Faa Form 8060 13 PDF Details

Fulfilling the requirements set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the FAA Form 8060-13 stands out as a fundamental component in the hiring process for air carriers, streamlining the required checks for pilot applicants in alignment with the Pilot Records Improvement Act of 1996 (PRIA). Enabling air carriers to request National Driver Registry (NDR) records is key to ensuring the safety and compliance of prospective pilots. With specific sections designed for completion by the hiring air carrier, the applicant, and for notifying the prospect about their rights, the form serves as a critical link between personal driving records and pilot eligibility. Key to this process is consent from the applicant, ensuring privacy and compliance with privacy laws. Additionally, the FAA Form 8060-13 highlights the necessity of proper identification and verification, further reinforcing the importance of transparency and accuracy in the hiring process. With the form available online, ease of access is ensured, making it a streamlined part of ensuring that only qualified candidates progress through the rigorous demands of pilot selection, reflecting a commitment to aviation safety and regulatory adherence.

Form NameFaa Form 8060 13
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namesfaa pria forms, dot faa records request, faa 8060 13, records faa national search

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Pilot Records Improvement Act Of 1996 (PRIA)

Title 49 U.S.C § 44703(h), RECORDS OF EMPLOYMENT OF PILOT APPLICANTS, as amended

Air carriers should use this form to request the appropri ate records from the National Driver Registry as contemplated under 49 U.S.C. § 44 703(h). Complete Instructions for t he use of thi s form, as well as proced ural information concerning the request of NDR records, are provided on the official PRIA website as listed below.


Request will not be deemed valid unless Parts I, II, and III are completed as specified below. This form may be photocopied for use.

This form is available on the Internet at http://www.faa.gov/pilots/lic_cert/pria/ or http://www.forms.faa.gov/ A separate form must be used for each airman whose records are requested.

Use of the date of birth, social security number, or other information for which there may be a reasonable expectation of privacy, is optional. However, use of this information, at the applicant’s discretion, could facilitate the retrieval of the appropriate records required by this request IAW PRIA. (See the Privacy Act Statement)

Part I – National Driver Register (NDR) Records Request: To be completed by the hiring Air Carrier.

All entries must be completed legibly with black or dark blue ink.

The hiring air carrier enters their name and air carrier certificate number. Personal information concerning the applicant is then entered into the respective spaces, with the date-of-birth and social security number being disclosed ONLY at the discretion of the applicant. The air carrier must ensure that complete mailing instructions are included with this request.

Part II – Consent To The Release Of Records: To be completed by the applicant.

All entries must be completed legibly with black or dark blue ink.

The applicant must read and understand the statement, and then authorize the request and release of the appropriate NDR records by signing and dating the form in the indicated spaces. A notarized signature MAY be required by the state.

Part III – Notice To The Prospective Employee.

The air carrier representative must ensure that the applicant is aware that a request for the appropriate NDR records will be made IAW PRIA, and that a copy of the records, once received, will be furnished to the applicant if they so desire. A legible copy of this form must be furnished to the applicant after being completed and signed. ID verification in III(a) is to be completed by the air carrier representative when the application is made in person. ID verification in III(b) is to be completed when the application is NOT made in person. The respective state MAY also require a notarized signature.


Title 49 United States Code (49 U.S.C.) § 44703 (h), Records of Employment of Pilot Applicants, as amended, requires all air carriers to request FAA records and Air Carrier and Other Records concerning an individual before allowing that individual to begin service as a pilot. 49 U.S.C. § 44703 (h) (8) requires the FAA Administrator to promulgate standard forms to request records. The information entered on the standard forms will be used to facilitate the search and retrieval of the required records. It is estimated that the average burden per respondent associated with this collection of FAA Records is 10 minutes. The requirement to collect and evaluate background information on the pilot, before allowing that pilot to begin service, is mandatory; however, the use of this form is not, although it is highly recommended. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, this request for information unless a current and valid OMB control number is prominently displayed. The OMB control number assigned to this collection is 2120-0607.


