Form 1033 PDF Details

The 1033 form serves as a critical juncture for individuals with criminal convictions involving dishonesty or a breach of trust, seeking to engage or continue in the insurance industry. It's a short form application that requests written consent under the statutes of 18 U.S.C. § 1033 and 1034, catering specifically to those whose actions directly affect interstate commerce. This document is more than just paperwork; it's a second chance for many, offering a path to reintegrate into a profession guarded by trust and honesty. Applicants must provide comprehensive personal and professional details, including any previous criminal history, and articulate their current or proposed role in the insurance sector. The process calls for thorough transparency, requiring several attachments like a certified criminal history and details of any convictions. The form isn't just a bureaucratic step; it's a testament to the applicant's willingness to rebuild and contribute positively, all under the scrutinizing eyes of the chief insurance regulatory official in their state. The 1033 form embodies a blend of legal compliance, personal accountability, and the intricate process of professional redemption and restoration of rights, balancing regulatory safeguards with opportunities for individual rehabilitation.

Form NameForm 1033
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesapplication 1033, form written insurance, form 1033, naic written

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18 U.S.C. § 1033 AND 1034



Notice to Applicant: 18 U.S.C. § 1033 prohibits certain activities by or affecting persons engaged, or proposing to become engaged, in the business of insurance:




Any individual who has been convicted of any criminal felony involving dishonesty


or a breach of trust, or who has been convicted of an offense under this section, and


who willfully engages in the business of insurance whose activities affect interstate


commerce or participates in such business, shall be fined as provided in this title or


imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.



(B)Any individual who is engaged in the business of insurance whose activities affect interstate commerce and who willfully permits the participation described in subparagraph (A) shall be fined as provided in this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.




A person described in paragraph (1)(A) may engage in the business of insurance or


participate in such business if such person has the written consent of any regulatory


official authorized to regulate the insurer, which consent specifically refers to this





This Application will be reviewed by the chief insurance regulatory official in this state to determine whether the Applicant should be given written consent to engage in the business of insurance or participate in the business pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1033(e)(2).

You must answer every question on the Application. If a question does not apply, indicate N/A in the space provided for the answer. Your answers are not limited to the space provided on the Application. Attach additional pages as needed. The Department of Insurance will not process incomplete Applications. Additional information may be requested.

© 1998 National Association of Insurance Commissioners



1.Full Name of Applicant:


Last Name

First Name



Have you ever been known by or used another name, including maiden name? o yes

o no

If yes, identify:_____________________________________________________________________________________



Street Address




Mailing Address:___________________________________________________________________________________

P.O. Box or Street Address




Home Telephone Number:_____________________________

Work Telephone Number:_____________________________

Social Security No._________________________

Have you ever used or been issued another social security number?_________ If so, provide an explanation and

previous/other social security number(s) ______________________________________________________________

Place and Date of Birth:_____________________________________________________________________________

(Answer all questions fully and completely. Failure to answer the questions fully will result in delays in the application process. You are not limited to the space below. Attach additional pages if needed).


1.List any felony(s) for which you have been arrested, charged, indicted, or convicted. Include details of any negotiated plea agreements and pleas of nolo contendre to an Information or indictment. Attach a full description of your acts involved in the aforementioned matters. Include dates of charge, location, and nature of offense. Attach additional pages if needed.







2.Provide details of the conviction for which you are seeking written consent and the final disposition of these matter(s) , including sentence; dates of incarceration; dates of probation/parole (if you are currently under probation/parole, include the name and phone number of person supervising your parole or probation; restitution paid; fines/costs ordered: fines/costs paid; and pardons granted. Include information as to whether or not your civil and political rights have been restored. Attach additional pages if needed.









1.Please specify the name and address of your current or proposed employer to which the requested exemption will apply.



2.Please describe in detail the office, position, and title. to which the requested exemption will apply and a complete description of the activities, duties and responsibilities. Please attach or describe any proposed or current written or oral agreements, contracts, or understandings with any entity engaged in the business of insurance as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 1033. (If consent is given, it will be applicable to the

activities described herein.) Please include your date of employment or proposed date of employment.










Attach the following documents to this Application for written consent. Applications without attachments, or applications with incomplete attachments, will be returned to the applicant.

1.Certified copy of the applicant’s criminal history.

2.Certified copy of the indictment, criminal complaint, or docket sheet or other initiating documents for the charge(s) which is the subject of this Application.

3.A certified copy of the order of judgment and sentence of the court for the conviction that is the subject of this Application, including certification of completion and performance of all conditions imposed by the court.

4.An affidavit from the individual that seeks to employ you stating in detail the duties and responsibilities that you are performing or are to perform for them and for which you seek written consent and that it is that individual’s opinion that the performance of these responsibilities does not constitute a threat to the public.

I, ___________________________________ (name of applicant), swear under penalty of law that my

statements in the attached Application, and the documents appended thereto, are true and correct and complete. I understand that my statements in the Application and the attachments to my Application will be relied upon by the Insurance Commissioner of the State of

____________________ in the execution of his or her duties under the Insurance Code, and 18

U.S.C. § 1033, in making a decision on this Application. I understand that if I have made any false statement in this Application, or if there are any false statements included in the attachments to this Application, I may be criminally prosecuted under any state criminal or administrative remedies available and that any insurance license(s) that I currently hold, or for which I have applied, will be subject to suspension or revocation. I further understand that these false statement(s) would also constitute a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1033. For purposes of this Application, I do not contest the validity of any felony conviction upon which this request would be granted. By signing this

Application, I acknowledge that the Insurance Department, for the State of______________

________ may conduct an independent investigation to confirm the information in this

Application and I expressly consent and authorize any person, business or agency to release any information the Insurance Department may request as part of the investigation, including but not limited to, records of my former employment, state and federal tax

returns, business records, and banking records.




Signature of Applicant


STATE OF ______________ )





COUNTY OF __________



Subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledged before me by ___________________________________ to be his/her free act

and deed this _____ day of ____________________, 19_____.





Notary Public, State at Large

My Commission Expires


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2. Right after performing the previous step, go to the next stage and complete the necessary particulars in these fields - List any felonys for which you, and Provide details of the conviction.

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3. Throughout this part, review . Each one of these will need to be completed with greatest accuracy.

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Be very mindful while filling out this field and next field, since this is the part where most users make a few mistakes.

4. This fourth paragraph comes next with the next few blank fields to look at: Please specify the name and, and Please describe in detail the.

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5. The form has to be finalized with this area. Further one can find an extensive list of fields that need appropriate information to allow your form submission to be complete: relied upon by, the, Insurance Commissioner of, I name of applicant swear under, Signature of Applicant, Date, STATE OF, and COUNTY OF.

the, COUNTY OF, and Signature of Applicant inside naic written

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