Form 1924 25 PDF Details

The 1924 25 form, officially titled as Form RD 1924-25 and approved by the USDA's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), serves a critical role in the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Development and Farm Service Agency programs. This document, vital for professionals such as licensed architects, engineers, or authorized building officials, is a plan certification required for single-family and multi-family building projects. Its primary purpose is to ensure that plans, specifications, and modifications for a property, including thermal performance and seismic designs, comply with the applicable development standards set forth by the United States government. Notably, the form mandates a detailed review and certification process, which encompasses evaluating thermal performance, seismic design specifications, and any modifications to the original plans. By adhering to RD Instruction 1924-A, Exhibit D, for energy standards and requirements, this certification process aims to induce government financing for construction projects by confirming compliance with designated Rural Development or Farm Service Agency development standards. Completion of Form RD 1924-25 is a testament to the accuracy and compliance of the construction plans, under penalty of law for false certification, making it an indispensable document for ensuring the integrity and compliance of development projects within USDA-supported programs.

Form NameForm 1924 25
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out45 sec
Other namesform 1924 25, form rd 25, rural development certification, modifying rural development certifications

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Form Approved OMB


Form RD 1924­25

No. 0575­0042


(Rev. 7­99)





(Property Name/Applicants Name and Case Number)

(Property Address)






Single Family








(type or print)


in the State of



the plans and specifications dated

for the above property



being a

(licensed architect, engineer, or authorized building official, etc.)

,hereby certify that I have reviewed:

prepared by

(name of firm or individual)

the thermal performance plans, specifications and calculations dated

prepared by

for the above property



(name of firm or individual)





the seismic design (plans and specifications) dated



prepared by







for the above property






(name of firm or individual)





modifications listed below, that have been clearly indicated on the drawings and specifications




prepared by





and certified by








(name of firm or individual)

and related to the above property

(name of firm or individual)


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0575­0042. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Based upon this review, to the best of my/our knowledge, information, and belief, these documents comply with the:


(name and edition of the applicable development standard)

(name and edition of the applicable energy standards/requirements in accordance with RD Instruction 1924­A, Exhibit D)

designated as the applicable Rural Development or Farm Service Agency development standards for this project.

I understand the purpose of this certification is to induce United States Government to finance the construction of the above project and plan. I further understand that false certification constitutes a violation of 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 punishable by fine and/or imprisonment and, in addition, may result in debarment from participating in future government programs.













(Type or print name)



(Professional Registration No.)

















(Expiration Date if applicable)








(Area Code + Telephone Number)






How to Edit Form 1924 25 Online for Free

In case you desire to fill out rural development certification, you won't need to download and install any sort of programs - simply use our PDF editor. To make our tool better and simpler to work with, we continuously come up with new features, taking into account feedback coming from our users. Should you be looking to get going, here's what it will require:

Step 1: Click the "Get Form" button above on this page to open our PDF tool.

Step 2: The editor offers the capability to modify the majority of PDF forms in various ways. Change it with any text, correct original content, and place in a signature - all within the reach of a few mouse clicks!

When it comes to blanks of this specific form, here's what you should know:

1. The rural development certification needs specific information to be typed in. Be sure the following blank fields are finalized:

Ways to fill in rd 1924 25 plan certification step 1

2. Now that this array of fields is done, you're ready to include the necessary details in the thermal performance plans, prepared by, for the above property, name of firm or individual, the seismic design plans and, prepared by, name of firm or individual, for the above property, modifications listed below that, dated, prepared by, and certified by, name of firm or individual, and related to the above property, and name of firm or individual in order to move forward to the next part.

rd 1924 25 plan certification completion process detailed (part 2)

Those who work with this PDF generally make mistakes while filling out the thermal performance plans in this part. Be sure to re-examine everything you enter here.

3. Completing Based upon this review to the best, name and edition of the applicable, and, name and edition of the applicable, designated as the applicable Rural, I understand the purpose of this, Signature, Date, Type or print name, Professional Registration No, Title, and Expiration Date if applicable is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

Learn how to fill in rd 1924 25 plan certification part 3

4. All set to begin working on this fourth segment! In this case you've got these Area Code Telephone Number blanks to fill out.

Stage number 4 of filling out rd 1924 25 plan certification

Step 3: You should make sure the details are right and then click on "Done" to complete the task. After getting a7-day free trial account at FormsPal, it will be possible to download rural development certification or send it through email at once. The PDF file will also be readily available in your personal account menu with your edits. FormsPal is dedicated to the privacy of our users; we ensure that all personal data going through our editor is kept secure.