FAA Form 8060-13 (10-05)


PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: This statement is provided pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC § 552a:

The authority for collecting this information is contained in 49 U.S.C. §§ 40113, 44702, 44703, 44709. The principal purpose for which the information is intended to be used is to identify and evaluate your qualifications and eligibility for the issuance of an airman certificate and/or rating. Submission of the data is mandatory, except for the Social Security Number, which is voluntary. Failure to provide all required information will result in our being unable to issue you a certificate and/or rating. The information collected on this form will be included in a Privacy Act System of Records known as DOT/FAA 847, titled “Aviation Records on Individuals” and will be subject to the routine uses published in the System of Records Notice (SORN) for DOT/FAA 847 (see www.dot.gov/privacy/privacyactnotices), including:

(a)Providing basic airmen certification and qualification information to the public upon request; examples of basic information include:

The type of certificates and ratings held, limitations, date of issuance and certificate number;

The status of the airman’s certificate (i.e., whether it is current or has been amended, modified, suspended or revoked for any reason);

The airman’s home address, unless requested by the airman to be withheld from public disclosure per 49 U.S.C. 44703(c);

Information relating to an airman’s physical status or condition used to determine statistically the validity of FAA medical standards; and the date, class, and restrictions of the latest physical

Information relating to an individual’s eligibility for medical certification, requests for exemption from medical requirements, and requests for review of certificate denials.

(b)Using contact information to inform airmen of meetings and seminars conducted by the FAA regarding aviation safety.

(c)Disclosing information to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in connection with its investigation responsibilities.

(d)Providing information about airmen to Federal, State, local and tribal law enforcement agencies when engaged in an official investigation in which an airman is involved.

(e)Providing information about enforcement actions, or orders issued thereunder, to Federal agencies, the aviation industry, and the public upon request.

(f)Making records of delinquent civil penalties owed to the FAA available to the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for collection pursu- ant to 31 U.S.C. 3711(g).

(g)Making records of effective orders against the certificates of airmen available to their employers if the airmen use the affected certificates to perform job responsibilities for those employers.

(h)Making airmen records available to users of FAA’s Safety Performance Analysis System (SPAS), including the Department of Defense Commercial Airlift Division’s Air Car- rier Analysis Support System (ACAS) for its use in identifying safety hazards and risk areas, targeting inspection efforts for certificate holders of greatest risk, and monitoring the effectiveness of targeted oversight actions.

(i)Making records of an individual’s positive drug test result, alcohol test result of 0.04 or greater breath alcohol concentration, or refusal to submit to testing required under a DOT-required testing program, available to third parties, including current and prospective employers of such individuals. Such records also contain the names and titles of indi- viduals who, in their commercial capacity, administer the drug and alcohol testing programs of aviation entities.

(j)Providing information about airmen through the Civil Aviation Registry’s Comprehensive Airmen Information System to the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child Support Enforcement, and the Federal Parent Locator Service that locates noncustodial parents who owe child support. Records in this system are used to identify airmen to the child support agencies nationwide in enforcing child support obligations, establishing paternity, establishing and modifying support orders and location of obligors. Records listed within the section on Categories of Records are retrieved using Connect: Direct through the Social Security Administration’s secure environment.

(k)Making personally identifiable information about airmen available to other Federal agencies for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and completeness of medical information provided to FAA in connection with applications for airmen medical certification.

(l)Making records of past airman medical certification history data available to Aviation Medical Examiners (AMEs) on a routine basis so that AMEs may render the best medical certification decision.

(m)Making airman, aircraft and operator record elements available to users of FAA’s Skywatch system, including the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), DOJ and other authorized Federal agencies, for their use in managing, tracking and reporting aviation-related security events.

(n)Other possible routine uses published in the Federal Register (see Prefatory Statement of General Routine Uses for additional uses (65 F.R. 19477-78) For example, a record from this system of records may be disclosed to the United States Coast Guard (Coast Guard) and to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) if information from this system was shared with either agency when that agency was a component of the Department of Transportation (DOT) before its transfer to DHS and such disclosure is necessary to accomplish a DOT, TSA or Coast Guard function related to this system of records.

FAA FORM 8060-13 (10-05)

Form Approved: OMB No. 2120-0607

Exp. 8/31/2010


Pilot Records Improvement Act Of 1996 (PRIA)

Title 49 U.S.C. § 44703(h), RECORDS OF EMPLOYMENT OF PILOT APPLICANTS, as amended

Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 44703(h)(5), the NDR, as a person who receives a request for records under 49 U.S.C. § 44703(h)(1)(C), shall furnish a copy of the requested NDR records concerning all applicants, not later than 30 days after receiving the request.


