Dewinterization Checklist Form PDF Details

If you're like most homeowners, the winter months can be a time when your home needs a little extra attention. From checking your furnace to shoveling the driveway, there's a lot to keep track of. One task that often gets overlooked is dewinterizing your home. A little preparation now can save you time and hassle down the road. Use this checklist to make sure you don't miss anything important.

Form NameDewinterization Checklist Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesHome Dewinterization Checklist Form, Safeguard Properties DeWinterization Checklist Form

Form Preview Example

Safeguard Properties

Dewinterization Checklist and Documentation

Contractor Code:______________________

Utilities (Meter Reading)

Property Address:_____________________

Water: on/off (_______________)


Electric:on/off (_______________)

Employee's Name_____________________

Gas: on/off (_________________)


Water: Well / City

Was Broker Contacted: yes/no


Is Broker Maintaining Utilities: yes/no

How many units?________


Type of system? (Dry, Steam, Radiant)


Was property frozen on arrival: yes/no


If yes, provide a detailed description:

***Document any pre-existing plumbing sytem and/or water damages to the property:

***Attention Contractors*** It is important for each contractor to provide photo documentation which supports each step during the dewinterization process. Please remember to provide and illustrate in-depth photos which highlight each step on the Dewinterization checklist. The contractor is required to upload this checklist identical to the way the maid service checklist is uploaded. This will be required for all dewinterization orders in order to receive payment. If you have any questions, please reference Memorandum 1261 which provides direction on the dewinterization process.

Pressure Test System

___Check for visible breaks in plumbing

___Make sure all water is drained from system.

___Close all faucet/valves.

___Build pressure to 35 PSI

___Did pressure hold for 30 mins?

___Document why it didn't hold pressure.

___Photo documentation of all the above?

Turn on Water Supply

___ Unplug main water feed line

___ Connect water meter

___ Turn water on at the curb

___ Remove zip tie on main shut off valve

___ Photo documentation of all the above?

Filling System

___ Turn on gas or electric to Water Heater

___ Open all faucets and valves, is water flowing?

___ Fill Water Heater

___ Egnite pilot light on Water Heater

___ Fill Well/Holding tanks if applicable

___ Connect electric to well pump if applicable

___ Fill all toilet tanks and bowls

___ Is all air out of the system?

___ Photo documentation of all the above?

___ Set thermostat to 55 degrees

Removing Anti-Freeze

___ Flush anti-freeze from all toilets (bowls and tanks)

___ Photo documentation of all the above?


___ Remove Wint sticker on toilets.

___ Remove Wint sticker on Tubs/Showers

___ RemoveWint sticker on water heater.

___ Remove Wint sticker on water meter.

___ Remove Wint sticker on dish washer.

___ Remove Wint sticker on sinks.

___ Remove Toilet wrap installed on toilets.

___Photo documentation of all the above?

If Radiant or Steam Heating System

"In addition to all the above"

___ Pressure test heating system.

___ Fill boiler.

___ Tighten bleeder pins.

___ Fill expansion tank.

___ Fill heating loops.

___ Light Boiler

___ Remove Wint sticker from boiler.

___ Photo documentation of all the above?

***Provide a detailed reason why the system doesn't hold pressure

By signing and dating the below, I take full responsibility for the accuracy and workmanship for completing and documenting a proper dewinterization. As a qualified individual to perform a proper dewinterization, I have photo documented the entire dewinterization process to support all items are completed per Safeguard Properties guidelines and all supporting documentation for damages and estimates/bids are accurate. I understand that any missed, false and/or inaccurate information will result in total ownership of the plumbing system

and all repairs to the system will be at my cost to achieve a sound certifed working plumbing system.

