Dtsc 1299 Form PDF Details

In the realm of environmental protection and hazardous waste management in California, the DTSC 1299 form plays a pivotal role, serving as the Consolidated Transporter Notification for businesses engaged in the transportation of specific hazardous wastestreams. This document, administered by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), sits at the intersection of legal compliance and environmental stewardship. It is not just a form but a comprehensive notification that requires detailed information about the transporting business, including names under which the business operates, addresses, contact details, and the crucial Transporter Registration Number. More importantly, it mandates the disclosure of the hazardous wastestreams intended for transport under the consolidated manifesting procedure, a list that spans from used oil and brake fluid to more niche waste like asbestos and ink from the printing industry. The form also emphasizes the necessity of the representative's authorization, underscoring the legal responsibility that comes with handling hazardous materials. Ensuring that this document is accurately completed and promptly submitted is essential for businesses to avoid significant penalties, highlighting the form's importance not only in maintaining operational legality but also in contributing to the larger goal of environmental safety.

Form NameDtsc 1299 Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesdtsc form 1358, dtsc form 1299, dtsc examination form, dtsc 8038

Form Preview Example

State of California - California Environmental Protection Agency

Department of Toxic Substances Control


Transportation Unit


8800 Cal Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826


Phone (916) 440-7145 Fax (916) 255-6436


1.Business Name (Show d.b.a. name, show name exactly as it will appear on registration; same name or trademark is required on all vehicles):

2.Transporter Registration Number

3. Business Address Number/Street






Zip/Postal Code








4. Mailing Address (If different) P.O. Box/Street






Zip/Postal Code









5a. Telephone Number

(Ext. Number)

6. Identification Numbers. If

your company transports

hazardous wastes,

operates the designated




facility, and intends to submit only the facility copy of the consolidated manifests pursuant to Health




and Safety Code Section 25160(b)(5)(A), you must provide all the transporter and facility identification




numbers (12 characters) used by your company on these manifests. If

necessary, list additional


identification numbers on a separate sheet.










5b. Fax Number


5c. E-mail Address

7.I intend to transport the following hazardous wastestream under the consolidated manifesting procedure, as described in Health and Safety Code, Section 25160.2. [Check all applicable box(es)]:

A.Used oil

B.Contents of an oil/water separator

C.Solids contaminated with used oil

D.Brake fluid


F.Antifreeze sludge

G.Parts cleaning solvents, including aqueous cleaning solvents

H.Hydroxide sludge contaminated solely with metals from a wastewater treatment process

I."Paint-related" wastes, including paints, thinners, filters, and sludges

J.Spent photographic solutions

K.Dry cleaning solvents (including perchloroethylene, naphtha, and silicone based solvents)

L.Filters, lint, and sludges contaminated with dry cleaning solvent

M.Asbestos and asbestos-containing materials

N.Inks from the printing industry

O.Chemicals and laboratory packs collected from K-12 schools

P.Absorbents contaminated with other wastes listed in Health and Safety Code Section 25160.2(c)

Q.Filters from dispensing pumps for diesel and gasoline fuels

8.Name and Title of Authorized Representative (print or type):

Signature of Authorized Representative

Use blue or other non-black ink


Note: Keep this Consolidated Transporter Notification, signed by DTSC, with the valid Transporter Registration Certificate in the vehicle at all times during the transportation of hazardous waste. Transportation of wastestream(s) listed above, under the consolidated manifesting procedure, without notifying DTSC is a violation of Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 25165(a), and may be subject to significant penalties. Consolidated transporters are also required to submit quarterly reports pursuant to HSC Section 25160.2(d).


Transportation Unit Representative

Received date

(Print or type name)

Expiration date


DTSC acknowledgement date

DTSC 1299 (7/09)



Enter the name, the “DBA” (doing business as) name, or fictitious name under which you are doing business. This will be the same name that will appear on the Registration Certificate issued by DTSC, the Certificate of Insurance for Public Liability Coverage (Form DTSC 8038), and the Endorsement for Motor Carrier Policies of Insurance for Public Liability (Form MCS- 90).

If you have more than one DBA or fictitious name, you must apply for a separate registration for each DBA or fictitious name under which you will transport hazardous waste.

2.TRANSPORTER REGISTRATION NUMBER - Enter your current Registration Number.

3.BUSINESS ADDRESS - Enter the complete business address.

4.MAILING ADDRESS - Enter the complete mailing address.

5.CONTACT NUMBERS - Enter the telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the business contact person.


If your company transports hazardous wastes, operates the designated facility, and intends to submit only the facility copy of the consolidated manifests pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 25160(b)(5)(A), you must provide all the transporter and facility identification numbers used by your company on these manifests.

7.Check all applicable boxes of wastestreams that you plan to transport under the consolidated manifesting procedure, as described in Health and Safety Code, Section 25160.2.

8.The business owner or officer who is authorized to make decisions for the business shall sign in the space provided.

Enter the full printed name and title of the person signing the form, and the date that the form was signed. Since the original signature is required on the form, please USE BLUE OR OTHER NON-BLACK INK.

DTSC 1299 (7/09)