This request authorizes the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to perform a one-time file search of the National Driver Register (NDR) for information pertaining to me, and to provide the results to the prospective employer listed below. This search is to be limited to information about revocations or suspensions still in effect on the date of the request or information entered into the NDR in the past 5 years from the date of the employment application. Upon my written request, the prospective employer listed below shall make available to me any NDR information received as a result of this search.

_______________________________________________ , ________________________ , hereby requests records pertaining to:

(Air Carrier Name)(Air Carrier Certificate #)

____________________________________ , ___________________________ , _____________________________

(Full Legal Name – first, middle, last)(Date Of Birth)(Social Security Number – optional)


(Other Names Used – maiden prior name, nickname, professional name, other. If none, enter ‘none’)

______________________________________ , _______ , _______________ , _______________ , _____________

(Driver License Number and State)(Gender) (Eye Color) (Height)(Weight)


(Mail the completed report to the requesting air carrier at this address)


Prospective Employee Understanding: I understand that the National Driver Register (NDR) search will result in a printed report,

which shall be sent only to the prospective employer listed on this form. The report will indicate either: (1) that the NDR does not contain a records matching my identification; or, (2) that the NDR has a probable identification (pointer record) from one or more states, which will be named on this report. A separate and additional check of state files, as a result of the pointer record, would be required: (1) to verify the identification; or, (2) to obtain the driving record. Under the Privacy Act, I have the right to request records pertaining to me from the NDR to verify their accuracy.

With my notarized signature, (If notarization is required) I hereby authorize a one-time file search of NDR related records pertaining to me, with any and all resulting reports to be sent to the prospective employer named in Part I of this form.



(Signature Of Applicant)

(Date Of Signature)


Pursuant to Title 49 (U.S.C.) § 44703(h)(6) Records of Employment of Pilot Applicants, as amended, you are hereby notified, by being provided with a completed copy of this form, that the above air carrier will submit an FAA Records Request (PRIA) for your NDR related records. You are also notified of your right to receive a copy of any and all such records furnished by the NDR.

III(a). For Official ID Verification

III(b). Notarization

Date Received:

Date Sent:


Internal Control:

Required only if the NDR File Check Request is NOT made in





person by the prospective employee, or by the respective state.

___Valid Photo Driver License

___State Issued Photo ID

Sworn to and ascribed before me this_____day of __________

___Birth Certificate

___Valid Passport

In the city/county of_______________________state of_____

___Valid Military ID

___Military Discharge


___Other ___________________________________________

Signature of Notary Public_____________________________

(Indicate the specific type of identification used.)

Notary Public Seal:



Printed name and signature of person verifying identification.







How to Edit Faa Form 8060 13 Online for Free

You may complete faa form 8060 fillable easily with our PDFinity® online tool. We at FormsPal are aimed at providing you the absolute best experience with our editor by regularly introducing new features and enhancements. Our editor has become a lot more intuitive as the result of the newest updates! Now, working with PDF documents is easier and faster than before. By taking a couple of simple steps, it is possible to begin your PDF editing:

Step 1: Click the "Get Form" button at the top of this page to open our tool.

Step 2: After you access the editor, you'll notice the document all set to be completed. Besides filling in various blanks, you may as well perform many other things with the PDF, such as putting on your own textual content, modifying the initial textual content, inserting images, affixing your signature to the form, and more.

This form will require particular info to be filled out, hence you need to take your time to enter what is required:

1. While filling in the faa form 8060 fillable, make certain to include all necessary blank fields within the relevant part. It will help facilitate the work, enabling your details to be processed quickly and properly.

Simple tips to prepare faa form 8060 step 1

2. The next part is usually to fill out these fields: PART I NATIONAL DRIVER REGISTER.

Step no. 2 for completing faa form 8060

3. In this specific step, look at IIIa For Official ID Verification, Date Sent, Internal Control, Date Received Valid Photo Driver, IIIb Notarization, and Required only if the NDR File. Each of these need to be filled in with greatest precision.

Date Sent, Required only if the NDR File, and Internal Control of faa form 8060

It is possible to make an error while completing the Date Sent, therefore be sure you go through it again prior to deciding to submit it.

Step 3: When you have reviewed the details you filled in, simply click "Done" to complete your document creation. Right after creating a7-day free trial account here, you will be able to download faa form 8060 fillable or email it right away. The form will also be available in your personal account page with your adjustments. FormsPal guarantees your information confidentiality by having a protected system that never saves or distributes any type of personal data provided. Be assured knowing your documents are kept protected when you use our services!