Dmv Form Obl210 PDF Details

In the dynamic landscape of vehicle industry business in Nevada, the DMV OBL210 form serves as a critical instrument, ensuring compliance and protection within the sector. Located at 555 Wright Way, Carson City, NV 89711, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) provides this form as a part of the licensing process for businesses involved in buying, selling, transporting, manufacturing, distributing, brokering, or dealing in new or used vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, or semitrailers. The form outlines the conditions under which a Vehicle Industry Business License Bond is executed, binding the principal and a surety company to the State of Nevada. This financial guarantee, set in a specified penal sum of thousands of dollars, aims to safeguard consumer interests against fraud, fraudulent representation, or violation of specific chapters of the Nevada Revised Statutes or Nevada Administrative Codes. With continuous coverage and provisions for claim disputes, it underscores the state's commitment to integrity and consumer protection in the vehicle industry. The cancellation process, requiring a 30-day notice to the State of Nevada DMV, Occupational and Business Licensing Section, further adds a layer of regulatory oversight. It is pivotal that all parties engaging in these industries understand the implications and requirements set forth in the DMV OBL210 form, ensuring their operations are in full compliance with state laws and regulations.

Form NameDmv Form Obl210
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesobl210 surety bond obl210 form

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r, u1111

555 Wright Way

Carson City, NV 89711

Reno/Sparks/Carson City (775) 684-4DMV (4368)

Las Vegas area (702) 486-4DMV (4368)


Bond Number

License Type:





Off-Highway Vehicle







, as principal,





(Individual or Corporate Name and Name Doing Business as)




located in the County of






, State of Nevada, obligee, and






, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the


(Name of Surety)







laws of the State of

, and authorized to transact a surety business in the State of Nevada, as surety,

are held and firmly

bound unto the State

of Nevada in the penal sum of

THOUSAND DOLLARS for the payment

of which well and truly to be made we hereby bind ourselves, our respective heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents:

To be effective on the


day of


, 20


WHEREAS, the above-named principal has been licensed to carry on or conduct in this State the business of buying, selling, transporting, manufacturing, distributing, brokering or dealing in new or used vehicles, trailers, motorcycles or semitrailers; and

WHEREAS, the above-named surety herein agrees that any consumer, as defined in NRS 482.345, injured by the action or actions of the principal and/or his salesmen involved in any fraud or fraudulent representation or in violation of any of the provisions of Chapter 482 or Chapter 490 of the Nevada Revised Statutes or Nevada Administrative Codes may bring action in said injured person’s own name against the said surety. This bond is continuous in form and the total aggregate liability of the bond is limited to the payment of the total amount of the bond. In the event of a dispute of a claim by the surety company, application may be made to the Director, Department of Motor Vehicles for good cause shown. After notice and hearing, the director may authorize payment of funds from here said surety coverage.

OBL210 (02/2022)

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Bond Number

This bond may be canceled by the surety at any time by giving written notice by registered mail of its desire and intention so to do. Said cancellation shall be effective thirty (30) days after the receipt of said notice by the State of Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles, Occupational and Business Licensing Section.

Signed, sealed and dated this


day of

, 20

























(Principal’s Signature)













(Principal’s Printed Name)































Telephone Number of Surety: (






(Mailing Address of Surety Company, Street)

(City, State and Zip Code)


(Signature, Attorney-In-Fact for Surety)

(Printed Name, Attorney-In-Fact)

(The Corporate Seal of the Surety Company must be imprinted or affixed

to the bond form) (Surety Seal)

(A licensed agent of the issuing company must countersign this form)

Countersigned on behalf of:




day of


, 20

(Signature, Agent)

(Printed Name, Agent)

(Business Name, Agent)

(Business Address, Agent)

(All signatures must be original. Electronic signatures and/or photocopies will not be accepted. Any alterations will void this form.)

OBL210 (02/2022)

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How to Edit Dmv Form Obl210 Online for Free

The PDF editor works to make filling out forms easy. It is rather an easy task to change the [FORMNAME] form. Consider these particular actions to be able to do it:

Step 1: The first task is to click on the orange "Get Form Now" button.

Step 2: The form editing page is now open. It's possible to add text or enhance existing data.

The next sections are what you are going to fill in to get your finished PDF file.

Dmv Form Obl210 blanks to consider

Complete the To be effective on the, day of, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION, WHEREAS the abovenamed principal, and WHEREAS the abovenamed surety areas with any particulars which may be requested by the system.

Filling out Dmv Form Obl210 step 2

It's important to note specific details in the box This bond may be canceled by the, Bond Number, Signed sealed and dated this, day of, Principals Signature, Principals Printed Name, Surety, Telephone Number of Surety, Mailing Address of Surety Company, and City State and Zip Code.

step 3 to completing Dmv Form Obl210

Make sure you list the rights and responsibilities of the sides in the Signature AttorneyInFact for Surety, Printed Name AttorneyInFact The, A licensed agent of the issuing, Surety, this, day of, Signature Agent, and Printed Name Agent field.

Dmv Form Obl210 Signature AttorneyInFact for Surety, Printed Name AttorneyInFact The, A licensed agent of the issuing, Surety, this, day of, Signature Agent, and Printed Name Agent blanks to complete

Finish by analyzing all these sections and filling them in accordingly: Business Name Agent, All signatures must be original, Business Address Agent, OBL, and Page of.

Dmv Form Obl210 Business Name Agent, All signatures must be original, Business Address Agent, OBL, and Page  of blanks to insert

Step 3: Once you click the Done button, your finished file can be easily transferred to all of your devices or to email indicated by you.

Step 4: Make a copy of every file. It's going to save you time and permit you to keep clear of challenges later on. Also, your information will not be revealed or analyzed by us.

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