formal acknowledgment by the employee of the privileges and duties accompanying the possession of a church-issued credit card. By signing the agreement, an employee accepts a series of obligations aimed at ensuring the responsible use and safekeeping of the card, which, though issued in their name, remains church property. The agreement outlines specific terms and conditions, including the personal responsibility for the card's security, adherence to purchasing policies, regular submission of expense reports, and the imperative to repay any charges deemed unallowable. Furthermore, it prohibits the use of the card for personal expenses, unauthorized purchases, or as collateral for personal credit, highlighting the expectation of prudent financial management. A failure to comply with these terms can lead to serious consequences, ranging from the suspension of the card to disciplinary actions, termination of employment, or even legal repercussions. In signing the Credit Agreement Employee form, individuals thereby affirm their understanding and acceptance of these terms, underscoring the mutual expectations of integrity and accountability between the employee and the church.

Form NameCredit Agreement Employee
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesemployee credit card form, employer credit card for employee, company credit card employee agreement, employer credit card agreement

Form Preview Example


Congratulations! You have been granted the privilege of having a Church credit card. Your participation in the credit card program is a convenience that carries responsibilities along with it. Although this card is issued in your name, it is Church property and must be used with good judgment. By signing this agreement, you acknowledge that you understand and will comply with all of the Church guidelines, as listed below.

I, as an authorized and approved cardholder have been trained and fully understand and agree to the following terms and conditions regarding the use and safekeeping of the credit card entrusted to me:

1.I accept full personal responsibility for the safekeeping of the credit card assigned to me, and that absolutely no one, other than me, is permitted to use the credit card assigned to me. All charges download as a 'receivable' and therefore are ONLY associated directly to the cardholder.

2.I will be making financial commitments on behalf of the church and will obtain fair and reasonable prices following Church Travel Policy. For Example: No First Class


3.I will submit my Expense Report to the Church at least monthly and within 5 days after completion of a business trip, showing expenses incurred with all required receipts attached.

4.When I use my credit card, I understand that these purchases will result in a "receivable" against me and I am responsible for repayment of any of these charges deemed not allowable when Expense Report are submitted to the Church. I further understand that any unallowable amount must be repaid to the Church within 30 days after the Expense Report has been filed.

5.In the event that I fail to repay any non-allowable amount, the Church is authorized to withhold the full amount from any payment (s) due me from the Church, including payroll checks, as repayment. I understand that failure to follow these provisions more than once within any 12 month period will result in suspension of my credit card.

6.I will not use the Credit card for non-Church related expenses, unauthorized purchases, or for personal purchases.

7.I will immediately report the theft or loss of my credit card to ___________________

at _____________________.

9.I understand that I cannot use the credit card as a financial reference to obtain personal credit cards or loans.


10.I understand that I am personally responsible for obtaining ALL original detailed receipts (purchase and credit documents) and submitting them in accordance with Church credit card procedures, for those purchases where a receipt is required.

11.I understand that any purchases made by me will be recorded and reviewed in management reports, to insure compliance with credit card guidelines.

12.I understand that failure to follow any of the above listed terms & conditions or if found to have misused the credit card in any manner may result in:

o Revocation of the privilege to use the credit card o Disciplinary action

o Termination of employment, and/or criminal charges being filed with the appropriate authority.

13.I agree to surrender the credit card immediately upon request or upon termination of employment for any reason.

I, _________________________________ hereby accept the above terms and conditions

and acknowledge receipt of the Credit card.

_____________ _________________________________________

DateEmployee Signature


Employee email address


How to Edit Credit Agreement Employee Online for Free

Our best developers have worked together to get the PDF editor that you'll use. This specific software makes it easy to complete credit agreement for employee documentation shortly and with ease. This is certainly all you should undertake.

Step 1: Search for the button "Get Form Here" and select it.

Step 2: Now you may enhance the credit agreement for employee. You need to use the multifunctional toolbar to insert, delete, and alter the content material of the file.

These areas are going to make up the PDF form:

employee credit card form spaces to fill in

Write down the expected information in the segment I agree to surrender the credit, I hereby accept the above terms, Date, Employee Signature, and Employee email address.

stage 2 to completing employee credit card form

Step 3: As you choose the Done button, your ready file can be easily transferred to each of your devices or to electronic mail chosen by you.

Step 4: To protect yourself from any type of complications in the future, try to get as a minimum a few duplicates of the document.

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