Deduct Authorization Form PDF Details

A Deduct Authorization Form is a document that authorizes an employee to deduct a specific amount of money from their paycheck for a specific purpose. This form can be used to pay for things such as medical expenses, child care, or taxes. It is important to note that the Deduct Authorization Form must be approved by the company's payroll department before it can be used. Additionally, employees should keep track of all deductions made through this form so that they can accurately report them on their tax return. If you are thinking about using a Deduct Authorization Form, please contact your company's payroll department for more information.

Form NameDeduct Authorization Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields11
Avg. time to fill out2 min 27 sec
Other namesauthority to deduct from salary philippines sample, authorization letter to deduction sss salary loan, authority to deduct sss, authority to deduct template

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Allowed under RSA 275:48 I













hereby authorize




(Print employee’s name)



























to deduct from my wages




























(reason for the deduction)







the sum of $


, beginning




and ending




















until the total amount of $


has been deducted.














I am authorizing this voluntary deduction as specified in RSA 275:48 I.

In the event my employment ends for any reason before the final deduction is made, the

entire balance may


(X) or may not


(X) be deducted from my final wages.

(Employee’s Signature)

(Date signed)